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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. check for loyalistarms.com
  2. just posted another shot of just rapiers (arsenal part 2).....then it started to rain so i will post more as i can get them shot there were another 15 rapiers i had to leave out .....and some still in storage run out of room to hang them in the house
  3. the top pistol is one i made myself :) i will try to photo some more of the armoury soon
  4. i have a few flintlock pieces that i will be selling for about the same price as loyalist arms ( a bit under!!!!) 1. brass barreled blunderbuss $450+s&h 2. prussian pistol $300+s&h can also get more of these and most of what loyalist carries so go to thier site and let me know what you might want i'll let you know about costs
  5. for some reason i can't figure out how to load pics in my messages here so i added a shot of a small part of my arsenal in the gallery as "arsenal part 1" i still have many more blades and a few more period guns but this is all i have shots of for now
  6. here is part of my arsenal ....more blades then firearms(period that is) the pic didn't load here so i added to the gallery(general)
  7. aye lad might i recomend he use of a pair of leather dog collars under the flaps and if you decide to pull the buckets up tet still look good...... "from a former boot merchant"
  8. darlin' if ye be having breasts bigger than mosquito bites i can give ye' cleavage ....or reasonable facimile
  9. i do have one in stock right no that is an xxs about a 31-32" bust and a 20-22 "waist it's a nice light brown leather ....strapless corset style for $160
  10. i live in pennsylvania and i'm about 40 mile from pensic and i can sew a leather custom bodice/corset that i make the pattern directly off your body and the cost is under $200 for a lined leather bodice with boning and i will be in missouri at the st louis faire the weekend of june 4-5 and the great lakes faire in july .....you can pm me or contact me via email
  11. if shooters you want ' em to be then do you want 'em as noise-makers or weapons ....for just a noise maker start with 15-20 grains and bench fire them see if that gives you the sound you want then go up a few grains at a time until you are no higher than 40-45 should be max or you could also write to zanotti and see what they recommend as the max load
  12. from your avatar your bodice appears to fit just fine lass .....i agree a bit of decolletage is a fine thing :)
  13. i came on this thread a bit late but as one of the males of the species if i might add a personal observation; as patrick called them you have the slut bodices which i usually refer to as bovine bodices the low-cut, let your boobs hang over like some servile cow ....if that's the look you want go for it but if you'd rather an alluring provocative appearance the higher more period bodice will still allow the public to admire your abundamce without frightening small children and getting many a poor married man an elbow to the ribs when your nips and his eyes pop out i have worked both ren faires and priate fests for over 25 years and i'm sorry to make this observation but i would prefer a classy looking woman with her clothes fitting properly rather than some grotesque cartoon of a sort sex show freak i have done custuming in 16th, 17th &18th century theatrical productions for over 40 years and fitted at least 150 bodices over the years... and when i see what some women think is attractive at some of the events it makes me want to cry and find some large cloaks to cover them but i have also seen what some other men think is attractive.... and i can see why the silicone boob culture has such a hold on them .....they think women should look like cartoons with boobs the size and shape of watermelons or beach balls on their chests ..... as for myself ad i hope most men i would rather see a woman whose eyes and smile i can see first when she walks into a room and not just see "tits" with legs i also have made many leather bodices as they were period as well for lower class women who worked hard physical jobs ....but along with some proper boning in these i also line them with fabric so they withstand long wear and allow the garment to breath with you being a larger busted woman i do think you will need to go for comfort and support or you will hate wearing the bodice if it is just a showcase for men to gaze at so please take the time to try things on or go the custom route and i think you will make an informed decision. best of luck to you
  14. fine looking hat my friend .... witha bit of personalizing it should make a fine pyrate chappaue(sp?) thanks for the link as well
  15. great show!!!! convinced me to work hard to go again next year ...this time selling my own work instead of being there for somebody else's company
  16. i think what some object to on this site is the imposing of moral judgements on others play be it flirting or otherwise .....as for myself i have done many of the things that most of the pyrates have thought about having spent many years in the miltary of two different countries but do i still go about splitting men from groin to gullet ....it's frowned on in nice society .....but i was paid to do it in my younger days .... and unfortunately i was too damned good at it ......it took it's toll on my soul ..... so now i play at being the same sort of man i was trained to be 40 years ago ......the niceties of of posting is a far cry from going to swing clubs or to hire out as an assassin .......so if i flirt with a woman here or there it is just that a flirt ..........and it's nobodies damned business if i am flirting with another person if they don't object to it ....... so perhaps if we remember that this site is for those role playing. then keeping anyones PRIVATE REAL LIFE ....JUST THAT !!!! PRIVATE!!!!!
  17. tis true the "real world " doesn't allow for the individual freedom to let us do what we imagine here ....but this is a part of who we are.... that we try to express, but keep in check ......by allowing ourselves to portray who we feel we would be if times were different ....it gives us an outlet for the energies that we keep bottled up to function in our modern "civilized" society where ruthless behavior makes you a criminal or a politition or corporate executive it's a matter of perspective and history ........... i for one live my life by a personal code of honour that i feel will set my course as long as stay true to my independent nature and the principle of harming none who do not act agressively towards me first .....but when threatened i give no quarter and take no prisoners (they only slow you down!!!) and i also believe the old gaelic tradition of "neither collar nor crown"
  18. hello capt' i was wondering if the vendors at the thieves market will be able to set up an encampment for the entire length of the festival .... my son and i really want to come down again next year as private vendors possibly selling artwork and also perhaps as a food vendor .... let everyone know what the encampment possibilties will be for next year even for pirate crews ....
  19. i have worked with leather for 40 years and i would never soak my leather in salt water unless i had more money than brains it will strip the leather of it's natural oils and shorten the life by 80% ... if needs be i would used the sandpaper trick and then use oils on it the colour will be varied but the surface will be of different textures as well .... without sacrificing the integrity of the hide .....i have done some of this type thing for a few films ... they would have used whale oil or fish oil but a waxws base waterproofing will nourish the leather but also keep the old appearance :)
  20. phil me lad i have known and dealt with jekyll for about 10 years his work is excellent and he's always a good fellow to work with ... and he doesn't rape ye for custom work either ....i have4-5 of his pouches and several of his belts .... and he stands behind all of his work and he's only about 2 hours south of you in montgomery county i think or maybe bucks :)
  21. Blackbeard and his wives quite notorieus when they loved it was extremely uproarious when he lifted their hems and diddled with thems his smoldering beard smelled of smoked oysterus
  22. awast bucco ....it's only a few hours drive for me to wilkes-barre i thinks me and the lad will make a run across -80 and spend a few days in those parts perfect time for a trip ..... and a cask on wheels could make it easier to bring the nectar with us
  23. and twer it chest for treasure lass ,,,, never knew many mardi gras bead tossers to give 'em out because you had a sweet smile alone paisley i wish i could see you again soon ....it was fine to meet you in key west ....hope to see you when next i come south
  24. roger the lass you mentioned would try the celibacy of the pope!!!! she's a child trapped in a woman's body .....but 14 will get you 20
  25. hope this works this time My Webpage
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