(Ciaran was in such deep concentration with what he was lookin' at through his glass, that the Quartermaster startled him when he spoke. Keepin' his glass to right eye, the Lookout opens his closed left one and quickly nods to Dorian, before closing it again to continue lookin' through the glass.)
Aye, tis a good mornin' indeed, Mister Lasseter. Nice of ye to climb up. It is certainly the best view around. And speakin' of views, if'n me eyes are correct, there be a handful of tiny little islands on the horizon, over there.
(Ciaran hands his eye piece to Dorian and points to where he should look.)
Jes saw 'em a couple minutes before yer arrival and was tryin' to determine how many there be. I count 4 fer sure, but looks like there could be a couple more to their right. Do ye see 'em?