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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. thinkin not to be without reason sir, your ship is its own entity! The crew would lay down as I would too give you the meaningless life God has issues forth in exchange for your continuance Sir but that which you speak of as treacherous is the very meaning of experience in the sites of oncomming muskets where the difference in living and dying is innate by this time in most of our lives sir! The very fact that one can be and do all that is asked of him and more isn't changing what it is as given but doin the extra league sir! Where would ye have had me after the first balls been fired Sir?
  2. Aye sir you did indeed that being the order no less than two and in fact it was my position and worry that two being the order, Sir three is not a record of order defiance Sir! three be the banks interest, Sir! Another thing Sir! An order of counter manding your set sails was not the accord sir as I remembers it sir it were an outburst of thought where with four of the crew one of which a high ranking officer and first mate sir Me thought were not to leave them and mayhaps seeming an order on my part twer only an over zealous thought of oversight.
  3. (i am standin in the infirmery and as the captain see the logic in being that of a patient with life than that of one without he sits adn waits my recolection of events) I must say as I remember sir. Captain the men were in the rigging. I had previously addressed you on deck with the thought of a rear attack sir not withstanding it was a believed threat. I climbed into one basket where I joined Ciaran And Swan in their own Sir. I recall the order near to that of all hands into the rigging! I asked that Ciaran watch the rear as I would join this effort and Swan watch the front sir! I was turning to watch as this ship from hell did bare down on us while turning back spending most of me time watching the rear shoreline and the reeds area where I knew I had seen proof of individules unknown leaving broken branches and too a trampled by foot path into the jungle. That not being an excuse Sir! I suddenly not only see the movment in the bush but numerous shaddows though the plants and address the attack as occuring. I truly captain do not remember exact wording other than monkeys hanging about and that a rear guard was needed to protect our flank. Upon which I being never without my brings 'em near in focus sees it's the Quartermaster and Armand coming through the brush head first.
  4. Aye sir, I am without memory of this occurance and I would not nor would me wish be any other than your charge sir YOU are the captain sir and anything less is unacceptable to me and I should liken to say the crew as well sir! You have addressed a part of one days events I had not thought back on. I will address in your pressence and I will ask only that in this endeavor your charge be that of the prone position sir for ifin ye be jumpin up and ruptering yer stitches sir you are then of use zero to the crews direction sir!
  5. I shall seek the accompanyment of the Master-at-Arms and have him take me to the brig sir. This should be addressed presently but I feel having not been on my mind in that what ye say is of such grave consequence that mayhaps a little solitude on my part should allow my mind to think back on such an action of no memory. I should liken to be in a cell as soon as possible sir, for if this is true then the results of which could certainly as ye say do harm to the integrity of this shis crew and you and they need not know who's money funds the Watch Dog Only that you sir are in charge I beg your leave sir?
  6. Captain! Is this question one from dream or something where I could have stepped into such a place as no boundaries are fergiven? I am without recall of this nature sir? Am I accused of treason in your first breath?
  7. in the corridor and at a fairly brisk pace I turn to Aramnd) when was this glourious occasion? When the captain did come back to us? Aramnd says only moments ago monsignor. The doctor is attending him presently. He shows new color. (blessed in this information a smile of most magnificent size is now painting my face with a much needed bit of relaxation) We scurry down to the next deck below the guns and arrive in short time Armand knocks lightly andopens the door, sticks his head in and motions from behind his back for me to follow and we enter. I see nothing through my tears except the captains eyes are open and he looks bright. Having trouble is his speaking I awate) "Why did you relieve me of command, de la Vega?" (he says) I am without answer! Sir this was when? I say! You lie here sir and during the times of your renewed life and as your lirberties begin again anew. I am perplexed that your dream time is fully without warrant sir as I have no command Not even that of the weather sir!
  8. Oh! My! God! Pirates and wenches come hither as the time for your booty call is made and be it so that as ye set yer pace in and out of the rat race of these days and nights on end may yer time afore the sea be blessed in endeavors of richness and safety! That being said: The tall ships festival in San Pedro was huge! We found out the parking was closed in the late afternoon. Thousands of peoples Strolled the docks (over a mile long walk about) 12 tall ships docked with long long lines to board and visit were upon near each of them. Looking for and upon near ends walk we finally made our way to the sought for "The Royalist" to where we were well met by three friends form here in the Pub. Nice ship it be ifin ye gets a chance to see her she'll pack a punch she will! (Love them cannons I does and the swivel Ouch!) In full piratage adornments (I was with all me weapons) Rummy had her Sunday best on and the crowds ate it up I bet Rummy was involved in over 200 photographs with the likes of the families sharing this brigade of history. We was passing out dabloons to the little pirates and dragon tears to the wee wenches and the day was filled with excitement and fantasy! If you never been to a tall ships festival? Ye never been in the middle of a stage where the performance of yer life hangs on yer own perfections. WOW! Now! it is a must that we make the San Diego festival next Saturday as well! Ifin ye lives in the area..... Dress to the hilt and we'll see you on the main deck mates!
  9. Aye! Good morrow Mr. Hawks and Rummy! (leans in so as to not force his voice to loudly) Armand tells me the Captain has awakended and he has asked for me I am headed below and will let all know of this glourious days Beginnings shortly. (turns and dropped below Aramnd in tow and almost as if on wing. Turns back to Rummy and Hawks) anon.
  10. (long day it was, nothing was seen and my watch ended hours ago calm seas calm wind and a great dinner was served as I was just coming down from me basket. I ate and washed up made a change of clothes and went to see the captain, Armand was on the door!) Is the captain awake yet I asked? He nodded no, Is he doing ok? he shrugged. May I see him and share an evening prayer? I could tell I would be praying out here in the corridor.... (i turned walking from the infirmery stopping turned back and stared at Armand.) Dear heavenly father there are so many thiings we are greatful for and wish to thank you for all of your attentions you have given to so few amounting in so much. I just have one thing to ask ye lord, that in your infinite wisdom and while if you would just address this one more favor, that you are the road that draws our captain closer to his health for him and allow his return, in your name I pray. Amen (turning I started to walk away and heard Armand say Amen too.
  11. These are but a few of the places on line I find some very nice pirating treasures! *sorry kids * wanted to do this on Friday but it'll have to wait till I get back to my computer on Monday ( Shhhhh...... worth the wait) But if anyone would like to post a few places to have questions answered please have at! :)
  12. Where the hell have you been goes ta figure put up some Zepp and in comes Fancy! Nice ta have ye back can ye stay a bit?
  13. Not sure how many of you all care but this weekend (tomorrow and Sunday) in San Pedro the tall ships are in and its free to walk about and on them! At the ports-o-call village. Next weekend Is the tall ships in San Diego Harbor (here there is a cost involved) on Front street nears to where the Star of India is tied up. I be thinkin why not descend these ship shapes and do it together in true pirates style? Pirate ships and Pirates? Geee! Ya think? So security says ye cant have all those weapons and come in here. and we says oh yes we can!
  14. Well, you all will have to come by the Drunken Mermaid Tavern. It be the best meetin place at the faire. Watch for the wenches from the balacony waving ye all in. you have gots ta be kidding ! I am going to not work this faire and just play then! Huzzah to the women on balconys!
  15. ( Cups me hands lookin up to the baskets) Ciaran I'm coming up to relieve you! I pull up me boots and stand along the rail hop up grab the rat lines and roll to the outsides and begins the clim up the larbaord side keepin the wind in me face. Ciaran is already down and out of site by the time i reaches me basket and I sit back and looks out onto the 'orizons trying to find something, anything to see
  16. Aye Aye Quartermaster! Looks up to Ciaran but hes got his eye fixed to 'is brings'em near (as it should be then! Swan huh? She must be below I aven't seen 'er this whole day. Damn I'm in the basket on the next bell!) Quartermaster sir! I will look about sir but I must be prompt sir, I too will leave word and the likes for Swan sir, but I am in the basket pon next bell sir!
  17. Sir me eyes are in the glass, me ears ergh on me head, but from up there sir you could be screaming. Fer when feetstart shuffling and bustling about I wouldn't know if it were you or rummy! sir! I told the crew after it was ended sir that we had met the enemy and reached into its throat and ripped out its heart sir. The crew was there and they were worth their weight sir.
  18. everyones oredred into the rigging and then balls are whizzin by us, gots fast and furious it did. I didn't see the captain go down sir I was trying to find where the unregulated firing was coming from I saws it were two prone seamen on the forecastle deck sir and Ciaran there he took em both out as I was thrown from the basket I was in and barely able to hold on the the ropes ta keep from fallin. I wasn't much help in the battle sir but is was my intent to watch the back (well the ships back sir) and I had seen anumber of bushes and rushes movements not consistant with the wind. Then when I seen that devil ship come from around the corner it were close I mean real cose and I knows ifin yer goin to create a spectical peoples gonna watch and watch we did giving me more cause to worry our flank was being jeopardized. Sir I just knew that a landing force was dropped of and were coming at us from behind. But alas sir it never materialized as such. As Ciaran said we got off a full load and backed it up and then as if the sands stopped falling. the smoke turned into fog and the fog blew away and gone it were. just flat gone gone with the wind if you will sir.
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