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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. I think the answer is BIG breakfast.
  2. Frozen strawberry daiquiri with whipped cream and a cherry
  3. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  4. Blimey! I think the Tsunami Kate is listing to starboard! (Ciaran grabs a glass of the wine and the turkey before they slide off the table!)
  5. hmm, lots of languages being spoken.....so how about...... United Nations
  6. err, hmmm, come again?
  7. Eek! Sorry Charity, we posted at the same time!
  8. Jacob, did you just write The world is a mushroom? or The mushrooms are everywhere? I can't decipher your comment. Mushrooms
  9. Aye, Fancy, it does...."Once I had a love and it was a blast....soon found out had a heart of glass".
  10. Best of Blondie Tide is High, Call Me, Sunday Girl, Atomic....oh yeah! Great music on a Saturday night.
  11. Quebec City (okay, when I read O'Malley who I know is a famous female pirate, it reminds me of one of her direct descendants who is a friend of mine living in Quebec City)
  12. Aye, tis Friday the 13th! To we pagan pirates, thirteen is still a very lucky number! What magnificent lookin' cheeseburgers, William. I'll take one, with lots of tomatos, pickles, ketchup and mustard! Fancy, would ye be wantin' one, too? Me treat. Captain PEW, I be lovin' the revolvin green pirate on yer postings! Awesome! Happy Weekend, me hearties!
  13. up the butt (oh don't look so surprised!)
  14. Aye, 'tis a big one, Fancy. Please join me and we'll tackle 'em together! (slides chair out to make a seat for her) Cheers!
  15. grilled cheese sandwich
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