Cap'n Pete Straw
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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw
Willow likes to Make Believe she's a squirrel. Here she is resting halfway up inside our Christmas tree... While Jackson simply thinks he is an ornament... But deep down, they are both Pirate Kitties! Here's a picture of them when they were only a couple months old... We also have two beautiful jet black cats (yes -- we are that weird couple with FOUR cats), but I don't have any good pics of them in Photobucket yet. Shots of Zoe and Phoebe to follow...
Universal ball joint
Group Justaucorps Project Kick Off
Cap'n Pete Straw replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Crafting Kit
Here's a shot where I left off on the fancy justacorps... I'll get back to one that after the wollen one. -
Group Justaucorps Project Kick Off
Cap'n Pete Straw replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Crafting Kit
Somthing about monkeys and typewriters suddenly comes to mind... -
Group Justaucorps Project Kick Off
Cap'n Pete Straw replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Crafting Kit
Oh, they will sit on the fabric, all right. And sleep on it. And thus the problem. At least I was working on two garments. Willow (the infinitely frictionless soft grey kitten) insisted on sitting upon my woolen justacorps. I could only get her to move off so I could sew the pocket flaps by folding the OTHER one into a more enticing bed. When I cut my fabric sections, I typically fold them with the pattern back up into bundles and set them aside until needed. Jackson (the grey-and-white kitten) has discovered some perverse joy in "diving" into the interior of these bundled packages, which had the effect of shredding the paper pattern pieces. When I started keeping the pieces inside a plastic storage bin with an interlocking lid, Willow found a way to worry it open. And they do this without opposible thumbs. I am keeping the weapons in the basement. -
Dean -- Any word regarding on-site camping this year? Pete
Group Justaucorps Project Kick Off
Cap'n Pete Straw replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Crafting Kit
Sorry to be behind in posting my report. This is why I cannot get anything done... And another, just of Willow: Anyway, that's the "fancy" fabric for my fantasy justacorps. It's my trial run to be sure I am not screwing up. I have just about finished the lining stage, but have put that one on hold because my confidence is boosted enough to work on the wool one. So... here is the wool, linen and buttons for my "real" justacorps. As I am home sick for the day, I might be able to get some significant work done on this. I had wanted to take that picture with the buttons scattered over the fabric, but the cats thought it was a really terrific game, and put an end to my attempt. I found most of the buttons, but I have a feeling there may be one or two still shoved under some of the furniture. -
... While I got the image of the cats nailed to the ceiling ...
Or you could insult Mister March, and he can shoot them at you ... and you can take your chances.
So glad someone started this thread. I have been wondering what to do with this photo. This is why I cannot get anything done... Left to right: Phoebe, Willow, and Jackson. Zoe (also jet black) was probably in the basement at the time, as she has no patience for the kittens. And another, just of Willow: I would like to get a photo of several of my navigational instruments to post on the Archangel site... Hmm... let's see... ah, yes -- perfect -- NO! WAIT! My wife is in tears that she cannot have a nice, peaceful, ornament-covered undisturbed Christmas tree. Wait -- is this one of my kittens, or did someone let a squirrel into the house?
I have seen this before but, like all good jokes, I forgot about it. I uploaded a copy... now to figure out where to distribute it...
Klingon (Chocolate is reputed to be a Klingon aphrodesiac... it was the first thing that came into my head)
Mythbusters busting pirate myths?
Cap'n Pete Straw replied to Cap'n Pete Straw's topic in Pyrate Pop
So there are now three separate threads on this topic. Over the weekend I saw a commercial for this Wednesday's (tomorrow's) pirate episode of Mythbusters, but I was out of town. Francois posted the following about the episode over in "Rabble Rousing", so I will quote it here (along with the link he added): -
Grant, as I understand, was the champion in the mega head-to-head Battlebots tournament.
Yes -- I saw one. Almost bought it, but put it back. I know I will kick myself in 12 months.
Mythbusters busting pirate myths?
Cap'n Pete Straw replied to Cap'n Pete Straw's topic in Pyrate Pop
As I said, I missed the premise of the teaser spot (busy making a sandwich), so I did not hear the phrasing of the myth. The concept was not to cover the eye for days (okay, that would be just pure stupid) but for hours or perhaps minutes, and only to give someone the advantage of temporary enhanced night vision (admittedly monocular). You must admit -- in an otherwise fair fight, if you have the use of only one eye, you should be able to defeat someone who is blind. Advantage, not superpower. They devised a good experiment (obstacle avoidance and treasure hunting -- but not fighting), and proved a point, but this was only to "bust" or confirm a myth. Again, I am sorry but I did not hear what the "myth" was supposed to be, or where the alleged myth started, etc. I make no claims as to any ... er...claims. I recommend everyone watch the show (I will post the date of the broadcast when I learn anything new) and then everyone can argue their alleged myths, experimentaal methods, and anything else. And I heartily agree: More Kari Byron! Pick your personal favorites, but I think she is the best looking woman on television. -
God ("Dog" spelled backwards, as well as an answer to the previous question)
During tonight's 4-hour marathon of "Mythbusters" episodes (on the Discovery channel), they have been showing teasers of upcoming 2007 new episodes. Several of the upcoming "myths" (I can only assume these are from the same episode) deal with pirate themes. Two clips they have shown thus far are as follows: (1) To validate (or disprove) that pirates faced greater danger from splinters propeled from cannonball impacts rather than from the actual cannonballs themselves. In the brief teaser footage they aired, they clearly showed extreme potential damage by nasty wooden splinters impaled into a test board from a cannonball. The teaser worked: I am extremely excited in seeing the entire test. (2) I started a commercial break by making a sandwich (sorry to not have been alert), but it appeared that they also tested whether eyepatches were actually worn to keep one eye night-sensitive for heightened vision in total darkness. The idea is that when night-vision was needed, the "prepared" pirate in question would close the unpatched eye, and uncover the "protected" eye to gain immediate strategic advantage over the un-prepared foe. Again, the brief teaser footage aired showed that this effect was, in fact, quite valid (the volunteer was able to accomplish a complicated task in an extremely darkened room simply by favoring his previously patched eye; in contrast, a control subject required much more time groping blindly in the dark). I have no other information on when this specific episode will air, but "Mythbusters" airs on Wednesday nights on the Discovery Channel. I think it may be worth watching your local lsitings.
Marco.... Polo
Pirate stuff: "Pirates of the Caribbean II" on DVD. 3 copies, and no gift receipts. A pirate (skull and crossbones) car air freshener. A "Bling" pirate kit, with eyepatch, earring, and some other kid's stuff. "Pirates of the Caribbean" Monopoly. Non-pirate stuff: "Star Trek: The Animated Series" on DVD. "Six Feet Under" season three on DVD. "Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law" season two on DVD. "Superman" seasons one and two on DVD (the 1950s TV series). An AWESOME Guinness blackboard thingie for my non-existant bar. A bag of Circus Peanuts. Lots and lots of cashews (gourmet ones from an excellent company on the East Coast). Book: "Phantom Army of the Civil War." Book: "The Fencing Master." Two packages of underwear (My favorite!). Bagpipes (waiting for delivery...). ...And this does not count the stuff I bought for myself ... which I why I told everyone not to bother getting me much (spend it on my kids instead), as I have purchased so much for myself already.
What? I just got rid of my pneumonia in time for Christmas! Maybe you got mine.
Back. Doing well? I wish. I became so horribly sick in Egypt, you won't want to hear any of the details. I had to strip naked to wipe up the mess in the bathroom, then take a shower before putting on my pajamas and crawling back into bed. Stayed in the hotel bed for three days. Therefore, I did very little treasure-gathering in Egypt. It was all rather disappointing. Just enough gifts for teh wife and kids, but no great treasures. No bargains ... there was no time. More later -- I have not slept in two straight days (including my 14 hour layover at Amman airport -- I have about 87 anecdotes about that place). Jordan was superb. Egypt disappointing. Therefore I am left with little enthusiasm -- but I will come back here to post some experiences and pictures (I think it is 19 rolls of film, and over 500 digital shots). But no Myrrh. Sorry, Captain. (And no one is more disappointed than I. I really wanted to have some Gold, Frankencense and Myrrh from Egypt to be part of this year's family Christmas.)
Arabic TV. This show is much like Entertainment Tonight with music videos. The music isn't bad... but I cannot understand the lyrics. Nor whatever the veejays are talking about. But they keep repeating the words "Keith Urban" and "James Bond", so I am following some of it. But "Keith Urban" and "James Bond are the same story.... so maybe I understnad nothing at all. Now it's something about American Mountain Lions. I just don't get it. And the credits are all in Arabic. I am so lost. I think it'll be more American tv tonight with Arabic subtitles. That I can understand.