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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. Good eve to you, dear William. May your slumbers be peaceful. Until our next merry meeting do be well. Thank you ever so much for the cognac, truly a delight to my palette.
  2. So sorry to hear that, Hetha. It seems as though the gate fee goes up every year. (It is higher than last year.) I know that if we had not obtained passes when we did that our chances would be very slim in attending, as well. Gasoline is a obnoxious issue currently. I paid $2.07 a gallon today and was lucky at that. A few hours later it went up again. Morick Towain...Perhaps we shall run into. Did fortune smile upon you and reward you with a free pass?
  3. why, William...You are quite a dish, so a glass of cognac will do nicely.
  4. Congratulations to you, sir! May your endevours prove fruitful. I shall have to obtain a copy and place it in my to read stack. I do love a well crafted tale! My best to you!
  5. **Walking silently behind William, stops to trace his jawline with one finger then draws back.** Lovely work of notes entertwining then releasing, sailor. Music soothes the savage beast...Or so they say.**Feral smile**Do continue, William.
  6. Ah...The sloth. Poor creature, but a most amusing sequence of events. Wait until the you encounter the collection of marsupials from New Holland. And here is a true stumper to add to your test. What is Maturin's full name as known in Catalin?
  7. My husband and I own a copy of the box edition of this film. Unlike the single disc edition, the extra disc has a vast wealth of information in regard to production of the film and the author, Richard O'Brian. I can recomend it highly. The one thing to note, is that the film is a conglomeration of twenty of the twenty-one books in the series. (The twenty-first book was released this past November as an unfinished work.) Master and Commander is the title of the first book in the series, Far Side of the World is the tenth. Richard O'Brian was very thorough in his research and the series contains a wealth of knowledge though they do not read in a dry way. I will say though, even though he was a modern writer, his writting style is more of the Dickens era. The first of the series is a bit rocky, but all smooths by the second book and continues as such by those that follow. I have made it through eight and am currently taking a breather before continueing on. To make of note to the piracy condentation, Captains and Post Captians of that era did not receive a large alotment of pay, generally speaking. Being that that was the case, the success in obtaining a "prize" ment extra money for everyone involved. A successful venture could produce more money than a crewmember could make in a year's wage wence the divy of share was produced. This explains the drive for obtaining "prize ship's".
  8. **Grabbing a lantern, braves the darkest depths of the hold finding William** Oh dearest William, it grieves my heart to hear your ill news. Life can be a grand dame bi*** on occassion and it always seems to be that way when you are truly counting on something. **Leans close and offers a bottle of cognac**So sorry, my dear. Not knowing the type of loan you were trying to procure I am unbeknownst if this will work, but you may try Lending Tree.com. Perhaps they may be of aid. **Gives a little squeeze of encouragement**
  9. To those on land and all the ships at sea... Once again, with much anticipation for those of us familiar to the merriment and times to be had, April 9th begins the festivities of Scarborough Faire in Waxahatchie, Texas!! (Approximatly 45 minutes South of the Dallas, Tx area.) It is with great joy and warm welcome that Flintlock Jack and I look forward to meeting any of the local Brethren and/ or not so local. This is a wonderful and friendly festival to attend and although not as large as TRF, we actually enjoy it more in some ways. So, if you are going to be in the area, Jack and I will see you there and raise a tankard or two to pyracy and honor the tradition of it. Let us know if you will be attending! For more information go to :Scarborough Faire We do hope to see you there!
  10. Dearest William, please do not get me wrong...I like serpents. In many cultures they are regarded highly. I have no issues being around them or handling them. In a basket is fine...but, on my plate is clearly a different story. Do you have any left over stew? It is always better the next day.
  11. Wait until the boys hear that one! Of course from you, I am quite sure CC will just laugh.
  12. This is very likely to be a truth. Oh, the two of them calmed down, no hostile moves made. Those boys just grumped about it off and on, giving the gent looks everytime he spoke on the PA until we left the establishment.
  13. Wonderful!! I know that I would truly be beside myself at being given such a gift! Things crafted by someone you hold dear are always the best gifts, always cherished the most. You will have to post it so we can all see! And I agree, bad call on the DJ's part. But it could have been worse. I had to laugh when CC came back to the table spouting about " I'd like to show him what a shillelagh is. I got his shillelagh right here. Damn bas****." Then Jack and he go on this rampage. I can understand their point, but I must admit it was rather funny.
  14. Good morning, dear William. I believe I will partake of your offring of java. (I am actually indulging in such as I post this.) Happy belated Saint Patrick's Day to you, sailor! I do trust that your love's birthday was wonderful, as well. Crimson Crow, Jack and I went out for dinner and a round of Guinness last night. Crimson almost had a little altercation when a gent hired as a DJ was asking trivia questions for prizes. The DJ asked the true nationality of Saint Patrick, then what a shillelagh was. Crimson said the DJ tried to claim that Saint Patrick was a Scottsman and then attempted to argue it. A rather bad move on the DJ's side. All is well that ends well, I believe. The DJ recanted and Crimson sat back down at the table grumbling and ordered another round.
  15. Verbose of refined candour and ending with a query...Some things are best left undisturbed, others to be delved into with unquenchable satiation. *A cannon roars in the near distance relaying signal to shore. Gazing into the bay, she realizes the signal is from The Gael and a small pout disturbs her features as she stands up from the table* My apologies to you, William. We shall have to continue this at another time. Jack is not known for his patience and when the call goes out, it is best to return to the decks with haste. *She leans down to place a kiss upon his cheek* Another time, sailor...Duty calls. *As she makes to leave, she looks over her shoulder and flashes the feral smile to William. It lingers for a moment followed by a wink then she departs his company...for now*
  16. Why thank you, William. You ever impress me, a gentleman and learned as well. Being a smuggler's daughter and bound to a pyrate captain, I can well appreciate the philosphy defined. Another Guinness...or perhaps something with a little more, shall we say...bite in it?
  17. Another Guinness...yes, I do believe another would be wonderful. Now, as to improper...I do not recall that word being in my vocabulary. Perhaps you will have to define it for me.
  18. An interesting notion, William. You do that. *smiles* Aye, you do that and I will show you the proper way to celebrate Saint Paddy's...A little early, but that just means you will have time to perfect it. Throw some peat on the hearth to chase away a small of the chill and a bottle of Jameson is a good start.
  19. *The predatory smile creeps over the fine hewn features as she purrs her reply* Why William, whatever I desire? Please have a seat at my humble table, then. I am quite sure Jack will have no qualms. And what may I give you for your efforts, hmmm sailor? Some tay? A Guinness? A rub?
  20. *Slids up silently behind William* Hello, sailor. I dare say it has been a small while since I have seen your wonderful broad shoulders and those piercing eyes. And what an honor you do for us of the Irish line to present such a lovely aray of fare. *Moves to a table, brushing William as she passes* One of each, my dear, if it pleases you...But two Guinness the proper way. My thanks to you.
  21. A side of Kilt! Such a delectable notion, Siren Song! Oh William! May I bother you for a snifter of your finest cognac...and a side of Scotchman, rare.
  22. So, Captain Straw, you are a gentleman of the true Dueling persuasion. As to wether or not your old Master would concur, I would suggest some training in the Classic French Foil method. It is a more controlled discipline due to restricted strike zone perameters. Mastering said method will only improve your skills with the epee.
  23. Ms. Bonney, I am well familiar with the Bard. May I offer assistance to your plight? Speech, oh dear. I was required to take such a course in college, where is it that your problem lies with the two subjects?
  24. This is a very interesting subject. It is amazing how the title Ship's Doctor / Surgeon can be a very grey area in history. The title not neccessarily meaning that the bearer had any true formal academic training as is required in the modern era that we live in now. Even in the British Navy, the medicine man was not always of proper training in a medical sense. A ship could have easily been stuck with someone who used to ply his trade as a butcher. On another note. There were actually two forms of the Black Death, Pnuematic and Bubonic. There has been a great amount of research into historicly recorded survivors who were exposed to areas known to be rabid with the Plague, yet never contracted it fully and lived through their bout with the illness. A curiosity to modern medicine as to wether or not those individuals carried some form of natural resistance within their DNA making them immune.
  25. Ohhhh, William! Madeira! What a wonderful notion! If you would be so kind as to keep a bottle or two of that in stock, you would make this girl's evening complete! And Cherries Jubilee for desert!!! Please!!!!
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