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Everything posted by lorien_stormfeather
Coastie: regarding Jacky Tar If you go to Amazon you can hear a sample here: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...product-details Eliza's liner notes says the song is found in Cecil Sharp. Cecil Sharp began collecting English folk songs in 1903. according to Reinhard Zierke's (Mostly) English Folk Music Website http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/~zier...s/jackytar.html Sung and played by Eliza Carthy on her record Heat Light & Sound and on the English folk anthology And We'll All Have Tea. Martin Carthy (Eliza's dad from from Steeleye Span) sang this as Domeama on his album Byker Hill. Bob Copper collected a version of this story, as The Squire's Lost Lady, in about 1954 from Ben Butcher in Popham, Hampshire - a song he had learnt from his father George Butcher in Storrington, Sussex: see Chapter Fourteen, pp. 114-122, of Songs and Southern Breezes for the details - and wonderful story about a shoot; see also the appendix for the words.
Aye, that sure certainly count somewhere, but not on Aubrey's watch. Ole Lucky Jack runs a pretty tight ship!
"Scurvy" Cap'n Bogg and Salty
Great steel boning info! I've always wondered what to look for at home depot. I've been using the fabric store variety and it is definately not as good , but is okay.. Here is a maker of bodices that I've admired. Check out the Goddess Bodice. Reasonable prices too. Odd Bodkin As fer the doubt of yer skills, well just go ahead and try to enjoy making it. If you have the time, you can make 2 or 3 bodices for the price of a retail one.
Belladonna- A foine name and a good story, lass. May I confer with ye? Richard-the-Black's back in port and acting a bit annoyed with me cavorting with the gunner of the Black Rose while he was at sea. Would ye share some of yer herbs with the likes of me? I have this really foine fancy work to trade for the right tincture. :) Don't want to kill 'em, yet! Just a sleepin' potion will do, so I can get 'em aboard the next south bound frigate without a fuss..
I want to be a Viking someday. Stormfeather, Shield Maiden to HETHA!
Lorien Fiona Stormfeather (the name is an alias of course) is a friend to the Pyrates of Portlandia (PDX Pirates:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pdxpirate). I escaped from Scotland to the New World to avoid certain death for being a suspected Pagan and vocal anti-trinitarian along with my Privateer husband (Richard-the-Black). I have been known to commandeer entire ships at swordpoint and teach everyone onboard macramae, make them sing silly sea shanties and sign the articles all whilst serving tea. I'm oft found at Faire with B.O.O.M and tossin' bunnies at the scallywags known as Bogg and Salty. Lorien= (add an "N" to my mundane nickname) happened while in Jr. High reading Tolkein and stuck. The "n" can also mean "and". Fiona= has something to do with a certain green frog captain and a Samhain portrayal of an ogress. Storm= My mundane middlename is Gayle feather= My last name is MacInleister (in Gaelic) and they were arrow makers to the MacGregors One more ancedote: Started workin' in vain on a legal SCA name last year and nothin' seemed right. I shared my woe with the local Scribe who was happy to take 10 schillings and ferget about my "SCA legal" name! Welcome to Dragon's Mist, Ms. Stormfeather! I'm even listed in the Domesday Book! Pirate!!!!
Two full up events. About 150 patrons at each show today in Portland at the main library downtown. We arrived at 10:30 for the 11:00 show and were turned away at the door by the fire marshal! After a quick trip on MAX to China Town for Dim Sum and an entertaining ride back. Yelling "abandon ship!" as our small band of BOOM members and our PowderMonkeys disembarked from the train, and we were in line promptly at 1:00 for the 2:00 show. Posed fer photos with youngin's and passed out cannon balls, and me bunny rabbit to be thrown by the tot moshers during "Scurvy". The Captain and the Boys did us proud and seemed to enjoy the projectiles! The Captain sighed an audible "arrgh" of relief when we didn't have any peg legs to toss. They played an half hour set of old and new with "Scallywag" being the clear favorite next to "Pieces of 8" Just another piratical day in Portlandia. Wish you were here ye scurvy dogs!
Thank ye kindly! I am off to the bookstore tommorrow before I forget the title again!
cat hollerin' in g major! no, f # I think... *throws shoe*
Anyone know anything about The Gathering, or SDN?
lorien_stormfeather replied to CaptKoraRoberts's topic in March
Here is the Castillian Fleet's (SCA 3 Mountains Fleet) web page that has contact info: http://www.digital-nuance.com/castillianfl...t/thefleet.html what initiation rites they perform are a mystery to me. Ye might want to attend the Pirate Revels, April 8-10 (see above posting or llinks on site listed below) and meet up with some of 'em. As to calendar for raids within a day's sail of Portlandia, go to our PDX Pirate Calendar: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pdxpirate/ -
Really looked wonderful....thanks for the show. *back to work!*
ARRGH.... Mr. Moderator caught us. Guilty as charged. Fine Literature under Pop? Well, since we mentioned the movie, I guess that qualifies. No offense meant or taken.... Perhaps we need a Pirates Book Club discussion area. Quite well read pyrates here abouts.
Aye, Aubrey puts the prize in SURPRISE! the special edition movie is more than worth the extra doubloons! I bought the single disk one by mistake first! I'm just finishing up book three...The Surprise. just after they debauch the sloth! LOL! I LOVE and admire how Patrick O'Brian can go from pages of technical ship stuff (midshipman explaining rigging to Dr. Maturin) but also manages to let us explore the romantic and sensitive sides of his characters. Sea battles, riggin and bodice rippin! And don't forget pirates! There is even a companion cookbook with a recipe for Galapagos Islands pudding.... Can't find the title right now though! Anyone know the title/publisher? Something clever I just found on the web...while looking for recipe book in vain..... TEST FROM: http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=xhapless I made a test for Master & Commander fanatics! Just check which ones apply, and tally at the end. 1. Do you own the ‘Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World’ DVD? 2. Do you own the ‘Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World’ Extended DVD? 3. Do you own BOTH? 4. Do you suddenly flaunt your Irish-Spanish heritage, authentic or false? 5. Have you EVER imitated the French captain from before the battle scene in the film? 6. Have you watched numerous Russell Crowe films simply to see dear Jack Aubrey? 7. Have you watched numerous Paul Bettany films simply to see dear Stephen Maturin? 8. Have you ever attempted some form of surgery on ANYTHING simply to mimic Stephen? 9. Have you read all twenty-one Aubrey-Maturin novels? 10. Do you search incessantly for anything written by Patrick O’Brian, EVER? 11. Do you succeed? 12. Do you read them? 13. Do you purchase numerous items at outrageous prices off the Internet, only because they have something Aubrey-Maturin related on them? 14. Do you run around town wearing an Aubrey-Maturin related tee shirt in the hopes that Peter Weir will see you and cry “Rock on!”? 15. Do you run around town wearing an Aubrey-Maturin related tee shirt in the hopes that a really physically attractive person of the opposite sex will stop you and ask if you really like the Aubrey-Maturin series, too, then insist that you study together about Nelson at the library some time? 16. Is the first question you ask someone upon acquaintance, “Have you seen ‘Master & Commander’ yet?”? 17. Did you take up the ‘cello or violin after having seen ‘Master & Commander’ or reading the books? 18. Do you insist that, upon your birthday, that you want a floating Galapagos Islands pudding instead of a cake? 19. Do you promise that you will cook the part that has calf’s foot jelly, because that is just gross? 20. Do you swear that you will name your first child Jack or Stephen? 21. Have you ever been to the HMS ‘Rose’? 22. Did you completely max out your memory card on your digital camera and/or used ten rolls of film on your regular camera when you went? 23. Have you ever asked your parents (spouse) to go to the Galapagos instead of Hawaii that summer? 24. Have you ever constructed a Diana Villiers voodoo doll? 25. Is your pet named after an Aubrey-Maturin character? 26. Do you insist that Blakeney is a meaningless pawn in Peter Weir’s battle to wipe all knowledge that William Reade ever existed? 27. Do you know who William Reade IS? 28. Have you ever debauched a sloth and/or something quite close to a sloth? 29. Have you ever walked into an antique shop for the sole purpose of finding a Breguet watch like Stephen’s? 30. Have you ever used a real French naval perspective glass? 31. Do you stop every time you hear the word ‘man-of-war’? 32. Do you beg for your parents (spouse) to send you off on a Baltimore clipper for two months while it sails to Hawaii? EXTRA CREDIT (WORTH SEVENTY BILLION POINTS IF ANSWERED CORRECTLY): Was the film completely and utterly, UNFATHOMABLY faithful to the books? If not, how? 0-9 points, Normal Seaman Congratulations – you are sane. You don’t exactly go all out – far from it. You enjoy it to some extent, but let’s not get carried away. Still learning the ropes. 10-19 points, Captain of the Tops Any and all things related with the Age of Sail are fun topics for you. Still fairly adequate when talking about something BESIDES Lord Nelson. Geez. Capable while hanging around the ratlines. 20-29 points, Post Captain People get a little concerned when you start on about Thomas Cochrane. Your time in class is mostly spent wondering how the hell this is relevant to the War of 1812. Hopefully, it’s just a phase. 30-70,000,000,030 points, Admiral of the Fleet Good Lord. You are the master/mistress of all things Aubrey-Maturin. Get a life, would you? Make way, pitiful denizens! You’re blocking the Extremist’s view from the quarterdeck. 70,000,000,032 points, Chief of the Admiralty You apply for every single one. Honestly. You even got the extra credit. You need mental help. Right away.
Thanks fer sharing but could not find the steel boning link within!
Any one heard any more details about rumored New Oregon Faire run by this outfit?
Goonies Fan Con 20 year Celebration
lorien_stormfeather replied to lorien_stormfeather's topic in Pyrate Pop
went through astoria the other day... a lot is going on in this old seaport. New website.... http://www.gooniesevent.com/ -
Pirate boots fer the lasses
lorien_stormfeather replied to morgan_thelimey_grimmway's topic in Thieves Market
Many a sea-going girlfriend o' mine has bought from www.scaboots.com and been happy. They have a low heel women's style. I prefer sandals and low boots or my mj flats in the winter. We don't buy from those scoundrels at Wally-Mart. -
If ye read the books you'l find that the British navy was quite piratical as least IMHO!
Never thought about the simularities between clowns and parading as Pirates! But Aye, I admit the crowd interaction is simular! And since the Pirates of Portlandia don't have a float, we are up close and personal with the crowd at Portland's Starlight parade. My favorite schtick is when Splinter approaches a young lass and asks her "Left or right?" Meaning which shoulder should he hoist her up to run off with her and I get to hit him with my umbrella! And Patrick, which Pyle painting tableu are ye gonna present? I think "Marooned" would do nicley!!!!!
My favorite Jack song! Jacky Tar (Eliza Carthy, Heat, Light and Sound) from the liner notes: "A Jacky Tar is a name for a sailor. This seems to be another “trick the lass and run off” song, except that he doesn't get the chance to run off. I learned it from my Dad (Martin Carthy of Steeleye Span) and it appears in Cecil Sharp." Well, a young Jacky Tar out one day a-walking, He heard a squire and the lady talking. Jack heard him to the lady say, “Tonight with you, love, I mean to lay Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo.” “Just tie a string all around your finger Let the other end dangle down from your window, And I'll come by, pull on the string You come down and you'll let me in, Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo.” “Damn me,” says Jack, “Oh, why don't I fetch her, See if a poor sailor can't win this treasure.” So he went by, pulled on the string; She came down and she let him in, Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo. The squire came by, he whistling a song-a, Thinking to himself how it wouldn't be long-a, But when he got there, no string he found, Behold, his hopes were all dashed to the ground, Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo. Now the squire he came a-riding, he was singing a song, He was thinking to himself how it wouldn't be long. But when he got to the window, no string he found. Behold his hopes was all dashed to the ground Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo.” Jack lay in her arms all the livelong night-a And she woke up in a terrible fright-a! For there lay Jack in his tarry shirt Behold, his face was all covered with dirt, Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo. It was early next morning, it was just getting light, The lady sat up with a terrible fright. For there lay Jack in his tarry old shirt, And behold his face was all covered in dirt Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo.” “Why what d'ya want, oh you nasty sailor Stealing in my chamber to steal my treasure?” “Oh no,” he says, “I pulled on the string, You came down and you let me in Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol a doo.” And then, says Jack, “Why I beg your pardon But I'll steal off quiet first thing in the morning.” “Oh no!” she says, “Don't you go far For I never will part from my little Jack Tar Fol la la doo, right falero, right fol lol adoo.”
I've successfully made McCalls 4107 and Butterick 6196/98 (I adddded peccadill tabs to this one). Everyone will need help fitting these, so make a muslin version first. These patterns only take about 1 yard of material, so you can splurge on something quite nice! Yes, all you need is one yard for the main body (a little more if you add a peplum or pecadills) and one yard for the lining, and a yard of heavy craft weight interfacing....NOTE iron this to lining not main fabric in case it puckers a bit. The boning also goes in your lining. Don't forget to buy natural fiber fabrics. I made it up in wool and is very comfortable in the heat of summer and Oregon rain storms!. Actually the commercial patterns as mentioned above are pretty good. There is one more pattern I'd reccommend that seems to make up nicely. I haven't made this one, but I have seen it alot and it is quite adjustable due to all the panels. up to size 20. Simplicity 9966 http://www.simplicity.com/index.cfm?page=t...=59&StartRow=11 BRAND NEW Butterick B4483 has a English style bodice (no grommets, just ribbon to hold the laces) chemise top and skirt up to size 20. http://store.sewingtoday.com/cgi-bin/butte...TI=10013&page=1 The hardest thing of course is the grommets. I bought a leather punch to go through the layers of interfacing and fabric. A good grommet settting tool can be found at a hardware store or R.E.I. The fabric store ones are a bit wimpy. Those into authenticity will tell you to cover the grommets with embroidery thread or just poke holes with an awl and then button hole stich around the opening. So you really can avoid grommets if you wish. Have fun!!!!
It's just more "hot topic" pirates from "the maul"!
Costume Wins for Rumba Rue and Capt. Grey!
lorien_stormfeather replied to Rumba Rue's topic in Thieves Market
Beautiful work! I like how it has a slightly feminine edge! -
Here is the poster for the party Saturday, May 14th, 7pm following the battle sail. Link for poster Ahoy Harbormaster! Aye, we will be on the battle sail and we're bringing the Powder Monkeys B.O.O.M will be performing and as many of the PDX Pirate crew as we can muster! Ilwaco is about 2 1/2 hours from Portland and We will be in town Friday eve.-Sunday. Ilwaco is hard to get lost in! LOL! The Crew House Gallery is Don's place (right on the wharf) and Jenna's studio where the party will be held is in spittin' distance on the main drag! 120 First Ave. South! Just look for the Black Flags! I'm sure we'll find each other! Looking forward to it! Too bad about the missus missing out! I met up with Don and Jenna this last week (great folks!) and they introduced us to the Harbormaster of the Port of Ilwaco, and I can say, a more cordial lass you'll not find! She was right friendly to the idea of Pirates coming to their little village! The Lighthouse at Cape Disappointment State Park is a beauty. You can go right up into the light gallery and see a wonderful view. We saw gray whales spouting about 5 miles offshore in March.