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Everything posted by lorien_stormfeather

  1. Rifle, Loot and Salvage Companie http://www.underablackflag.org not-fer-profit, all fer fun Working on building a true GAoP impression for Pirate events in the Northwest go the the PDX Pirate Calendar: http://www.pdxpirate.org
  2. A crew member (Dirty Dave) ready to hoist our colors (minature version) on the Lady. "The Heart of Gold" be the moniker. I be a whimsical pirate enabler sort. Click on the thumbail for a larger view. This ensign actually flew aboard the Lady Washington in Baker Bay, but don't tell the Seaport. wouldn't want any of the crew doin' the hempen jig! The larger 3 x5 ' version is waiting for me to add the flames. Applique handstiched on linen. Aye,leave those edges rough! I used a sinple blanket stitch. Finished onboard the Lady Washington, during 4 day transit from Coos Bay, Oregon to Ilwaco, WA May 2006. pictures of the voyage including the flag raisin' http://www.fletcherpdx.com
  3. Greetings: Ye can find info on Piratical Events happening within one day's sail of Portlandia (portland, Oregon) at the PDX Pirate Calendar: http://www.pdxpirate.org Geographical area is mainly Portland Metro area but we welcome events from all over the Northwest, including Ren Faires and all other events for garbed pirates, like Talk Like a Pirate Day Pub crawls. Feel free to post an event. Details at the site.
  4. I've heard makeup people sometimes use cocoa powder.... and on POTC they put the garb in cement mixers with bricks...so if ye have one handy... Or heck just go rent one, build yourself a fort and then, when yar done, yar kit should be just fine!
  5. Ilwaco Nautical Renaissance Event website! May and June 2006 www.nauticalrenaissance.com
  6. Avast! Pyrates be takin' over the Port! Join the brethren of the coast (in pyrate garb), as we raise the black flag on the small port town of Ilwaco, Washington on Saturday May 20th. Music by our own Broadside Johnnie, Whistlin' Oysters, The Talk Like a Pirate Day Guys, and Tall Ships (both the Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain), a pyrate encampment, sword fightin', two battle sails and black powder! http://www.nauticalrenaissance.com/ And where might be Ilwaco, WA ye ask? Just 'cross the bridge o'er the mighty Columbia from Oregon at the Graveyard of the Pacific. Please Post to pyrate lists and invite yar scurvy mates!! Questions? info(at)underablackflag.org 888888888888888888888888888888888 Lorien Stormfeather pdxpirate event calendar (outbound messages only) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PDXPirate/
  7. Ah well... Doug's too nice to broadside anyways. Looks like you gave the other guy what for ! Fair winds to all the way to Cleveland!
  8. Ere ye go mate... http://www.piratebrethren.com/forum/index....57fcb8c9614ace6
  9. Give Captain Doug a biggun fer me! :angry: btw: Me hubby looks quite dashing in his Royaliste T. Ye wil be missed by us left coasties!
  10. Pretty red coat ! Never say never, Foxe...I can arrange for some beltage. Obviously you've never been to SantaCon... Dread Santa and Stormy Santa were there
  11. Ahoy Coastie! Hope ye are not frozen to the rats! BTW: I happen to know that The lady will be arriving in Ilwaco, WA. May 18th and staying through the weekend. I know 'cause we'll be raidin' her and taken over the town! (Don't tell nobody!) It'd be worth a phone call to Mr. Kennedy anyways Jack!
  12. I can reccomend these folks most highy: Jas. Townsend and Son, Inc. http://jas-townsend.com/index.php "We are a mail order company that supplies 18th and 19th century reproductions for living history. We specialize in Historic Clothing, Camp Gear, Tents, Books, Music, Knives, Tomahawks, Oak kegs and other assorted goods for people or organizations reenacting the periods from 1750 to 1840 especially the French and Indian War, American Revolution, and War of 1812. We have been serving historical reenactors, movies, theaters and Pirates since 1973. Jas. Townsend and Son is located in northern Indiana about 45 minutes west of Fort Wayne, Indiana."
  13. I've caught one in a jar... I'll let ye look it, and sell it to ye if'n ye wish. Just follow me, down this hatch, that's right, come below... Oh dear, the lamp blew out! *CRAaaaaaaCCCkkkk!* Got another one to man the sweeps boys!
  14. I refuse to enter the fray except for two comments: 1. there is certainly a time and a place for many styles of pirates. The more the merrier. When WORKING AS PART OF THE ENTERTAINMENT OR GATE LISTED at an event or Faire, I do my best to ensure make my garb fits within the time period of the event. When ATTENDING AN EVENT AS A PAYING MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC, I wear what I choose. 2. My own personal beef is with merchants (on-line or elsewhere) who advertise something as being "historically accurate" or of a particular date when it is not. Buyer beware. Some take it upon themselves to assume that everything sold at events is historical. I've never heard Kristi say her coats were accurate- they are for fun. And she makes a nice product. Ahoy Dearest Harbormaster and special greetings any other lonely pirate denizens of the Pacific Northwest! You don't have to leave our cozy little corner to try a bit of historical re-enacting. Some of us with an interest in portraying period correct pirates, either Elizabethan (when at an Elizabethan Faire), or GAoP when we do our own raids are gathering together as a new guild (un-named as yet) for this season. Let me know if you'd like to join in... The "Pirates of Portlandia" also do "pub raids" in the Portland, Oregon area and Gig Harbor (Washington Ren FANTASY Faire at Gig Harbor) in our fantasy rigs!
  15. I have official confirmation that the dates are the SECOND weekend in October for 2006. That is 13, 14 & 15. I wish someone would update the title of the post with the correct date. I'd hate to see anyone marooned!
  16. Not the dread earring thread....What ye tryin' to do Hurricane-- incite a riot?????!!!!!! I'd buy a pair of gold ones in case ye lose one. If there be no piercing/tat shops nearby, check the mall fer piercing stores, they often have bargains on gold filled loops. And are ALWAYS happy to see a male customer in port! I do like a man with gold in his head!
  17. First we make new recruits haul the firewood down to the beach, baptize them with a bucket 'o sea water and make 'em drink goats blood mixed with mead after spinning them around three times..... just kiddin' .
  18. Ahh the Faire--- the stories I can tell ... (there's some I won't ) 1. Stole the Queen's monkey 2. Hired minions to insult the QuarterMaster 3. attacked a courtier with bananas and limes 4. returned the queen's monkey (in exchange fer a letter of marque) after he'd turned pirate -- complete with pegleg and a hook and that was "before dark"- I was sober!
  19. No slight intended by not mentioning the Royaliste... They'd be a fyne choice. Cap'n Gary, I thought you'd be unavailable due to yar Great Lakes adventure, I owe ye a tot of Sailor Jerry's!! BTW: Nice new t-shirts... I ordered one today...
  20. Hurricane yar making me weep.... alas fer some balmy weather and deep blue water--- it's bloody stormin' here in the Pacific North West... and BLEAK- VERY BLEAK! Bein' a former resident, ye know of what I speak!
  21. Finally found a phone number for Parks and Rec... They have indeed moved it to the second weekend Oct 13-15th, 2006
  22. I've heard that the Las Vegas Faire- Age of Chivalry-- has moved form the first weekend in October to the second in 2006. Have they officially moved this to October 13-15 for 2006??? I thought it was always the first weekend... No dates or contact info on their web site: http://www.lvrenfair.com/
  23. I'd be calling the folks at Grays Harbor Historical Seaport who own the Lady Washington aka the Interceptor (and the Hawaiian Chieftain) She winters in cali. GHHS PO Box 2019, Aberdeen, WA 98520 Tel: 800-200-LADY (5239) Fax: 360-533-9384 Grays Harbor/Lady Washington
  24. I'm planning on being there, though will probably camp with the ECS, but still keep me on yar list!
  25. In case any of youse Scallywags will be a sailin' to the Northwest (Portland, OR)- I hope to see ye at one of Captain Bogg and Salty's two January shows DANTES on the 13th...or on 1/27 @The White Eagle Saloon
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