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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *Looks around at the emptiness and only the breeze to answer* William...I say there, William... *Pauses and no response* Well...hmmm...It seems as though I shall have to procure my own wittles... *Wanders to the Galley...*
  2. :: slowly saunters over to where the surgeon is sitting :: Wot ye doin' lass??? *Looking up from text at the Quartermaster's voicing. Marking place sets volume on the deck and smiles...* Good Morning to you! I see that all has reached a calm. I am taking in the warmth of the sun that this fine day brings and catching up on studies in relation to sea birds indigenous to this area...A rather dry rendering...* She glances to the text, then back* And might I ask how well you fare on this break of day? Would you care for some coffee? *Looks over to her Steward* Armand...Je voudrais une frais cafetiere et deux la tasse, s'il vous plait. Merci.
  3. Good morning to you on this balmy 90 degree day, Mister Wake! I do think that a strong cup of coffee and something lite to break fast is in order. Perhaps some fruit....and I will happily take any coconut that the others turn down! It is as an elixir to the gods own craving! Thank you, good sir.
  4. That I will, be assured...I shall duck below for a brief moment then return here... *She watches after as he goes below then follows suite...Gaining the Ward, obtains the two pocket pistols and a 70. Cal Belgian pistol stored safely and checks their charges, handing the large Belgian to Armand. Taking a text from a nearby table, she returns with caution to the stairwell and proceeds upward and to the large coil of rope still sitting near the Taff rail. Armand leans a short distance away while she sits...waiting....*
  5. Thank you for your generosity and concern, but I think it best that you keep all that you have. It is best to assure your safety...I am well versed in the manner of arms and will retieve my own forthwit... *Her gaze lingers on him for a moment with concern* Do take care...
  6. *Notice of her approach and question* No...I can not say that that would be of his personal posession...I do not recall as such. I do believe you may rest your mind at ease... *Turning to Dorian* If you will excuse me, I have something to look into in the Ward. If you are in need of my assistance, you will find me there....
  7. *Startled by his command of voice, normally of a soothing quality she jumps involuntarily. Regaining her composure...* Do take care...He was in a rather delusional state in the deep of last night, though I think he should be in right mind if fully awake....His pistols were without charge or ball. There are a number of edged weapons, none the less...
  8. *Glances in the direction of the docks and what is taking place there before returning her attention* It would seem that the gentleman in my care has slipped out of the Ward.. *A frown creases her brow for a moment* My Steward was away at the time and I myself was on deck and there for the occurance was unbeknownst to me until after the fact....The trunk which held his possesions has been opened by force and emptied. I thought it wise to let you know...
  9. Ouzo!?....At this hour of the day?! No thank you, William. I would be clambering to stand if that is the real thing....The Moussake looks delightful, an order of that if you please. And whatever you deem appropriate as a beverage. Thank you so kindly, William.
  10. Aye.... Leave Granted ta all who's goin ashore.... lang as yer back afore the rise o' th' tide two days hence!!!! *Returning topside, overhears the Quartermaster's voicing and walks to where he stands, keeping voice low...* Good morning to you...Last evening was...delightful. *She smiles* It seems there may be a matter at hand that you may wish to be aware of...
  11. *Arriving back to the main deck, small brown bottle in hand, Armand leans close relaying that the burned Seaman was no where to be seen. Closing her eyes, she considers that this new day may be as straining as the issues of the night. Gaining Diego's attention and handing over the bottle of cure...* You will excuse me, Sir...I have a pressing matter that has just arised and I am needed elsewhere. *Begins to leave, stopping short...* Pardon my rattled thinking...Two drops of that medicinal an hour for the span of four hour's time...You will be right as rain. *Takes the stairs in twos and entering the Ward followed closely by her Steward. It lies vacant...The extra travel trunk has been plied open by force and shows to be empty of its former contents...* Zut! Merde!...Well...is this not just prime.
  12. The honour is mine, Mister Pew. *Centering on Diego and shading eyes from the morning's glare* That I do, sir...If you will give me but a moment my order of the morning should be arriving from the Galley...Ahh here is is already. *Accepts the newly filled cup of coffee from her Steward and inhales its strong scent with appreciation* Meri beucoupe! Apportez-moi une flacon de probleme d' alcool therapuetique, s'il vous plait. Merci, Armand. I have in my possesion the most wonderous cure for what plagues you, Mister Vega...
  13. * The passage of the former evening's legnth had been anything but the restful event she had expected. The amount of liquid fire consumed had left a dull and constant raport in its wake. The lack of sleep had not been a very fine compliment, either. Made awake in the deepest hours of the night to the loud and restless aggitaion of her charge's sudden on-set of delirium had done well to keep her from sleep until the Eastern skies had begun a grey cast. Mister Eber was resting well now and would for hours due to the heavy dosage of Laudanum administered. Splashing cool water on sleep deprived features, she called for her Steward to procure a pot of her morning addiction...double strong... and moved wearily to the Main deck to greet the new day....*
  14. Joli Rouge (Archaic term, given to the flag of a solid red field meaning "No Quarter". Translates to "pretty red" and is thought to be where the name "Jolly Roger" originated from.)
  15. *As the sun sets lower to the liquid horizon, she realizes that perhaps she should check upon her patient. Though parting current company is a regretful decision, she pushes the empty jack through the divisions of the stern rail supports. Obtaining a good hold upon the rail, she gains her footing and hops over. Hesitating for a moment, she leans forward to whisper in Dorian's ear...* It was a wonderful evening, but I must depart to the Ward to check upon my charge...You are more than welcome to join me for a glass of porter at a later time. *Gaining the Main deck* A good eve to you, ladies and gents. Duty calls... *Taking the ladder down below, she enters the Ward to find all is calm after a full report given by her Steward* Go above and get some fresh air, Armand. I do believe I can handle things from here out this eve. *Taking a seat on the small stool, she looks upon the sleeping form of Mister Eber with a nod of approval.*
  16. :: nimbly finds his self perched beside the surgeon:: Ah, very nice.... Aye, tis a fine view... look a' th' clouds there... th' sun leaves a grande red hue upon 'em as it sets.... tis a goode sign fer th' morn.... :: knocks his jack against hers:: *thuk* Drink up Lass, plenty more ta follow... Sliante!!! *Searches the horizone, remembering the old adage with a slight smile echos the inuendo dancing through her thoughts* It is a grand sight to behold. And I can think of no better company that I would rather behold it with. *Tips the jack's contents and scoots a little closer* A votre sante'! I do think that this night will prove well. *Wink* *Cocking her head slightly, she focuses on the disturbance that seems to be brewing on the main deck*
  17. Very well, ta th' sternpost.... lead on, I'll 'ang onta these 'ere jacks til we're settled... ::waits for Ms. Fitzgerald to climb the stairs to the quarterdeck and follows her back to the stern.:: Here ye be Lass, Wot think ye? *Balancing precariously she settles on the perch. Reaching over for the drinking vessels and wait for him to join* A most wonderous view!...Very prime, indeed!
  18. *She raises one brow ever so slightly. * Well, if that is the case...The sentiment is likewise and I think...*considers for a moment*...the sternpost will serve.
  19. *She smiles warmly, accepting the proffered vessel* That sounds like a capital idea! Where shall we sit? You choose, for I am as of yet, not overly familiar with this barky's lay of the land, so to speak.
  20. *Returning to the Main Deck* Why thank you, sir. I do think I would much enjoy the fare that the Kate has to offer. My Steward shall keep watch in the Ward. *Catches Dorian's eye as she passes*
  21. Such generosity, dear William. I am sure that it will much put you in Captain Fitzgerald's graces.
  22. That, my dear...is a beautiful sight to mine eyes. *Smiles warmly* Mister O'Connor! Please take the pinnace to the main docks and secure her. Consider yourself and the others on shoreleave. My thanks to you.
  23. (goes below to answer to the shouting) Good sir, your personal belongings are well stowed. Those wepaons which came aboard with you when you were hoisted up are now under lock and key, where they remain in protection. Should you decide to depart the ship's company, they will all be restored to you. For the time being, rest and take what care you can to recover yourself. "Sir William? What goes on 'ere? Why be I arrested by yee? Tempus?, from the Kate? I see says the blind man. Well, I be in thee care then m'lady." He nods hesitantly to her suggestion of calmness. "That is Daggaz, m'Lady. Eber is me last name." My most profound apologies to to, sir...Mister Eber it is then. *Obtaining a small stool from its rack on the wall and sitting down* Armand...frais pansement, baume, une paire de ciseaux et Laudanum, s'il vous plait... Now, how are you feeling? Would you care for nourishment or drink? *Pauses to accept requested supplies. With gentle care, removes soiled bandages and checks the wounds...* Mister Wake, I do thank you for your expediant dispatch...I do believe that things are at a calm now. If there are duties that you need to attend to, please feel free to do so...
  24. *Steps on deck to survey how the Kate fares* Very good, William...I shall be releasing my Hands to liberty if you are in no further need of their assistance....
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