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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. Well now...**with a slight purse of lips** Very impressive, my dear...And I have always had a fine respect...**predatory smile**...for a gentleman who know how to handle a great gun....Hmmm...What wonders run through my thoughts.... Wager, you say....I would think that that is a delicate and private matter...The wager is yours to name...The details carefully crafted as to benefit both parties....**wink**
  2. Pleased that I was able to amuse. William!! A round for the house, my dear! A bottle of Sherry for myself. Thank you kindly...
  3. Yes...I would have to say, I have no idea where the lad had been...But he won first prize!
  4. **Appraises with a knowing look, moving a little closer** I see...Working out the kinks is one of my specialties, my tempting Tar. **With a glance over shoulder** William!! A tot of something strong, firery...but smoooooth. Tell me, Master Lasseter....**With a slight bite of lip**...Tell me, just how much life do you have in you? **Raising a brow in challenge**
  5. Thank you for your understanding, my dear. **wink** It is a regret that I missed your French fare over the weekend. Mayhaps next time luck will be with me. If you would be so kind, I think that some Potato Pancackes with Boysenberry syrup and a side of strawberrys would do me well on this morn. Another Java...in a tin cup, to accompany. Thank you...You are as a beacon of flavor to my wanting taste buds.
  6. Well, my dear...It happened thus... I was making my rounds down by the pier, you see...I was in mid draught of the exquisit brew that you had given me when this fine example of young Scotchman passed me by immediatly drawing my attention. At that very moment a smallish shore breeze harried the fine lad's....clothing. And it is to admit, that such a sight so early a Monday morn...er...I dropped your cup. My aplologies, William...
  7. **Slinking back in, places the remnants of the former "to go cup" on the bar and looks sheepishly at William** They just do not make pottery as they used to. **Takes a dubloon out of coat pocket and lays it next to the shards as a peace offering** Sorry, my dear. **Glances to Dorian and his claims of back anguish** Pity, my delectible Tar...That seems to put you out of commision...**sniff**
  8. ( A word to the Wise...I purchased a bottle of Tattoo this past week. It does not taste as harmless as it smells. A straight shot will light your fires. I firmly suggest a little something with it to smooth the burn...Too close to Gin for my like.) Good morning, dear William! A strong cup of java to go, if you please. I shall return shortly.
  9. Here is contact information to a gent that I use and can recomend. I own a pair of his rope sandals and use them with slops when the temps rise to Hell's Kitchen here in Texas. They are all hand made and very durable, the soles are rope as well and I paid $25.00 for mine. The rope material is actually a synthetic, but in the "natural" color you would never tell the difference. (It is also soft against the skin, instead of scratchy.) I do hope this will be of aid. Sunstrider Sandals Phil Brown-Proprietor E-Mail: friarphil@yahoo.com Websites: //sunstrider.faire.net or //ropesandals.us 1603 Alexander Drive Waxahachie, Tx 75165
  10. Thank you kindly, William. Although Killian's is now brewed by Coors, (BLAHH), it is by the original Irish standards of its beginnings.
  11. The Frenchy is spoken when you are in earshot...for the humour of your translation skills, of course. William...a smallish snag in schedule has ocured. Be so kind as to give Mister Lasseter something to sate his thirst and a fill of Killian's Red for myself.
  12. Avec plaisir, Capitaine!! Congratulations to you, William!! And I see there is a bit of cake left over...All over Ciaran, that is. A strong Cappuccino to go, if you please. I have duties to tend to and a launch waiting at the docks. Many thanks to you, my dear. I shall return for a late lunch, if schedule goes as planned. Until then...
  13. Duty calls, I hear...And yes, a continuence would be well waited for. Do mind yourself...In this heat the tar has a tendency to become liquified and the mast and yardarms can become rather dangerous. Until our next merry meeting then... **Watches Dorian's departure with a sigh and orders another bottle of cognac**
  14. Now that is an interesting proposition...It is the thrill of the hunt that leaves the victory that much more sweet. **mischievous glint of eye**Tell me...Do you prefer being the hunter or the hunted? **A raise of brow in return**
  15. Best of luck to you on your relocation. May the Seas be calm and the troubles few. Come back to us when you are done with life's trivialities...We will all be here.
  16. Well then, sir...I have always had a taste for the spirited ones. **Predatory smile** Just how spirited are you? **Refills empty glass**
  17. Only the best fare for good company, my dear. And a stroll is a wonderful idea...Yes, I believe that will do nicely. Though I must forewarn you...I am one of the ones that your mother warned you of.
  18. Not overmuch, I dare say...Dodging the 93 degree Temps and being very much the lay-about. I do hope the meal is to your liking...A nice mid-afternoon snack, as it were.
  19. **Hearing the familiar voice** Dorian, my fine gent...Do pull up a seat and keep a girl company. **Notice of Galley hand** You there...be a good lad and relay to the Galley that an order of Spiney Lobster, Key West Shrimp, a side of Portabello in sherry and a loaf of dark Rye bread for two is in desire. Also, a bottle of Cognac and whatever it is that Mister Lasseter is in want of...
  20. **Stepping back on deck praising the talents of jack tars, underbreath** Capitaine Ciaran, bon jour!! William! A round for the house, if you please...I am feeling rather generous this fine afternoon. **Surveys the room for Dorian**Damn the luck...William! When Master Lasseter next arrives, please set him up for I owe him a drink. I do thank you kindly.
  21. Godz preserve him...and his little dog, too!! **Standing away from the table I reach into the confines of my pockets to retrieve a worthy bestowing upon our musical friend** You do us honor, sir. Now, you all will excuse me...for I see the "catch of the day" has just landed and I must not tarry in order to gather the best of what that barky has to offer. **Predatory smile** A pleasure, as always, dearest William. **A nod to Dorian**Good day to you, sir...
  22. I am sure they would be happy to oblige...Though you may wish to give the lot of them a good scrubbing down first. Unlike what your mother may have told you...I encourage playing with one's food.
  23. Bless you, William!! I do believe some shanty strains will do nicely. It's a pity Crimson is not about for the lad has a way with a tune on said instrument... **Attention disrupted by the sailors rowing into port on liberty** Looks as though dinner has just arrived...fresh off the boat, as it were.
  24. Either is a storm at sea...And I am rather partial to a stirring of the waters. Still waters may run deep...but can be rather boring to contend with. May I have a Tsunami, William? It does look tempting...and temptation is one of my favorite subjects.
  25. **Eyeing Diego's drink** A Hurrican, I presume...
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