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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *Enters the Ward with Steward in tow. Taking in DaggezEber's volitile agitation she glances to the side* Armand...ne pas s' approcher de Monsuier. Comprendre, oui? *The lad stays by the room's entrance as she moves slowly to cut the distance. With quiet address..* Ah, Mister Daggezeber...I see we are awake and feeling rather firey. This is a good sign...Your affects are in safe keeping in the locked chest you see against that far wall. All accounted and noted...As to assasins, my dear man...it is of a slighted manner for you to announce things is such a manner. *Watches closely to gage his temperment* Now...If you will be so kind as to calm yourself...I would like to check on the injuries you have sustained and change the dressings....
  2. Mate, thar be no secrets upon this ship! Adding that the women addressed fer employ on the Watch Dog are without exception the best man for their job. We are but brothers and sisters thar will be no incest! *Passing by on the way back to the Ward, with a look suspicion at First Mate Phil and pausing...* Is there a problem, gentelman? I do beg your pardon...but if it is that you feel that my reputation as a practitioneer of Medical Arts is of a sub-par level...Then you are more than welecome to address said issue...*jaw set ridgid* Now...if you will excuse me. Time and tide wait for no man and either do the needs of those in my care. I shall be below.
  3. You are most welcome, Sir. If you will excuse me...I shall move to an area that is of convienence and out of the way. *Watching after Dorian's departure, she gathers the pot and retreats to the Taffrail and a large coil of rope. Taking a seat upon its surface, she opens the volume concerning frequent maladies at sea; ocassionally glancing up from the pages to assure she is not in way of disturbing the progress of duties taking place.*
  4. *Notices Dorian's approach, mid-sip of coffee and allows a small secretive smile fleet and dissapear* Good morn to you, Mister Lasseter...*whispers reply to his question looking off to the Portside gunwale* I can think of nothing better...
  5. Why yes, Sir. I have an order into the Galley as we speak. My steward shall be delivering it directly. I do believe you will find its flavor enticing for it is from my private stores...I will tell you that I have no fears of getting my hands dirty and am well knowledged in the working of rigging and its demands. As long as my hands are not placed in risk...for that would be rather to a disadvantage. *Notes Steward's presence with pot and one cup* Merci, Armand...Encore une tasse, s'il vous plait. Merci beaucoup... *Refocusing on Diego* Another cup is on its way. Armand shall bring it directly.
  6. *Stepping onto the main deck with a quick survey of its parameter, gives a small stretch and yawn; blinking at the brightness encountered* Good morning, gentleman. I see we have all made it through the night in good order.
  7. Well, well...What is it we have here, Mister Daggez...*Glancing over the small round rim of spectacles* It would seem that you are quite well prepared....*Wipes the minute sheen of humidity induced sweat from brow and stands. Thinking outloud...*I must speak to the Captain...The circulation of air in this ward is lacking and will not do for any contagious maladies... Armand!...Ah, there you are. *Smiles warmly as the youth appears* Be a good lad and place the personal affects of our guest in the extra travel chest under lock and key...Please inform the Galley that I have desire for a strong pot of coffee in which to toast the beginning of this day, as well. Merci beaucoup. *Looking to the restless sleeping form of DaggezEber and removing spectacles* You could not be in better hands, sir...Though it seems to me that you have played the odds in the past...Judging from that small piece of paperment in you possession. *Small knowing smile* Armand, I am going to the topside. Please deliver the coffee there and let me know if our guest should raise to full wakefullness, if you will. *Obtaining a volume of text from a nearby trunk, glances one last time to the inert form then leaves to gain the upper deck.*
  8. **Returning from quarters with a scroll of paper** Mister Wake, as per your request as to personal armaments, I have done an inventory contained here on this paperment... **Unrolls scroll** By the request issued unto me, Doctor Colleen "Tempest" Bertand-Fitzgerald, In accordinance with Ship's ordinances; I hereby present for Ship's Records the following inventory of weapons of personal use: 1 matched pair French Dueling pistols - .62 Cal. 2 Irish Travelling pistols - .50 Cal. 1 Belgian pistol - .70 Cal. 2 Irish Dubh 1 Venitian Stilletto 1 Scottish Dirk 1 French Swept Hilt Rapier and matching Main Gauche 1 Italian Seven Ringed Rapier 1 English Naval issue Cutlass **Rolls scroll back up and hands to William** I wish to retire to my quarters for a smallish alotment of time. If needed, I can be found there...
  9. No way!!! I love that song and have ever since I heard it as a kid. Also "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" and "Cool Change".
  10. Ah, Mister Wake...A pleasure it is to see you, my dear. I do believe the injured Seaman is well enough for the moment. As to your request, I shall be more than happy to comply with your wishes. If you will be so kind as to give me your leave, sir...I shall procure said list and turn it over to your keeping. Now, if you will excuse me I shall attend to your request. **Taking Williams leave, crosses the deck and pauses taking notice of Mister Lasseter** Good day to you, sir...A pleasure, I am sure...
  11. **Returning to deck** Diego...It seems that your scortched gentleman is not as bad off as feared. Most of the damage is superficial. He is resting quietly below and will for a space of time due to the ticture of Laudanum that has been administered. Is there anything of service that I can be of for the moment?
  12. **Dismissing the Hands that have brought in the chest and taking in the area that act as a floating ward** Thank you, gentleman. That will be all. **Removing a iron key that lays suspended about her neck, she unlocks the large oak chest making a once over of its contents.** This will due nicely, I do believe.**Turning to approach the third occupant of the area** Armand, I will need more light in which to inspect these wounds. Very good. Now what is it that we seem to have here...
  13. **Arriving on the expanse of deck, surveys the area pausing on Dorian with a secret smile fleeting across lips then turning to Diego** And I thank you, sir. If you will kindly show the way I would like to get settled in. **To Steward** Depechez-vous, Armand!
  14. **Pauses in conversation with Steward by the familiar cadence and tone of voice from above on the decks** Surely....Could it be?
  15. That I have and do accept your kind offer. Now, that being said, I take it that the ward on this barky is up to snuff and that there are accomodations for myself as well as my Steward. You will need to hoist this medicinal trunk to the deck, but do take care with it, if you will.
  16. **From below in a hired waterman, a small lithe figure lays a hand to the great vessel's side and calls upward** Ahoy, the ship! I am to speak with someone of rank in regard to service.
  17. **Looks around the Pinnace's crew with a puzzled expression, under breath...** I clearly must have been over indulging the Brandy last night...
  18. **A pinnace sturdy Hands takes in her lone sail within hailing distance of the grounded Kate. Standing at her bow...** Ahoy, on deck!! I say ahoy, William! **Shades eyes from the water's reflective glare** I have brought what I had promised you. And there is not a manjack aboard that is not well worth his salt in ocurances and needs such as these! Tis a pity that Kate is not listing starboard, for it would be easier with the help of long boats pulling her to rights.... **Attention distracted by a howling figure running the legnth of the Docks** Interesting...**Through cupped hands** Ready when you are, William!!
  19. That is the Warm up? Owe up....There is Irish in your bloodline, Diego.
  20. **Moon basking on a small outcropping of rocks nearby, overhears William's musings. Picking up boots, moves to where he and Christine are conversing** Good eve to you both! My apololgies, but I could not help but overhear your dilema, William. I did happen to notice the landbound heeling of the good old Kate...If you are in need of assistance in putting Her to rights, just give the word...**Warm smile** I will be more than happy to send some of the Hands to you and I know for fact that we have extra rope, block and tackle stored in the Hold on the Gael. It would give me joy to assist you in your venture. It is the least I can do...
  21. **Over shoulder** No, William...My thanks to you and your hospitality...not to mention the perfectly tempting...fare.
  22. **mock suprise** Why, Dorian...You have caught me dead in the rights...But, I had no desire to scare you off...You know what they say...A Tigress cannot change her stripes.... By the by...English Pier Pressure is about...
  23. Then so be it...**Taking his proffered are**....But, I will warn you...This kitten has claws...and a voracious appetite...
  24. As it should...for it is a reflection of your own. A bottle of dark aged cane rum will do nicely...Setting the bearings is up to you, my dear. Though I would choose the "Lagoon" or "The Den". Where you go, I will follow...Lead on.
  25. **considers** Well...I could tell you, at the risk of a Tyburn necktie. **Steps a little closer** I could go so far as to whisper my intentions in your ear... **Sets empty glass on Dorian's table** You do owe me your company on a stroll, as I do recall and mayhaps...that would be the occasion in which to speak of such...subjects. **Coyote smile**
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