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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *Seeing Captain Ciaran's look of doubt* Well, the weaknesses that I would openly admit....
  2. *Passes Mad Jack on the dock with a courteous nod then continues on to where the notes have been posted. Smiles with amusement as she takes in the "Gone Fishing" notice, but the smile disolves into a look of consternation while gleening the other notice's contents....* Thundering....God preserve us... *Scaning the near ship's upper deck she spies her Steward near the Main Mast....* Armand! Ici-bas...Presser, s'il vous plait! *Upon the Steward's arrival, she points to the location listed on the posting* Please go to this....establishment and relay to them that I wish the remains released unto me immediatly. Inform them I shall expect no delay in this matter. If they should display any manner of difficulty, inform them that I have no patience for foolishness and if forced, shall ensure the demise of their proprietorship. I shall procure a wagon to suite our needs.... *With a nod, the young Frenchman departs with haste. She follows his path of travel momentarily before switching attention back to the note...* Rien du tout!!
  3. Bless you for your kindness, William...But, I fear that I am an anomaly within my gender. The mystique of Chocolate has never harried me with its Siren's call. It simply means that there is more to go around to those who appreciate its qualities...Though offer me an aray of exotic meats, cheeses with a good bottle of Cognac and I will get weak in the knees...Well....That and a fine Jack Tar...Those are my only weaknesses. *Smiles* I swear...
  4. *Hearing Lady Snow* Ahhh...Beer Bratwurst, I do love it so. I do think that it is a wonderful choice of fare, though I would prefer a stout sourkraut, a dash of Dijon mustard and a side of petite Red potatoes... *With notice of William's entrance* William! How fare you, my dear?! I had begun to worry of your well-being at your absence. So good to see you well! *Looks over the proffered cake...* Thank you for your kind offer, though I must refuse. I get no kick from Champagne...er, that is...chocolate.
  5. Ham sounds wonderful with a bit of fresh bread. It will do, me thinks...A Guinness, as well...
  6. Ishmael Ooops...too slow concord
  7. Goose is not a bad idea, but still takes a bit of time in preperation... *Considers momentarily* Mayhaps would be best to procure something from a fisherman down on the Warfs?
  8. Hmm...mutton is not my forte' outside of Stew and that would take some time to do correctly, I fear....*Puzzles for a moment* What else is available?
  9. Well...This is truly an odd occurance...One would think that it is a holiday weekend...or something. None the less, being of able skill, it is not below me to roll up my sleaves and do Galley duty....Just do not expect it as a regular happening, mind.
  10. Very well, then... *Collapses 'glass and hands back to Dorian with a nod* Thank you sir. The Kate it is then. I shall just go below for a moment then join you both there.
  11. Oh yes...Raptors are splendid! Sea Eagles...Osprey....A true vision in flight. A meal does sound rather good and William offers fine fare. Dorian?
  12. *Removes 'glass from sight* Truly...I was unaware of having said Stout on board. Though I know it may be obtained on shore... I do agree, even though those be of the common Brown variety, the never cease to capture my interest...
  13. The tea you are more than welcome to when the desire arises. It is a most profound blend, I find. Why thank you... *Takes spyglass, extending it to full legnth then pans the horizon* Interesting...Pelecanus occidentalis....
  14. Well...If it is tea that you would prefer it can be had..... *Watches his reaction and laughs* Oh no...That is from my private stores. A lovely cafe' from Venice. I dare not attempt what is kept in the Galley. I fear my sense of taste would be ruined forever. *Looks away briefly to watch a squadron of pelicans fly by off to larboard* As I was saying...I do have some Irish tea, if you would prefer that... *Notices the Ship's Master* Good day to you, Sir! Would you care to join us in a cup of coffee?
  15. *Armand's features pinch briefly at the pronouncing* Oui, monsieur...You are welcome.... *She watches the onslaught of sugar* Perhaps a raw piece of Cane would surffice in a better capacity?
  16. Me? Where's d' I hail from... Ye kennet tell? Why, I's from betwixt Roisin Dubh n' th' isle o' Arran... Mostly spent aboard, 'r in a shipyard... Tho I's told I c'n lay claim ta Glencairn on th' nor'east coast.... ::noting her expression:: An ye, Lass? Ye say ye studied n' Paris, so's ye picked up their words... Tha' says not o' yer beginnins... Well, my dear...I did have an impression that the area you mentioned would be the case; though I did not want to appear presumptuous...Lovely area, lovely indeed. I studied in Paris and Dublin, as well. Hailing from Dun Dealgan near Dundalk Bay. My father was a Gascon, displaced....My mother from Kildare. *Takes notice of Stewards return and pours two cups of coffee, handing one to him with a spoon and a small cup of sugar.* Merci, Armand.
  17. Yes...They do give me a certain interest to their habits. Pardon me... Armand...Pardon, s'il vous plait. Je voudrais sucre...merci beaucoup! *Catching his comment...* Frenchy speak?...*she laughs* When one studies in Paris, they tend to learn the lay of the mother toungue...You will have to forgive any offense. My Steward is from the South of France and although he very well understands and speaks English....He prefers his native speech. I give him that respect, as should be. *Looks bemused* So..do tell, from what area do you hail in origin?
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