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Everything posted by Silent

  1. I love that show, another fav of mine is Last Man Standing. It's a show about these guys that go different tribes to compete in different sport events
  2. Like I always say, everything happens for a reason
  3. Thanks guys, everything got settled. Legally she can't kick me out because she isn't the landlord and and eviction notice is due through the court. I'm moving back to spokane. Thanks guys, take care and I'll talk to you all soon I hope
  4. Hey all, I thought I'd ask you guys this question because I look up to a lot of you and know alot of you are good people. I moved into a home through a friend, well someone who I thought was my friend. Said friend is renting and as far as I know there are only two people on the lease, her and her son. I've been living in this house which resides in Kirkland WA for the past few months, two or three give or take. There are four people living in this house including myself that are not on the lease and never mentioned to the landlord so I know she is violating her lease terms. Yesterday (yes thanksgiving) she told me to get out and said I only have three days. Three days is not enough time for anyone to move when not working and I need to know if I'm eligible for a 30 day notice even though I'm not on the lease? Alot has lead up to her kicking me out, such things as her being crazy, she uses me and another room mate, I found out she is living for free and not paying anything for rent. She had an orgy in the living room and I disaproved duh, she spent my rent money that I gave her and to get it back said she "had" to do sexual things to get the money back and when I said there are other ways to get money she got very upset. It's a long long story trust me, bottom line is she is crazy, said I have three days to get out and everyone is telling me I have 30 legally but I need proff to show her. Today is day two, any help, will help greatly
  5. The link doesn't work
  6. Bad day? No... Good day... (Anyone know why friday the 13th is considered bad luck? I do.... ) Aye I do.... Penny Loafers I was born on the 13th and have had many birthdays on a friday Shoe
  7. bad birthday
  8. I sort of agree on this.... Too many mySpace users go WAY too heavy with the graphics and video clips all over thier pages... Like a Vegas slot machine on crack... But I find most people that use mySpace regularly tend to be more sensible about it... Anyway, not sure if I posted this before, but here is my... mySpace page link. Very true, I limit mine to a little. I use it for talking anyway, not for showing off (if there is such a thing on myspace)
  9. Well since the old post of this subject is long go...Or atleast I can't find it anywhere after searching like I'd be searching for booty(the gold kind ) I thought i'd bring it back up because I'd like to add all of you to my myspace My Myspace Page Link
  10. Game Website Pre-Order page
  11. So I finally moved my pirate butt over to the greater Seattle area and I must say I love it over here. It's alot more pirate friendly, I can find all kinds of swag and ofcourse it's close to the water. Then I got the internet back and had to check the ol' forums. Oh man oh man do I have a lot of reading and catching up to do
  12. Wonderful pictures
  13. I would'a liked to see Joh Don stay for a few more ep
  14. Are you from down south
  15. Yeah, i wanted to make a flat walking area as the base on some plastic barrles maybe with a mast and a ruter. I'm not sure how I'd go about putting all this together but I thought it would make a fun summer thing to do with friends
  16. I didn't know where else to post this. Anyway my buddy and I are looking to build a raft for the lake, put some pirate flags on it, that sorta thing. We don't really know where to start so I did some searching on the interweb and didn't find much there eather. Do any of you happen to know a site that has good blue print to make a raft, for a 3-4 men. I can't swim so it'll have to be a good one
  17. Tiny (it was his nickname)
  18. I bought it, it's good
  19. Poor guy, there was nothing he could do really, his rod had a harness that goes around his body. You can see it, it's the white looking thing on his back. Still funny though, hope he was alright.
  20. Tiki Bar (in FL)
  21. Wow Aurore Devareaux I love the boots, they look well worn which gives them an awesome look. (ok, sorry I didn't know what you ment at first. Pictures of boots sounds like it can be fun, could we do buckled shoes as well?)
  22. Aye it belongs in plunder, but that be ok. Here try this link The Boot Debate
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