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Everything posted by Silent

  1. Hope everyone has a fun and safe Saint Patrick's Day!!! Remember to drink responsibly and don't drive if you can help it! Little History on Saint Patrick, Pirates captured Patrick at the age of 16, during a raid and sold him as a slave in Ireland. During this time, Patrick dedicated himself to religion. He was a slave for 6 years, and then escaped back to his home of Britain. Patrick's experiences in Ireland made him driven by the idea of converting the Irish to Christianity. He studied in the monastery of Lerins, on an island off the southeast coast of France. Patrick also went to Auxerre, France, and studied religion under Saint Germanus, a French bishop. His religious superiors were reluctant to let him return to Ireland as a missionary, because of his inadequate education. But Palladius, the first Irish missionary bishop, died in 431. Pope Celestine I then sent Patrick to Ireland. No one had ever preached Christianity in northern and western Ireland,so this is where Patrick began his work. He gained the trust and friendship of several tribal leaders and soon made many converts. Patrick founded more than 300 churches and baptized more than 120,000 people. He brought in clergymen for his new churches from England and France. Patrick preached in Ireland the rest of his life. Patrick was chiefly responsible for converting the Irish people to Christianity. He became known as the Apostle to the Irish. His name in Latin is Patricius. Patrick wrote CONFESSION in his later years, an account of his spiritual development, to justify his mission to Ireland. This, along with his other writings, are the most important sources of information about his life and work. Many stories about Patrick are based only on legend. One of the best-known tales tells how he charmed the snakes of Ireland into the sea so they were drowned. According to another legend, Patrick used a three-leaf shamrock to illustrate the idea of the Trinity. Many people believe the shamrock came to be the traditional symbol of Ireland as a result of this legend. Today, Irish Catholics throughout the world celebrate Saint Patrick's Day on his feast day, March 17.
  2. That movie was made the year I was born, so it has to be good! Plus it has Walter, one of my fav actors, rest his soul.
  3. http://www.puzzlepirates.com I haven't played it myself but it seems like a fun past time when you don't have anything else to do. From the looks of it you create your own pirate and play little games like tetris, bingo, strategy games. Seems fun, check it out!
  4. You wouldn't think it but they have very sharp claws every time I give them a bath they do a number on my hands by jumping on them to get out of the water. I think next time I'm wearing gloves
  5. I guess I could just link it, good thinking, that's why I keep you around
  6. Sure they are mean Dolphins with "freakin' lasers attached to there heads" are mean and scary But yeah, mostly just bottle nosed Dolphins are aggressive and will kill and eat other animals even including there own kind for amusement.
  7. These are my pets Daisy and Delilah. Daisy the colored one was my friends but she is allergic so I adopted her and so she won't get lonley when I'm at work or out I got her a friend, Delilah (the white one). They are a ton of fun and very smart!
  8. I'm strictly a graphite person myself. Mostly because I have a lot of freedom with the blending and shading. I've never been that good is using color mediums.
  9. That style of art is called Vexel. There are many different ways of going about it but in the end you'll get that "comic book" look to it. Do a youtube search for Vexel Tutorials and pull some ideas from those to see what you can come up with. As an artist myself always remember your worst critic is yourself.
  10. I'm pretty excited to start my own home brewing. There is a place here in town that is a home brewing shop, I have yet to go inside it yet but I'm sure I'll be like a kid in a candy store. The idea of handing a friend a beer and telling them that you made it will be rewarding.
  11. Some people have nothing better to do I swear. I'll keep a weathered eye out on the forums
  12. So I was editing my myspace like I do and realized there isn't really a home page on the forums like we use to have. We use to have HTML links that we could put on website so people could click on them. Do we still have those anywhere? I would love to use one for my blog site and pass the word around!
  13. Wonder why? Mostly for Cosplay I'd imagine, I guess anime charters have rope sandals?
  14. Meatloaf! It's my first time making it and it rocks!
  15. Ew I hate dolphin's such mean animals in the wild
  16. Try Suncoast or any store that sells anime stuff. I've seen a lot of them with anime for some reason
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