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Everything posted by Silent

  1. Yeah I just found the website from an OLD OLD OLD post of mine www.pyratetradingcompany.com I don't think they are still in operation anymore, either that or my web browser is acting up
  2. (please move this post if needed) Sorry I've been MIA for god only knows how long. I'm 22 years old so I've been trying to live it up the best I can. Got addicted to a few online games, kicked that habit out the door and now just trying to enjoy the outdoors and life. So the past few weeks my best buddy of mine who I've known since high school, a real good guy, like the brother I never had, hell I've even saved his life, twice. Anyway, him and I were sitting around talking about the prices of things and how crazy gas is getting. How we don't enjoy our jobs or the city we live in and really just having one of those drunken talks but haven't been drinking kind of talks if you know what I mean and well we realized we are very young and the world is there for the taking. You can do anything if you put your mind to it. I grew up with very little and I can appreciate the things I have and I don't need much to be happy. Same as him, he lives in a small apt with not much either, we're pretty much in the same boat. I even thought about joining the army a few years back just because I really didn't know what to do. Life is crazy like that sometimes I guess. BUT ANYWAY this is what we are planning on for hopes for next year, next summer. We both love the ocean, it puts us at a calm, a since of peace. We both love music and love to play music. So we figure why not live out our dream of being "pirates." More less meaning, do what we want for the most part, go to work when we want and live where we want. <<<<<<<POINT OF THE STORY>>>>>>>> Sorry, him and I are planning on buying a sailboat next year, maybe a 28footer or if we can afford it something bigger and nicer. A liveaboard boat and we are going to live on that and sail up and down the Washington Puget Sound until we get good at sailing and who knows, the world is our oyster. Maybe go down to Cali for the winter or Hawaii. For food we will fish, go to food banks, maybe even get donations. We were even thinking about pitching the idea to T.V. networks for a reality show. For extra cash we'll go ashore and do musical street performances and if need be we'll dock and work normal jobs but the idea is to be free like pirates, go where we want with out being held back by rent, electric bills, gas stuff like that. We'll be having the time of our life's living out our dream. We are young, no need to settle down now. Before the year is up we are going to be attending a sailing school, learning our musical instruments and saving cash for the boat. I just wanted to share that with you all, I'm really excited. I'll keep you posted!
  3. Silent

    ^, <, V

    ^ Never really been to a party, I know huh, lame. Oh well < Excited about the big plan for next year. Living on a sailboat will be a dream come true V Favorite water activity?
  4. Top Ramen, shrimp flavor. Food fit for a king
  5. Eh, it's been a while since I've been on this forum and I'm sad not to have found a post on here of who I'm looking for because it only goes 2 pages back. BUT Im looking for the leather maker who makes that lovely muti-pistol holder strap thing, holds something like 6 or 7 pistols across your chest, I know you also make hats. Can't think of who that was or where the website is. Any help I will think you forever
  6. I'll have to see if I can order me some of that, looks tasty
  7. Picture maybe next time would be nice?
  8. I was reading about this getting all excited thinking Port WA was in....well WA. Yeah I was way off
  9. Never met any of them, I know sad huh. I need to get my butt down to FL before I die
  10. I was always into www.megatokyo.com Link here
  11. Just wondering, since we are all going by alias and heck we are one big happy pirate family anyway. What be yer real name then? Mine is Dustin - meaning is Warrior You don't need the meaning, I just like mine Other names gone by: Cypher, John Raven
  12. Time to update my adds then, most of you (the ones I don't already have) will be getting an add from me, my name is Dustin by the way.
  13. Silent

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yep, pretty much winging it, altough I do plan on getting a better job < Can't stop playing World of Warcraft V Where was the last place you went out to eat?
  14. I just can't get into those browser based games. I'm playing Pirates of the Burning Sea right now and omg it's like I'm living my dream!
  15. I still like the original
  16. It's kind'a weird here, one day it snows a foot, then the next day the rain melts it all away. It does that about every week.
  17. ^ Is a Legend amon pirates
  18. Australia (great barrier reef)
  19. Pirate Windows Interface Have a look at what I found! Tired of that old windows look? Spice it up with this pirate windows theme! Enjoy!
  20. And to think I just moved back to Spokane from the Seattle area. I'm kind'a glad I did now I can't believe that flooding, I've never seen it that bad over there before! I love living in WA. Earth Quakes ever 20 years, no tornatos, freak flash floods. The weather here is very random
  22. That looks really good
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