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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *Raises brows a slight to William's comment as Armand moves further away to stifle his laughter, glancing towards the Taff to see the Quartermaster's amusement a reflection of his own* Well, William...I...I am sure they would take that as a compliment...ahem. *A cast of pink touches her cheeks* Very good then, do enjoy your day.... And Mr. Wake? My compliments to your Sire and Dame, as well. *Catches her Steward from the corner of eye and glances to the Taff and notices Dorian's expression. With a minute cock of head...* Something of amusement?
  2. *Armand looks the other way in attempt to hide his amusement at the comment. She centers her attention on the wag of finger* Why William...And who plays the card of flattery now, pray tell? *A hint of predatory smile vanquished by a blink of innocence* I am but proclaiming truths. Its manner of delivery shall be the fault of my Mother's Irish whimsy and my Father's French eloquance. Parentage, I tell you... *Fleet of smile* I am absolved of my crimes by proxy...
  3. *She smiles at his comment* Magnifique, Monsuier Wake!...Though there is no need to thank me for praising your vocal talents, instead we should thank you for sharing it. Praise is only given to which is deserving of its mantle. *Notices her Steward's return, basket in hand* Tres vien, Armand. Merci beaucoupe! *Looks back to William as he gains the Main* We thought we would take a closer look at your work on the beachhead. I have yet to view its progress from any closer than here and I assure you that we shall stay well out of the way. Then on to a dance of vorpal blades. Lovely day this, quite prime.
  4. *Her brow pinches in a brief in response to William's standing. Unconsciously, her eyes scan the possible hazards of a fall from the cart's passage, a hundred scenarios race through the corridors of her mind until he sits once again and she hails...* Bon Jou....Good Morn to you! A lovely voice you have, sir! A wonderful accompniment to a grand day! Very pleasing indeed!
  5. *Crossing to the 'wale, she scans the quay and notices a horse cart's approach. A smile of recognition crosses her features as she sees William and the accompanying hands. She offers a wave of acknowledgment before turning to Armand who waits near. Lowering her voice...* Where is my thinking today...Do be a dear and retrieve a basket from my quarters. The morning air has played my thoughts and I have cruelly forgotten our break of fast.... *Her brow furrows slightly* Yes, a basket to accompany us, and we will pause in the market to obtain wittles before we continue with our morning plans. My apologies, Armand... *A smallish curl of amusement tugs the corners of his mouth as he nods...* Bien sur, avec plasir... *She shakes her head then refocuses on the cart drawing nearer...*
  6. I see...When the time arises, consider it done. I shall do all in my power to acomodate the need. *Samples from the plate* Oh my...Yes...This truly must be a sin unwritten....
  7. Thank you, sir. As always, you are a fountain of kindness... *Takes a sip and smiles with approval* Tell me, my dear...You had made some mention of a favor for a later date. Pray, what is it that you are in need of?....Or should I leave that to rest until it can be discussed on ship?
  8. *Considers* With the array of flavors presented...Sherry will do for the time being. I will send for the bottle of Calvados I promised you when the occassion you deem fit arises. Thank you, William...
  9. *Takes in the aromas wafting in the air with appreciation* Ah William...I do believe your scully has outdone itself. Anything that arouses the senses like that has to be a sin. *Has a seat at a near table* With such an aray of temptation, I shall simply have to sample a little of each! And thank you as always, for the grand choices of fare. Whatever you deem befitting for drink, my dear. (The pictures are great!!! My compliments to your lovely Wife!)
  10. Err...I could be wrong... A Fish Called Wanda?
  11. *Coming up from the lower deck, her Steward in tow carrying a satchel containing her rapiers and main gauches. Sipping from the ever present cup of morning ritual, she notices the Quartermaster standing at the Taff and calls out...* Good Morn to you, Dor...ahem... Mister Lasseter! A wonderful idea to take one's break of fast in the open morning air. Prime idea! *Glances to where the fortification is in construct then looks back* Ahhh...I do believe that Mister Wake is coming along in a splendid manner with his progress at hand. I thought that I would take advantage of the weather this morning has presented to tour yon beachhead for a closer look. There is an area just beyond and out of the way that I recall as a good place in which Armand and myself might ensure that we are still in tune with our Croise', Prise de Fer and Froissement...* A nod indicating the satchel* One can never become to comfortable with their skills...*A hint of feral smile* *Catching movement from the corner of her eye, she turns to see Mad Jack crossing the main deck towards the bow and calls to him.* Good morning to you, sir! You seem to be recovering nicely from your tumble, I see. Do come visit me later this day so that I may check your sutures. I may be able to remove them depending upon their progress, in a few days...
  12. Good morning to you, Sir!! *Warm smile* You are looking well and I must say that your work upon shore is coming along very nicely, indeed. *Listens with a slight incline of head* Very good! So kind of you to bestow such a thing into my keeping and usage. Not a thing overly common to come upon in these areas, lovely aromatic qualities! You shall have to let me return the favor! I have the most wonderous bottle of aged Calvados in my private stores. Consider it yours to toast a special occassion. I shall have it delivered to you directly with warmest regards. *Smiles*
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