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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. well there be a sight for sore eyes lillie!!! how are you lass ,,,thought you might have fallen in some spanish dungeon
  2. i bought 3 dozen on ebay last month for $18 ....all first quality
  3. christine lass you have posted a few pics i have enjoyed quite a lot ....you're a bonney lass with a fine figure any anytime you'd like to model for me i'd be honoured
  4. i wouldn't mind a calender with 12 months of christine on it
  5. damnation!! my plans have changed again i won't be there until next weekend
  6. here's an older shot from my performing at ren faires like so many of us i have very few of myself in full kit regardless of period here's one of the lad and i last fall as we went to samhein(halloween)
  7. will be fun to meet such a firey young lass such as yourself .....
  8. ahoy lass ..........josh the scourge and i will be in those waters that weekend as we are working a booth for a friend of mine ....stop by the brazin' lady and share a jar!!!
  9. good to be finally able to put a face to the rogue mermaid ....a fine bunch of pyrate lasses there ladies!!! ....sorry between classes and working the southern ohio faire i won't be sailing into pa waters this faire season ....tough to have to sell one's services over one's pleasure perhaps next season
  10. congratulations on the auction lad ....sorry i was unable to attend or offer an item for auction .....let me know if you plan another i will offer a portrait of anyone's favourite pirate to the highest bidder whenever you plan another ....congratulations for your quick response we have been donating relief suppies through our church here in PA lety me know if you need my services for the next fundraiser!!! :) :) :)
  11. billy i have always gone the flash paper route myself ... a good wad of it on top of the powder and the sound and flash are both believeable ....i did a bunch of instruction films for the bicentenial 30 years ago and we found that to be the safest method for close combat scenes...keep the loads light for close range firing ....the concussion can still cause injury or even death at POINT BLANK RSNGE!!!! ......and if the sound needs boosting for the film they'll fix that with the foley artist
  12. tea straining works qite well .....if it's cool tea it will darken and dull down the colours without effecting the chemical dyes used in the original fabric ........i have done it many times from theatre costumes .... and perhaps some strong coffee dipped along the cuffs and in the armpits and along the collar ....will give some appearance of wear and tear and body soils
  13. what style slops are you looking for ....are you looking for accurate period wear or just pull on pants ........depending on what you're looking for i should be able to get a pattern for you ....i have about 6 different style pants to build from
  14. not sure wether it's an antique ....but not a blunderbuss .....it appears to be a customized version of a dragoon style pistol with engraved but cap and silver escutheons opposite of the lock and a silver thumb piece on the back of the handle ....i zoomed in on the scenes that show the weapons on the dvd's ........it would be nice if someone could get details of the actual arms used on the films ....i'm tired of seeing so-called actual prop pieces showinf up on ebay or being sold on websites claiming to have the real deals .....i'm sure that most of the pieces in the film were not pot metal cast denix repros
  15. scurvy damnation!!! i'll only be stoppin by for day trip on wenesday ..... just my luck i have to travel to long island, ny for the weekend ... perhaps our paths will cross again .... there is a pirate invasion of baltimore in september
  16. well done lad ...30 grains is fine for effect you can also make paper cartrages to speed loading at events .....a belt box or shoulder bag with a wooden load box
  17. X7 now those are some boots ......... thanks lass hope we get to meet at pensic
  18. why do i have this overwhelming urge to ask to see you in those boots
  19. knee length is about as long as you might want ....longer it gets caught on too many things and nine days is plenty of time for hemming one end of a sash .....unless your hook gets in the way ...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  20. i use to work the pa faire up until a couple of years ago
  21. the lad and i will be driving down from pennsylvania .... we could pick up (up to 3) passengers who could donate to the gas fund we will be camping at the fort i think and i'll be vending something as far as i know
  22. i think the lad and i will be there that weekend ....we're often at the pirate ship or around swashbucklers pub & grove ... don't think i'm that hard to spot
  23. aye a product called snow-seal a beeswax based waterproofer ....oils deteriorate the stiching and shorten the life of the boots
  24. i trace my patterns onto innerfacing from the fabric store it's much more durable and reusuable .... just lay the non=wowen fabric over the pattern pieces and use a sharpie to trace the pieces
  25. pictures are always worth a thousand words
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