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Captain Jacob Badger

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Everything posted by Captain Jacob Badger

  1. He'll naught hit a side o' a barn at this dist......................
  2. Ant an'Dec's saturday night live!!......naught that I watch such tripe mind
  3. I be a Roberts fan....tho, naught agreein' wi' his 'no drinkin' policy, he still kicked arse as a pirate.....plus he was welsh......arrr
  4. :: he nodded to Jack and continued up the stairs, walked to the Bo'sun...:: Thankee Mr. Badger... ye may take yer leave iffn' ye wish... ''Aye sah.......But the night be a calmin' on me soul.......I mighten have me another hour on topside sah........'tis a time fer rememberin' aye?''......(moves t' starb'd rail).........''s'kinda' odd havin' the frenchys tailin' us liken this sah!......naught a place I likes t' see a frig......she should be up front wi' US chasin' her!.....hurr hurrr!''....(a racked laugh starts deep in the chest an' ends wi' a bellow that would wake old Hob)........'' Sorry sah!.....all the talk o' blighty wi' the Cap'n has made me a might nationalistic inside sah''......(chuckles..).
  5. Neutral!!........and a girl!!!........s'mits naught right there
  6. Dude...thats scary!...... here's me first act o' piracy at the IFOS..portsmouth.....this was the ship I lightened of thier 'gaffer tape'....(duct tape t' those naught of these waters...) When me sheath broke on me cutlass......this ship gave me repair...hurr hurr......frenchys...eh!!.........they'll do anything fer a photo wi' a pirate..
  7. quite jolly.......consid'rin that he almost stopped all shippin' in the atlantic..........hussah fer Henry!! BLACK BART..
  8. hurr hurr....real.....is the way t' go.......just don't load it!.....over here the laws are ........ifin ye holds a 'black powder' licence....(liken a shot gun licence)...then yer sorted.......'tis naught hard t' get......unless ye be of (lets naught go there).....wi' a ruck sack......etc.....kits are good t'.....
  9. As the steady rain washed over his face.....the Bo'sun pondered on something Mr. Youngblood had said earlier t' last day.......while the tense moments of the frenchy frig had been the play......''something about a......''. He cursed himself fer drinkin' too much as a boy. The memories just flow away like the tide sometimes!...''Dammit!....'twas somethin' t' do wi' the frenchy....but wot?''......Shakes 'is head and wipes the rain again from his eyes...''ARRR Bugger it!..''..........''You man, heave that line taught!!....he shouts at the lad.
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