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Everything posted by lorien_stormfeather

  1. Ye have a cannon on yar front porch... some folks approach ye with their camera phone while at the pub and ask to pose with ye fer a picture and ye think "whaat the ???" 'Cause ye fergot yarself was all garbed up! If ye wear civies to the local watering hole and nobody recogizes ye!
  2. Water AND Fire in this video... How they made it documentary http://www.jackjohnsonmusic.com/uploads/vi...s/makingsww.htm
  3. The paisley design be one of the oldest and probably first shapes printed on cloth. Take yar hand ... 1.hold it strait out palm perpendicular to floor 2.curl yar fingers to cup yar hand a wee bit 3.dip the edge of your hand in paint 4. stamp on fabric You now have the beginnings of a paisley pattern!!!!!! Embroidered paisley clocking on yar stockings would be fyne says I!
  4. Hey Hurricane: So ye deserted us Northwestern pirates fer sun, warm waters and such have ye now?!! Well if'n ye ever find yerself in Portlandia be sure to give us an Ahoy. Some of our number will be joining you fer Pirates in Paradise next year, so ye probably can't escape us altogether. !
  5. Keep us posted Trapper. As of yet BOOM has no professional comittment during Tall Ships Tacoma, but many of our crew live in Tacoma and some of us from Portlandia were just going up fer fun. Let us know what you have in mind soon, so I can get the crew to add it to their schedules. We will be part of the Pirate Village at Pirates in Port Angeles June 17-19th and our Splinter will be firing the Faire's opening and closing cannon shots. In fact, I gave Mary the faire entertainment coordinator contact info for you just week before last. Hope ye get a berth there-- perhaps we can meet up there? I have your Broadside CD and enjoy it immensely! Splice the Mainbrace- Stormfeather
  6. Jack Johnson Artist : Jack Johnson Album : In Between Dreams Song : Sitting, Waiting, Wishing Lyrics: Well I was sitting, waiting, wishing You believed in superstitions Then maybe you'd see the signs The Lord knows that this world is cruel I ain't the Lord, I'm just a fool and in love with somebody don't make them love you Must I always be waiting, waiting on you Must I always be playing, playing your fool I sang your songs, I danced your dance I gave your friends all a chance Putting up with them wasn't worth never having you Maybe you've been through this before But it's my first time so please ignore These next few lines because they're directed at you I can't always be waiting, waiting on you I can't always be playing, playing your fool I keep playing your part But it's not my scene Want this plot to twist I've had enough mystery Keep building it up Then shooting me down But I'm already down Just wait a minute Just sitting, waiting Just wait a minute Just sitting, waiting Well if I was in your position I'd put down all my ammunition I'd wonder why it had taken me so long But the lord knows that I'm not you and if I was I wouldn't be so cruel cause waitin' on love ain't so easy to do Must I always be waiting, waiting on you Must I always be playing, playing your fool
  7. Very nice! Been looking at old leather mailbags myself. I really like the color.
  8. Dear Trapper: Although we have not formally met, I scurry around the deck on this here ship when I can. I believe too that we know one Mary Benson and a jolly band named Spinnaker in common here in Portlandia. I am the Raid Coordinator (and Professional Pirate Herder) of the Brotherhood of Oceanic Mercenaries (BOOM). www.BOOMpirates.com. Perhaps we've met at Gig Harbor Faire? Our band ranges from Portlandia to Sea Towne. Let me know what events ye be plottin' in support of yar ship and I'll put it to the crew. I sent ye a PM with me contact info.
  9. Royaliste: Wish ye were coming up here to Tacoma in July! I know those rollin' hills! I love seeing yer ship in me Native Bay of St Francis.... Hope these don't put yar eye out.... The Brotherhood of Oceanic Mercenaries (www.BOOMpirates.com) commandeered the Lynx last weekend in Washington! One more of "the Lady" gettin pounded by the Lynx.
  10. Yar right welcome dearie, for the pictures. Don't be havin' so much fun when ye go that ye ferget to pop off a few to post later for us to peruse! A little secret- ply the crew with baked goodies for a warm welcome... and they don't say no to rum neither.
  11. I'll be sending a few mates yar way, even if'n I can't see ye meself. Although I will be making an effort to come to Vancouver, WA! Till then-- Fair Winds and Splice the Mainbrace me laddie! .....and I'd advise ye to be keeping on Captain Evil's good side!
  12. A fyne crew made waste of the small port Town of Ilwaco,WA last weekend. The Queen of La De Da and the townies welcomed the Brethren with open arms. Spotted many of you PDX Pirate scallywags in attendance...BOOM kidnapped the Harbor Master Lassie, took over the Lynx, had fun shootin' cannons from the port, did some singing and swordfightin' and kissin. A fine job! Great enormous energy! Here be some pictures....Your wish is me command Harbor Master... http://photobucket.com/albums/v28/cpostorm...feather/Ilwaco/
  13. Thanks all for the compliments! I had to stare at the velvet for about a week before I dared cut into it! It wasn't difficult to sew, but it has crushed in places with only two wearins'!!! A lightweight twill fabric would probably be better for Faire wear. Summers do get HOT here in Portlandia. Summer is only July-September though! I originally was going to use a hook and eye closure, but decided that the lacing made it more "pirate like". For those looking for boning. The new Townsend's catalog has rubber coated and tipped steel boning cut to size. link to JAS Townsend online I just used the fabric store variety in this jacket.
  14. Sorry to have missed this Trapper. Please keep us informed of your efforts and how Northwest pirates may help restore the ship and find her a home..
  15. Here I am in me new curaco jacket posin' with me friend Kat at Glastonbury Faire last weekend. Next time I'll use cotton velveteen, but this was so soft! See pattern online Modified Butterick Pattern B3640.
  16. Weather report for Saturday May 14th: from Accuweather: ACCUWEATHER Mostly cloudy with a shower possible; breezy in the afternoon. Winds from the S at 15 mph. High 62
  17. Reporters! I love reporters who speak pirate! Article in the Daily Astorian about pirates invading the town..... Complete with Color pictures.... Pirates To Invade Ilwaco, WA And a nice one on the the Lady as well! The Lady Washington
  18. Wot's a little rain Harbormaster? The battle sail goes rain or shine (as it should now!) 'Twas supposed to rain out Glastonbury Faire in Newport on the coast last weekend, but we all got sunkissed instead! (Met some lovely Musketeers-- imbibers of mayonaise, but that's another tale!) The Northwest coast weather, she be a hard lass to pin down and take home to mother. And I was lookin' forward to comparing gold teeth with ye too! Have fun playin' with that Desert Pyrate! The locals will definately enjoy being invaded twice, and be sure to stop in at the Crew House Gallery and Pirate and Mermaid Adventures when ye are in town. Oh yeah-- I should warn ye to be on the lookout fer Lightning Bolt and Sea Wolfe, Southern pirate lasses planning on raiding Ilwaco on that June date!
  19. Lucky boy-- ye gets to crew fer Captain Evil! I'll alert our Ilwaco contacts that a friend of the pub be onboard in June! Hope to see you on that second run! Ye could always take the jolly boat to Portland (about 1 1/2 hours away) on the 4th and join us in Marching in the Starlight Parade (starts at 8pm).
  20. Merry Met Kim! Ye ought to be signing up on PDX Pirate... All events piratical within One Day's sail of Portlandia! Go here... PDX Pirate Calendar Going to be at Glastonbury Faire... are ye?
  21. Schedule Update and Details.... Ahoy thar ye Scurvy Sea Dogs, Listen Up! It be time to be thinking about setting sail for the Port of Ilwaco, Washington this coming May 14th where the Tall Ship Lady Washington and the Privateer Lynx will be doing battle and pirates will be raidin' the town. Where in the beejesus is Ilwaco? Coordinates are 46.31089 N, 124.03305 W, located on the leeward side of the Long Beach Peninsula or right across the Columbia River from Oregon via the Astoria Bridge where the river meets the sea. Link to event flyer. Please post, share with other lists and invite all folk friendly to pirates to this event! Schedule Saturday May 14th 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Dock Side tours (admission good for both ships) $4.00 adults, 12 and under 2.00 (family pass $8.00) All Day: Saturday Market adjacent to the Port of Ilwaco (Beware of Scallywags) 2-5 pm: Battle sail between the Lady Washington/Lynx $50. adults, 30. children under 12 Pre-reserve to make sure you get a spot! Your card will not be charged until sail day. Call to make reservations: 1-800-200-LADY You can decide which ship you want to be on at boarding. Bring earplugs for those sensitive ears dress for weather (sail goes rain or shine) Can bring small carry on with own food/beverages/raingear 85 spots total between two ships.... ONLY 26 LEFT AS OF TODAY 4/27 Be ready to board no later than 1:30pm 5-7pm: OleBob's Coffee Net "GRAND OPENING" at the Waterfront entrance right on the Port. Shanty sing with B.O.O.M. (the Brotherhood of Oceanic Mercenaries). Hungry after the sail? Come enjoy $1 Crab Cakes, Beer & Wine Specials & More! 7-9 pm: Paint N the Town Red's Pirate & Mermaid Adventures- Grand Opening Pirate Party, 120 First Ave. South Ilwaco, WA 642-0771 this is just a few block s away from the port in the downtown
  22. Bedlam Bards: Take Out The Trash Their's is called the " The Ball Of Ballinor " "Take Out the Trash is fifty minutes of songs that Hawke, Cedric, and Lilly couldn't sing in front of their mothers (well, okay, not in front of Lilly's mother). Recorded deep in the recesses of the lost pines, TOT includes original songs not available anywhere else. Parents Beware: The explicit lyrics warning is no joke, even if everything else on the album is. " Order the CD here.... And since we be talking "BARDS" and it is one week 'till Glastonbury Faire- Oregon's first for the season!!! HUZZAH!!! Here's one of me favorite pieces of filk by the BROBDINGNAGIAN BARDS: If I Had A Million Ducats Background: Medieval parody of Barenaked Ladies song "If I Had A $1000000". Original Words and Music by Steven Page & Ed Robertson. From: A Faire To Remember music by Steven Page & Ed Robertson, words by Andrew McKee, Marc Gunn & Nancy e. Pearsall If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd buy you a keep (I would buy you a keep) If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd buy you furniture for your keep (Like a Louis the XIV or an armoire) If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd buy you a big coach (with all the pretty with fringe on the top) If I had a million ducats I'd buy your love. If I had a million ducats (We wouldn't have to hunt for our game) If I had a million ducats (We'd hunt for sport cuz it's not the same) If I had a million ducats (We'd have peasants grow food all around the keep) And we'd have a big garden. (A maze garden) With high protein-enriched food (like lentils) And bambi and thumper playing in it. If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd buy you a fur cloak But not a woolen cloaks. That's cruel If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd buy you an exotic pet (Like a dragon or a leviathan) If I had a million ducats (if I had a million ducats) I'd buy a saint's remains (And all those crazy lucky saint's bones) If I had a million ducats I'd buy your love. If I had a million ducats (We wouldn't have to walk to the faire) If I had a million ducats (We'd hire a knight carry us there) If I had a million ducats (We wouldn't have to get our feel all dirty) We wouldn't have to walk in the filth. (We'd have people throw cloaks on the ground like for Sir Walter Raleigh) Or even better, peasants (on all fours) If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd be you a bed (But not bed of nails. That's cruel) If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd buy you some art (a Michaelangelo or Donatello) If I had a million ducats (If I had a million ducats) I'd buy you a monkey (haven't you always wanted a monkey?) If I had a million ducats, If I had a million ducats If I had a million ducats, If I had a million ducats We'd be kings.
  23. Ravenswood is usually at (Gig Harbor)Washington Fantasy Faire. Good workmanship and nice people. It seems lots of lasses manage ample cleavage with their styles. The long skirted bodices are especially beautiful (even if fantasy). I have bought frogs, belts, swords, gauntlets, shirts, etc. from them at Faire and have examined their jerkins and bodices. Nice stuff. The Seattle Knights wear their work and our Splinter is a poster child for their custom clothing.
  24. Sorry to have to miss it dearie. Many of us will be at the Pirate Revels all weekend, and we've been planning and plottin' that fer months. I have already alerted the local denizens at your request.... Give me regards to the Klingons!
  25. answer...Broken Arrow by Neil Young here's another....an easy one They threw a rope around yer neck To watch you dance the jig of death Then left ya for the starvin' crows Hoverin' like hungry whores One flew down plucked out yer eye The other he had in his sights Ya snarled at him, said leave me be I need the bugger so I can see
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