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Captain Jacob Badger

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Everything posted by Captain Jacob Badger

  1. Arrr...'ere be one donated by me wench..Long Meg..... When corsair penelope swoons, her breasts pop out like balloons, th' first mate stands by, wit' a gleam in his eye, an' pops em back in with warm spoons.... aye
  2. Aye, ye be right there....should 'ave started at the beginin', 'stead o' just burstin' in.....(doffs hat.......backs away)
  3. Wot about lamp oil? 't is been used fer centuries.....one lighted and well maintained lamp can supply the whole ship with fire.....from galley to cannon. it worked for the Egyptians..... they used it for hundreds of years.....and then there was the Romans...lets not start there shall we.... Just a thought...
  4. I calls it ''me Cap'ns gear''..or ''me badger skin''. but thats only 'cos i'm strange 'n' welsh......and stoned most of the time.
  5. I 'ave got a picture of one of those....just no nought how to be attatchin' it to the reply window....
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