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Everything posted by Bloody_Mary_Bonney

  1. yeah.... okay its strawberries and non-dairy whip creme
  2. wow thats really cool
  3. THANK GOD!!! tell me about it..... woof... no more pizza till next month
  4. I can never ever let my boyfriend see that site... but thank you they are loverly
  5. the parting glass
  6. the last of the cold pizza yeah!
  7. the princess bride is my all time favorite
  8. hey wait a sec i'll be 21 by then.... hmmm i'm going to try to make it out there right now its up in the air but i should know by escondido if i can meet you guys out there.
  9. I sense a pattern here, lass! I got to get rid of the stuff!
  10. Rue! *blush* I was thinking more like teddy bear or something but that could work...
  11. uggg chritine that sounds great... lol
  12. boil them mash them stick them in a stew
  13. yea but what do i get him for valentines day
  14. if it were me i'd be knocking in some sence
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