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Diego Santana de la Vega

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Everything posted by Diego Santana de la Vega

  1. ok so where does this thread go from here? Would someone please post the words to this shanty that rocks somesones socks off?
  2. http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...products_id=249 cheaper than anywhere me friend
  3. (movement! I feels the freedom of the hull slide away on the top a glass seas jes after the anchor gots weighed.....Hmmmmmm........ Probably takin me out to deeper seas to walk the plank yar.......)
  4. ( he bows 'is head) Blessed father watch over our girls and see them through the distress of each and everyday, in your name, Amen
  5. Arrghhhh Chocolate Milk and Rice Crispies Coo Coo for coco crispies (me grandaughter loves this stuff!)
  6. Aye mate twas nice ta meet yaz on Saturday it were. It would be a tough road to hoe but mayhaps this move south could be done sir, can you p/m me I'll give you my phone and you can call me? If you can get your truck to south O. C. I can Get it to San Diego Saturday Morning fer certs...
  7. Yarghghhhhhh It certainly is Master Gunner
  8. I wonder if Tom has anything to do with it other than his location? maybe the Las Vegas pirates involved with the whole thing are just simply renting the faire site? But then again who would know? cant find out cant give a care too niether. Rather party! Huzzah!
  9. Nay not Badger Sir! I am not worthy of this special treatment please close my door and post that I am not to be disturbed .
  10. Who actually listens to commercials? More Doors
  11. (waking from an unscheduled nap I looks about to see me water and realize I am a tad bit thirsty)
  12. I don't know if I already said this errrggghhh knot! But The goodly Tom has nay not returned me request to work his front gate with peace tyeing and meet and greet so I am going to be paaaarrrrghhhhttteeeeeeeeing! Fiugured I'd get there as the early birds shuffle out around 2:30 -3:00pm and work the crowd till closing! huzzah and then come back and do the whole day opening to close! That is unless somebody makes me an offer I can't refuse! (ssshhhhhhhh) yeh you know the tune! It's a Pirates life fer me!
  13. San Diego Tall Ships Festival this weekend All flat ground! Ale stands! entertainin the mondanes and what be better than dressin up like the pirates we are huh?
  14. Red Handed Jill, I can't even immagine the hardships confronting your every single day existance. Though through this adversity you without reason or need you have been a light of guidance and passion showing humor in the face of all this. I am without words but must try to tell you of the love and admiration we all have for you within these hallowed grounds known worldwide as the pub. Thank you for your wit and wisdoms, keep a song in your heart and a smile on your face and we will smile and sing right along with ya.
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