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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. **Eyeing the green concoction** William...Is that a shad swimming in midst that glass?!
  2. **Moving to Mercenary's table** Thank you for your kind invitation, my dear. **With a nod of aknowledgment to Silent** Welcome to you, sir. A pleasure it is to make your aquaint and do take William's advice to heart...Our bark and bite are quite interchangable, there is no lesser of the two evils. **Feral smile**
  3. **Watching Mercenary struggle with a rather large steamer trunk, I notice a Galley hand loitering around.** You there!! Hoist something!! **Pointing from the lad to the trunk. As he scrabbles to lend aid, I call after him...*** Never stand about with your hands in your pockets on deck...It is a lubberly quality that shows lack of pride in your duties!! Carry on handsomely now...Hop to!!
  4. Why thank you, sailor. Predatory (1589): 1) a: of, relating to, or practising plunder, pillage, or rapine b: showing a disposition to injure or exploit others for one's own gain 2) living by predation In other words...PYRATE!!!
  5. Thank you, William. Bellini's are a wonderful choice to compliment any morning egg dish. **With a cunning glint of eye** And you well know how refined a palett I have.**Predatory smile**
  6. Good morning to you, dear William. I believe that asparagus omelette will do quite nicely...And a Bellini, if you would be so kind.
  7. My, my...William he is a striking young gent and looks to be growing by leaps and bounds! A true prince among men, says I! Another bottle of cognac, if you please and another toast to you and yours! Slainte!!
  8. My compliments to you and my gratitude as well for procuring such a fine cognac to grace my senses. I am so pleased that all is well with the wee tad!! Here's to little picaroons!!
  9. **Walking on deck, notices William's being present and accounted for.** Dearest William!! It is a grand thing to lay eyes upon you after my hiatus! A bottle of cognac and two glasses, if you please. Do tell, how is your little bloke coming along, my dear?
  10. I echo Diego's confession, in so much as this is a "singles" establishment and I am far from that for a span of years. That being said, I will impart this bit of experience. Most folk seem to spend a great amount of time and energy looking for someone to spend time with. I used to when I was younger, I will admit. None the less, I have found that that kind of quest usually is of little worth or result. It was when I had become very indifferent to the idea and had better things to concentrate on that my path crossed my husband's. ( I did not even have an intrest in dating, at the time.) We have now been together near eight years, nearing three of those in the institution of marriage. It is when the search stops that it happens. What will be, will be...
  11. I just happened to notice your query and may be of some assistance. I noticed that you are in the Austin area and know of a crew in that local. You may reach them by going to "Yahoo Groups" and searching "CaptainJackspearls". I know the "Captain" and his wife, they may be able to aid your search. In regard to Faires: Because of the heat, we here in Texas are in the Off Season until September when a couple of small faires occure in the Dallas area, building up to TRF in October. Excalibur, Four Winds and Scarborough are all in our wakes. There is also Buccaneer Days down Corpus way, but it has already passed, as well. There is also a crew in the Houston area that you may touch base with. If memory serves, they are called the Texas Brethren. Do a member search on this forum for Black Deacon, he is a member of that crew. Our crew is in the Dallas area, as well as a couple other "sister ships". A bit far from your local. I hope this will be of aid in your search.
  12. My compliments to you, sir! The banner is most appeasing to the eye, very well done!
  13. Make it an 1967 thru 1970 and you have a date, Diego! An XR7 or Eliminator will do nicely and I will bring the Guinness! I believe I will have to pass on Diaper Duty...hairballs are bad enough.
  14. Now I can say that I have seen it all. A chocolate Guinness! Let us see...the well touted properties of chocolate and that of a pint or two...Sounds like a dangerous twining of amourous qualities. Why William! You devil, you...
  15. And that is a fine thought indeed. **sighs** Oh, the visual that comes to mind. I think I am in need of a Guinness now...The one on the right.
  16. **Catches yet another button as it breaks from its bindings and courses through the air** I believe you may need this back, my dear. Perhaps you may consider foregoing the use of buttons for a small. Bursting with pride is a wonderful thing to feel, but it does wreck havoc upon one's adornments. **Takes a seat next to Diego, eyeing the Guinness**
  17. An interesting question to poise. I would have to say that what I portray is a close likiness of how I am in day to day life. Though I must admit that I tend to tone down the proper usage of speech. I write in the manner that I think. I will also admit that at faire events, the proper drops and the Irish lilt appears and words spoken reflect the pigeon speech. (You honestly could not expect proper speech from an Irish Smuggler's daughter, now could you? ) The persona, and another that I portray of French origin, are simply facets of myself in a more pronounced showing. What stands forth depends on the subject matter of the particular forum thread involved, whether it is a factual dicussion of history, etc or one of the "local establishments of mirth and whimsy". If the subject matter is of factual matters, it is just me, myself and I...no persona in the least. Regardless, we all gather here for the sake of company, knowledge, humour and the sharing of those things. A common "port of call" in which we can put our boots up, have a jar or two and step away from the rigors of the Twenty-Second century, even if only for a brief while.
  18. What joy, William!!! Congratulations to you and your wife!! A bonny beautiful boy and a good strong name! I am so very happy for you, my dear. I shall send one of the crew to the Gael to obtain a box of fine Havanas from Jack's personal stores. Drinks are on me!!! May he be blessed with good health, fine wit and humour, temperance and wisdom, a long life of happiness and prosperity...and his sire's good looks!! Slainte chugat, cara!!
  19. I do believe that would be the likely outcome. There are worser things that one could experience. The first round is mine to purchase on such a day. It would be my pleasure, Captain. We will just have to see who's vocabulary is most extensive!
  20. And I would be one so bold as to take you up on your fine proposition, Captain Morgan. I would warn you not to get into a drinking match with the Irish, my dear... But, being it is that you carry the bonny Scotch lineage coursing through your veins...I would be one to say that we are equally matched, per say.
  21. I would have to agree with the Captain. I had my fair share of the crathur yesterday, a strong cup of java with a backing of fresh churned cream would suit me well for the time being.
  22. Master Towain, much joy to you for your acquisition! My husband, Flintlock Jack and I shall keep a weather eye out for you next Sunday! You cannot miss him, around 6' in standing, black wide brimed hat with black and cobalt blue plumage...and two braces of pistols crossed over his chest, black over the knee boots. (He stands out just a hair.) As for myself, I always wear britches. Thigh-high black boots, an olive green doublet trimmed in black and tan at the shoulders, wide black belt with a blunderbust hanging in a holster of sorts and a wide brimed emerald green hat with multi-colored plumage. If you spot us, be shure to give us a "Haloooo" and we will do the same. Hetha, to be honest we do not stay in any particular area. Usually we are constantly on the move. When the tankards run dry, we pause for a refill. If hunger strikes, we usually stop at whatever table is closest to the vendor we purchased from. I guess that would make us true "Irish Rovers"! Master Hawks, we would love to make your aquaintance! TRF is a wonderful faire. The Husband and I made it down there for our Wedding Anniversary last year. Scarborough is much smaller than TRF, but enjoyable none the less! We missed the opening day due to family matters. None the less, our favorite Barkeep told us that it was the busiest that he had seen in many a season. We did attend yesterday and the nasty forecast of weather did not prove true. (Yea!) But, I do believe it kept many people home and I guess I cannot blame them. It is a bit of a drive to be possibly soaked to the bone. The Corsairs are playing again this year, as well as many other favorites. There is a Harpist by the name of Sara Mullen who plays in various locations that I highly recomend. Truly a gifted player. We ran into old friends and made some new ones. I think that we now own stock in the Pubs...Or at least should after yesterday. (Speaking of which, libation of the alcholic varity runs from $3.75 to $4.50 a draught. A nice selection of wine, domestic beer and ales...and yes, there is mead.)
  23. Sheryl Crow - The Very Best of Sheryl Crow Was in need of "happy music", getting ready to prepare taxes.
  24. Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill? My goodness, our paletts have degressed. Let me see, be it as though we appear to be slumming, you may as well toss in a case of Nighttrain.
  25. Radney Foster "Del Rio, TX 1959"
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