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Everything posted by Silent

  1. Thanks mate
  2. (note: I looked back a few pages and couldn't find anything like this so I'm now posting it) Ok, so we all know there is a big debate on the types of shoes to where. Buckle vs Bucket(like in the movie POTC if you didn't know). Now what I want to ask is what years are each shoe from? When was the bucket shoe invented, who and when were they worn? Same with the buckle shoe. Also why is the bucket shoe frowned apon so much? And thoughts, questions, insight post them here.
  3. At first I thought Louie was really cool, he is a awesome player but once he became Captain the hate got in the way. He makes a better crew men then a captain anyday, and that's why he didn't want to be cap. He always hated Joe Don but not all eyes where on him and now that they are it's kinda foolish to hate someone so much. He has other things he should be doing.
  4. Thank you so much, Im gonna have to go pick it up now
  5. What I want to know if how is the game played before I buy it
  6. NOTE: I didn't know if I should post this here or Pirate Pop so please move if need be So I was at the game store today looking for a game my friends and I can enjoy every weekend night and I found the game Dread Pirate. To my dismay the box it comes in is wrapped shut and it didn't tell you what the game was really about and nor does the website (www.frontporchclassics.com) I was hoping if any of you have it and or played it could give me the low down because the booty on this game is a little much ($99USD for the special ed or $49 for the normal) and if I'm going to spend that much booty on a table top game I'd like to know what the pros and cons are of it. Thanks mates fer any help ye be givin me on this.
  7. To me Joe Don is a bad apple and needs to leave. And I'm sure just like every show like that they vote the weak ones off first then realize they are up againts the strongest and need to work even harder to get them off.
  8. I'm watching it on CBS.com right now and I just watched the first show and I have to say I really like it, I wish I could do something like that
  9. Yeah I'm working about 96 right now
  10. (Please move if need be) Work seems to be all I'm doing lately. I haven't been in here for little over a month and I want to say sorry for that. The deal is i work for and outsource for Boeing called Triumph and we make airplane parts for them. Well with the new 787 Dreamliner being build we are just jammed packed with work, and if that wasn't bad enough. The contract for Triumph run's out on the 31rst (I'm Union) So everyone is trying to get atleast a $3 raise and if not we are striking I really don't want to strike but then again I would love the time off. So that's what I've been up to.
  11. This swing shift working is getting out of hand.... I haven't even had time to get any swag and it's almost time for POTC3 by the time I send for it all I wont get it. blah Sorry i'm just ranting, it's been a crazy week. What have you all been up to?
  12. Cat (my Mom's cat's name)
  13. Foggy (like in the movies)
  14. It wasnt a big deal, just had to re-new the server name / dot com It happens to a lot of people running a site, most people need to pay yearly.
  15. DJ KEKE-LUV holds this world record no one else in the USA holds. This is what happened, last Monday April 2nd in my city of Spokane Washington DJ Keke Luv raised money for a child abouse foundation raising over $10,000 by playing on the air for 125 hours with NO SLEEP. The rules went as fallowed: - Must play song no shorter then 2min and no longer then 6min - Must talk after every song and say the time so you know it's live - Has to play music even when off the air during a commercial - IF HE FALLS ASLEEP HE IS OUT Well he did it, went 125 hours with no sleep. It was kinda funny near the end of it because he was getting a little loopy and weird www.live1045.com
  16. Random thought: I'm tired of working swing shift because it's getting in the way of things I want to do like fencing class and a few others. It'll be around 3months before I can move to day shift. oh and did I mention work 12 days in a row SUCKS!
  17. Yeah that wouldn't have been good
  18. I don't even know how to get a banana seed
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