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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Alright.....now lad i think we need to talk about a barter or trade .....PM me if you've a mind to lad
  2. our thoughts and prayers go out to you and to your mum ....we will keep her there everyday for as long as she needs ...may you find every bit of the strength you need to keep going doing everything that needs to be done for you and yours .....God bless!
  3. Dutchman, I'm sure we can fit Sterling and some of the Archangel crew into Hampton and if needs be lad when you come down to PIP I'll make sure you have a spot to camp now the real test will be if we can get some of the rest of Blackbeard's Crew down to KW ...You folks do a fyne presentation both of camp and the fighting and the social aspects of the events
  4. Fyne looking work lad!!! ...looking forward to seeing it as you come to completion with every step along the way....best of luck and skill with it lad!!!
  5. Well after a brunch of hashed browned potatoes with peppers and onions and scrambled eggs with a sharp cheddar melted in, with top sirloin steaks grilled extra rare .....went about steaming the Christmas pudding with figs and dates and golden raisins, fresh grated ginger, and cinnamon, and fresh ground nutmeg; add to that, eggs, freshly made bread crumbs, and some nice rich black rum and ginger brandy ....it's been steaming for the past three hours another two to go ......aye now that's Christmas
  6. Merry Christmas to one and all from here in the Allegheny Mountains of northwestern Pennsylvania! May this tyme of year find you happy and at peace with you and yours. There will be many opportunities for adventure and new friends in the years to come. Smooth sailing and rich plunder to you all!!!
  7. Why yes it would BlackJohn .... a perfect gift to one's self
  8. My crewe and I will be there yet again this coming year ....The Vagabond Armoury will again be set at the head of the encampment near the street! This year I swear we'll be there in time for the Pyrates Ball ....last year's ball was impressive but alas we arrived when it was half over and still had to set our camp/sutlery.
  9. Welcome aboard lad! there's plenty o' room here about's ...the lad you'd need to contact here would be Foxe he's our most prominent limey ....he's got quite the grasp of crewes upon the isles. so a pint of black rum for me lad and a safe berth for you!!!
  10. 'Bout bloody time you found yourself back in port lad!!!!! I was about to send out search parties for your scurvvy arse!!!!
  11. Welcome aboard lad ...looks like the start of a fine fleet indeed ....best of luck to ye lad
  12. This sounds interesting indeed and when might we be seeing a sample of these fyne garments ye be peddling??? Hard to say "yay or nay" without a perusal of the goods!!!
  13. I'll be keelhauled if I miss it again even if I have to drag my cardiologist and attorney along with me in chains!!! so: Callenish Joshua the Scourge SaltyPots (So says she!) and hopefully at least a couple more and I will have a selection of weapons with me come Hell or highwater!!!
  14. Naw Capt you're still crazy !!! cepting in this case it was somebody else that did this deed
  15. See the first post of the thread!!!
  16. Welcome aboard mate! hope ye find a comfortable berth in these waters ......i'll be having a black rum if you please
  17. Here in the Alleghenies it's been snowing now for about 8 hours there is almost 10 inches of snow on the porch and I don't bother shoveling I'll clear off the steps & just keep the jeep in 4wheel drive and go....enjoying it this eve we were out and about visiting friends took a friend home about 50 miles away because she can't drive .....enjoyed the drive but hated to see the flatlanders who can't drive in it do stupid crap....and wind up spinning out or flipping their cars ....enjoying some irish coffee and watching the snow falling
  18. Making that trip including Hampton Blackbeard fest the first of June would kill two birds with one stone
  19. http://www.myspace.com/callenish :angry:
  20. Knowing now that parts of the clockwork in my chest (that was the reason that kept me away last year) have been recalled; let's hope that they get it right this time so the good Lord will let me attend this and many others in the future. I have missed it so much over the past few years. However, I hope to make the spring Lockhouse event and Hampton and several others before next December's Pyrates in Paradise. I'm already confirmed for Hampton to again be the Armoury Sutler, and this year I hope to have double the stock as last.
  21. Hampton sounds great... I'll be there again this year .....and I do have extra tent space on site!!! as does Sterling's offer and Williamsburg ...we can go in kit
  22. As was once stated "Any press is good press" whether it be in the magazines or in film. If any of these modes of communication get more people involved in the hobby at whatever level it is good for us all ...as they say you have to start somewhere. The more that we embrace the "newbies" and nudge those along who want to be historically correct the ranks of those will grow ....but if it is an "us or them" philosophy it doesn't do anyone any good! Read the mags see the films .... make informed decisions over what you like or dislike ...its a big world and can use both sides of the coin. Edited by moderator because 'size really does matter' when trying to read on a video monitor.
  23. Each new round of images make me jealous and saddened that circumstances kept me away this year ....but its nice to be able to live vicariously by at least seeing the fun everyone had there....by the grace of God, I/we hope to be there for next year
  24. finished my last final exam still working on my last paper for the term ...but taking it easy right now with a nice breakfast of fillet mignon and eggs with a nice mug or jamaica blue mountain coffee ....
  25. Welcome aboard lad! I'll be having a pint of black Barbaedos Rhum if ye be be buying!! Let me know what ye be interested in as I can get nigh most items at a fair cost and if it be something I don't have access to, I'll point ye in the direction to the dealer who might have that item in stock ..... fair winds and calm seas! Just finished my last final before I go out to student teach for my certification!!!! Retirement Sucks ...so I'm off to teach until they drop my ol' bones overboard sewed in me hammock & weighed down with a few links of anchor chain!!! forty years and four degrees later
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