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Lady Alyx

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Everything posted by Lady Alyx

  1. WOW Patrick excellent pics you look Fantastic...where did you find the spats? (if that is what they are even called>?)
  2. I was on youtube viewing various things from Disney World - Florida and stumbled upon the "Pirates Tutorial" with Capt. Jack, and this one thing he says to the crowd that cracked me up. A bunch of little kiddies where done with an excercise of piratey fighting with old Capt. Jack and then he was trying to disperse the kiddies. Then he says: "Go along find yer families, and if you cannot find your family - find a better one!" that had me laughing for awhile
  3. Oh Geez Callenish..slap me upside the head you're right...I guess I get them mixed up because they are both classics I love them both...and they should re-do both....!
  4. So Patrick, did you make it to Burning Man? If you did please post pics!
  5. Patrick, For a minute there I thought you had made that knife. Ody, Wow nice job, everyone has such great ideas and craftmanship is superb! Okay Rumba...lets see a pic of you from this weekend...anxious to see!!!!!!
  6. WHAT Patrick,,, you did not make it to Burning Man this year? For shame...just kidding, I know you had a myriad of projects going! Well there's always next year. (Don't you just hate it when friends don't invite you and then rub it in...arrrrrrgh!)
  7. I like watching Flapjack as well. I recently got hooked on the Penguins of Madagascar...in one of those episodes (Monkey Love) the penguins are trying to provoke a fight and they show up as desperado's except for one penguin (Kowalski)shows up in his pirate outfit....I LOVED IT!...arrrrrgh!
  8. It won't be the same if they don't have Johnny. I don't think folks will line up to watch a replacement, even though there are fantastic Capt Jack impersonators out there. I hope they make Johnny happy and he stays on for 4 and then 5 and then 6?... Went to the County Fair this weekend and they have a whole Pirate themed area "A Pirates Life" along with a Capt Jack (impersonator)
  9. Wow Ody...you look fantastic...saw the pics at the home page area...did not know if it was you or Patrick. I posted the SteamPunk event outside of my office...and forgot all about it. Dang...next time remind me if they have another SteamPunk event at the Queen Mary. Now I have to get together some kind of SteamPunk outfit and gadgetry....wow....going to start looking at those items I am throwing out of my parents garage a little more closely now. How did you make the rifle?
  10. I also love Russel Crowe for the part....he can be so handsome and alluring....I can hear him taunt the wench...come on now call me Jaime Boy. Okay if not Russel how about Leonardo DeCaprio..(sp?) I just saw Blood Diamond recently (for the first time)and was impressed by his work in that film and his south african accent.(and he can be a good ladies man wink)
  11. Me beau just emailed me about that the other day...was so happy to see that...but darn the wait. I hope they go back to the essence of the first one as well....but I will miss some of the characters they killed in 3.
  12. Strange going's on this year with this string of deaths...whew! I also loved the Thriller Video and since I always liked costuming...the zombie costumes and choreography in Thriller was marvelous. I read somewhere that to distress the costumes for that video they dragged them through the streets, ran over them did all kinds of things to them to distress them,,,always thought that bit of information was cool.
  13. Ewww I don't like the new format here....anyways, been wanting to go to this for the past 2 years, looks like I may be able to finally go tomorrow! Will def look up the pirates and def want to see the Romans....! Lady Alyx
  14. I plumb forgot about this...my g/f sent me an email. MadL and Ody are you going to be there again? Last year was sooooooooooooo windy..arrrr!
  15. I saw Star Trek and as being a trekie since the old days growing up watching "TOS" I had some issues with the Spock and Uhura love interest. They could have found a better Kirk for sure, and how did he gain command in that one scene so miracously. And the romulans did not have that head thingy thing like the Klingons..huh. Oh well, it was a good romp. I like Scotty and Chekov as their younger forms. Next to see is the "Battle at the Museum"...saw the first one recently and it was also a fun romp. We are also going to see "Land of the Lost"....just because it looks so silly. The show was horrible as a kid, watching it...but it was the last kids show on Saturday before it went to adult media. I also would like to see "Up"...it just looks so funny and cute...and yes the dog is intriguing..."Squirrel"..so funny dogs, do break their line of thought when they see them. Hey did you see the commercial for the new tv series "Merlin"?
  16. Since the Raids forum does not allow us to post events, thought I would stick this one here. Tomorrow is Carnevale in Venice Beach California. Here is the website for information: Carnevale - Venice Beach Patrick, One of the troupes performing is Mutaytor (Grand Finale)...thought maybe you would be familiar with them, since they perform and steampunk type of events and at Burning Man. My beau and I are going to attend in traditional Carnevale type of costuming...with a pyrate flair to it.
  17. Hey Patrick, Did you see the post from Rumba Rue about this....seems Steampunk is going to be somewhat the theme for this and Abney Park is playing. Pirate Daze
  18. anyone gone yet?
  19. dang, it looks like I won't be making it this year.....have an ale for me and shoot the cannon once for me also!
  20. Patrick, I agree with your summation...what did you think of the Steampunk Treehouse?
  21. Patrick, I also had seen something on tv last year about Maker's Faire...another thing I would like to visit as well. Also this past weekend I landed on Huel Howser and he was at the Coachella Valley Music Fest (a past one)...and I thought of Burning Man due to all the Artwork there...they had a Treehouse that looked def Steampunk...! Same expense almost as burning man 3-day pass 269 buckaroonies. Mostly a music and artwork event but some of the folks look def like Burning Man material. Have you gone before? Coachella Music Fest And it begins this Friday. ooooh and I was right about guessing the treehouse was steampunk... Steampunk Treehouse at Coachella Music Fest
  22. Patrick, I just happen to go to the Labyrinth Ball website...and was looking at last years pic's and lo and behold there were some Steampunk types there...check out the pics. I know you were thinking about going to the Ball at one time. Labyrinth Ball - Pic's Gallery from 2008
  23. Anyone from here going. I am going to try to go on the 25th due to it is open till 9 pm. Corona - Pirate Faire
  24. I am surprised that the groups that help ill children don't set up blog's for people to send greeting and wishes or even just dialog with sick kids. I am sure it gets lonely in the hospital with the same family and doctors and nurses to see. Outside influences my just perk up sick kids. Granted there are wierdo's out there, but many blogs have a screener before someone's post get's published. Just a thought.
  25. wow...could not believe it was time again...seems they have a couple of weekends dedicated to Swashbucklers.. Ren Faire
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