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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. first off sir I just found christine locked in a bilge closet sir and she is now in the infirmary and me believes she was hit or something hit her on the back of the head and knocked her clean out sir. She is resting. Sir as I recall sir, I had a merchant ship coming out from around the eastern tip of the cove on the double from about three leagues and closing. But of course we didn't see it as a merchant ship till its depths showed over the swells sir. it gets abouts half ways in sir and it makes a 90 degree angle starbaord to us sir to its own larboard side and starts plowin the sea headed west. From ahind the same eastern tip sir of the cove this second ship riding high and dry and close sir very close to shore easily within canon shot range came out of nowheres and prceeds to run the merchant down and I watched sir as the merchant just flat gave up raised sail, raised a white flag and with what was suspicious to me a small number of men on the main deck could be seen. stopped and bein turned by the wind the now recognized Black Lament ran around her to her larboard side adn set off a volley but sir as big as the first powder shot was It was the merchant taking her on with first shot fires and it were a full broadside the likes of which would have sunk many a other ship three hails back and forth then out of the smoke cloud comes this hell cat a breathin in the wind straight afore us and sir it were putrified it were.
  2. coming up the stairs at the wrong time I says yes sir to the Quartermaster. as ye say sir the captain ordered the crew to the rigging and there they took. first shot got em down and Ciaran there he saved me life. Good shot he is. Quartermaster I heard from below sir it is as if ye were there by the descript of Ciaran there. Eery the way he said it I kinda relived its enitireties in the thoughts as they came back. Slowed to a stop, dead wind, dead sails and dead smells, fog came in and the smoke mixed with it and as I recall sir we got off two broadsides in the midst. Hell it was! The devils own made a visit. Yer glad ye still don't have the stench reminding you ye got too close..... Good to have you back on board sir and with yer health as well...
  3. In good hands I take leave and return to the room where I found Christine and begin my lookabout. I see that two water barrels are out off there racking and lying on the floor. (God could she have been in here since the battle with the devil ship?) I pass it off but cant lift the barrel to replace it to it's stred home.
  4. Aye Morgan, tis a fine day indeed. Mad_jack tis a concern of the ships officers fer certs. I have this chore I bagan a week.... no it were two weeks ago.. good lord how time does fly! I must attend and if you will allow my departure? I bid your day with good cheer gentlemen. (I turn to make my descent into the cubby where I am hiding the desk I am making for our captain down one then two then three levels over and then in behind this door i reach and find it locked then hear a scream from within.... I kicks it in to find Christine. Tears marking the soot on her face, I bend and attend to her. Checking her arms and legs for fractures or wounds she seems to be in Gods stead. I help as she gains her balance upon rising to her feet.) She says I was lost and thought I was having a nightmare then woke up and knew I was kidnapped and on another ship! There, there I say, lets get you over to the surgeon lass and make certain you are no worse for wear. (as I am holing her she is sobbing lightly and I pat her on the shoulder I feel a very large bump, begins its way on the back of her neck and goes up to the back of her head onto her scalp) does this bump hurt? I ask she shakes her head no. (we ascend the stair to the surgeon where Armand is in front of the door.) Armand sir! Christine here, I believe was knocked unconscious and I just found her in the bilge.
  5. Aye Jack it is Christines own dagger but nay not I have yet to see her in some time. (scrathes me head and thinks back ) I do remeber hearing her humming whist up in the basket just afore the ship from 'ell played out a scene form a most forgettable afternoons events. I did stop and get coffee this morn but i did not see her. She is a solitary one yet well loved, and dare I say (lookin both right and left) one hell of a cook! Lucky to have her we are! She must be in the hold bringin up stores to prepare. I showed rummy the damage to the area adlourning the surgeons wards but I have yet to be throughout the ship to inspect I'm sure the list is complete of the repairs bee in needed. Me pistols and blunderbuss I gives to you yesterday you saw they were returned to the arms stores I know. I did leave me musket in the basket fer the change. Speakin o which Mad_Jack..... The likes of having any ones of a hundred errghh more ways to board a ship are always playin on me mind, specially in me sleeptime. Me feels a few firin weapons should be always in the baskets. One fer warning and one fer takin first boarders face off. What say? (lookin up and to the shorelines busy bird involvement) Nice day is it not?
  6. one of the best pirate songs ever in the universe "Redemption Song" Mr. Marley and the Wailers as you were Carpenter! And heres one fer the likes of the young ones in here! "Mean old lady taught me to weep and moan" ooooooh yeh, oooh ooh yeh
  7. Petee this then is going to kick yer arse! This weekend is the tall ships in San Pedro at and all along the wharf at Ports O Call Village it's free and we be goin in on Saturday and in garb as well! And! Armed to the teeth! Me thinks a few pirates might be willin ta commandeer a right nice vessel of our choice fer a few pictures ta post here fer the mates don't you know? The earlier (opens at 10:00 am) the cooler it be!
  8. Aye good morrow then good Carpenter I see you were brought back on board in due time. I was below near to that of the surgeons ward and there are a few holes where a certain entrance of ball did weaken a few timbers. Would ye care to see where I mean? Right nice day is it not? I did forget me coffee would you mind if I stopped by the galley for a large?
  9. Simon, it is fine work indeed the bosun will assist ye wit the sailors to get a start on the install. Please, when the Surgeon rests after the Captains surgery have yer Kendra get to the infirmory on the double won't you? Grammercy, Now seein as how I'm outa this here basket would you (so I puts me arm around simons shoulders and turns him around to the direction of the galley) like to join me fer a rightly cold ale then?
  10. Heading up into me basket fer me lookouts watch. (Thinkin I guess no news is good news and the likes of or surgeons busy hands bein that they are still in the works repairin and patchin up our good captain. Me thinks he's the better for such a fine effort and will come outa there shootin and pitchin a party.) Settling in I pulls out me brings 'em near and start on the 'orizons. Nice breeze it be.......
  11. Having left the surgeons temple of purpose and poise. I take seat outside the wards door. (bowing me head for prayer) Heavenly father, my reflections of one days events do so haunt the core of my own faith. I have hummed and drummed about these thoughts now for the likes of two days and nay have more confusing an issue in my world been so inadvertantly turned topsy turvey. God you are great and God you are all encompassing in love, faith and forgivness. But lord hell hath no fury of that which the likes of mine eyes ever seen afore, and can only pray nay not ever to be again. I shall pass this off as the work of the devil incarnate himself, allowing the Captain the toil of this bloody handiwork from the stench of hells fires. I said afore, we have met the enemy and we have jammed our fist down his throat and ripped out his heart. Equal to the task once. though lord this seemingly crippling effect of the captains injury being so critical by nature truly needs your eyes and attentions to bring him though so as he can once again lead us together in your name. Amen
  12. Kendra, many of the sails need repair we took many a volley through the yarn and fabric now reveals passages certain to disrupt any needed speed on the wind patches at the ready be our most certain need. grammercy Turns to the just returning Quartermaster, Dorian Sir You have the ship the captain took one musket shot in the chest he suffered much blood loss and is unconcious, The Surgeon is attending with ernst. It was as bizarre a scene never the likes of which I believe the crews entirty had witnessed least of all me sir. It was a chapter from hells own bowels. Let us not tarry and go below, I'll continue on the way to the infirmery.
  13. I am so glad that I am not one of that poor barges rowers! Damn they been rowing for eternity and seems they arent making any headway! at all! Better say a prayer: God give our friends extra enduring strength and a newfound love for pain. See that the good captain pulls through and we will do our best to serve in your name. Amen
  14. X 2 Terrible Whats black and tan and looks great on a lawyers neck? no not a tie! answer: a rottweiller
  15. (doin what it be I does best, cuppin me hands so as to announce the news) All hands on deck all hands on deck the Quartermaster has been retrieved and is headed here straight away. Petee keep yer guns on the jungle behind them as they are fer certs on the way in what looks to be double time! Hawks and two other are rounding up the dinghy keep an eye on them as well! I'm coming down and need a lookout to replace me up here would one of you find Constance. Grammercy!
  16. Aye! I am about a goodly seventy some plus paces above the galley but I clearly hears whats I believes is the voice of Christine comin up through the open doors. (nice tune I says aloud to meself she's in a goodly mood today! Yar better than you I hear this innervoice say. Better than me i say back i dare not believe that atoll.) realizing that talking to yourself is witchcraft I shuts up promptly and rememberes the singing. Well I thinks to meself shes in a goodly mood today! and I catch myself and find the bardge and checks it out...
  17. (eye stuck to me glass I see something passed to Jack and the unknown lady making her way on the bardge. Rummy is on,Hawks, Armand and Dorian last but all on plus one and accounted for! (I cups me hands and shouts below) make ready for assist pon bardge return. Bringin me brings 'em near back up I set my weathered eye on the cover past the bardge that could hide a force of any size and watch, and watch and watch.....
  18. (comin back up onto the main deck I seas Ciaran still in the basket and yells up to him) Ciaran the captain is sleeping and looking pretty darn good in fact. Why don't you come daown get some rest and I'll sits a spell in there! So we trade places and I make notice of a woman on our old loading dock I do not recognize her (cupping me hands to yell below) Badger sir! I sees a woman on our old dock in the cay sir! I hopes no I'm sure Mad_ Jack sees her!
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