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Rogue Mermaid

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Everything posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. She makes us all proud...
  2. I'm sorry to hear about Salty Pot's health. I'll keep you both in my prayers.
  3. How wonderful! Congratulations to you both!
  4. There is a memorial comic on the Order of the Stick site today. I've been playing since the early 90's. Like John I've also met my circle of friends through D&D. They introduced me to my boyfriend and hooked me up with my job. I've had many great times playing with my friends and brother. Goodbye and Thanks Gary
  5. By the gods...I never wished you a happy birthday I guess you're just going to have to go celebrate again HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
  6. Black Mab's book is on it's way to Ransom. Like Carter's book, Mab's Book was a bound journal so I got an opportunity to make another pop-up. Those things are pretty fun to make!
  7. I'm glad you like it
  8. I got your PM Ransom and the book is on it's merry way. I've just been missing off the internet for a little bit because I'm overworked and seem to have contracted the dreaded common cold I'm really sad to hear about Pew's orginal book. It was truly very nice.
  9. I received Black Mab's book on Saturday.
  10. I love it!!!!! I started watching the box set with the boyfriend Monday night. I've been working pretty late all week and watching Firefly when I get home is giving me something to look foward to. It's sort of my light at the end of the tunnel this week. We've been watching a few episodes everynight and I think we only have one disk left. Then we'll re-watch Serenity. How could they cancel such an awesome show!?!?!?
  11. Maybe mail it around the 21st so that it will arrive after I get home. Ok, I'll keep it safe
  12. Sorry I haven't been responding guys, I'm SWAMPED at work, lots of late nights John - This is getting to be an expensive outting!! How about I just sneak you a flask (or 2)? Crimson - I'm flattered. I'm sure there will be lots of women who will make lots of "interesting" poses if you tell them they are getting passed on to a magazine. Being given such a task could result in quite an exciting evening! Cheryl, I might come down early this year so I may see you guys! One of my coworkers has offered to let me stay at her house that's just a walk from Fell's Point. Hazzah to my coworker!!!!
  13. I have a borrowed Firefly boxed set sitting on my coffee table waiting for me to find two seconds to watch it. I've been told good things.
  14. Oh, can anyone recommend a good place to get a room? Crimson, I'm curious. Is the bar that tossed us all out last year in on the loop again this year?
  15. I'm going with my usual crew. I'm doing it right this year damnit!!! I'm getting a room and not missing a thing! I've had so much fun the last two years, I'm sure this year will be even better. John - if you go I'll buy you a rum to make up for the rum you didn't have in Havre de Grace Silkie are you going?
  16. I was also sad to hear he had passed. I was really looking forward to seeing him in the next Batman. I bet he would have been awesome.
  17. I don't know about Netflix, I've heard people have found it in the RedBox. If you are going to watch a gaming movie watch "The Gamers" by Dead Gentleman (not the old one from the 80's - though I hear it's funny). It's great, and they spoof the gaming mentality so well. There are many, many, many good quotes in that one. The first D&D Movie that made it to the big screen does have a nice beholder in it for about five seconds. He didn't actually do anything, they literally said, "The army has beholders!" and that was it. I highly recommend the second (Sci-Fi made for TV) D&D Movie called Wrath of the Dragon God. I've seen it for rent in a few different places. Watch it with the special features set to the Iconic Character commentary. It's an absolute riot. They have the standard human cleric, halfling rogue and half orc barbarian talking about the movie. All they do is bicker. YES, there is SO much Dragonlance stuff. There isn't as much gaming stuff as Forgotten Realms - but there's a decent selection. I can't get any of my group to play Dragonlance (since we can't seem to finish our 2 standard Greyhawk campains) so I don't bother buying much of it. I still buy the novels though.
  18. Ok, it's not piratey - but we've talked about everything from Star Wars to what color hair we have in the past, so here I go.... I am a huge fan of the Dragonlance Series of books since '92. My collection is up to over 70 novels and a handful of gaming suppliments. The first book in the series, "Dragons of Autumn Twilight", was relased on DVD as a 90 minute animated film this past Tuesday and I snapped it up. I had seen trailers and screen shots so I my expectations were low to start with. Then I watched it. I was pretty disappointed to say the least. Anyone else see it? Wanna vent?
  19. It's going to be hard not to peek!
  20. Oh no, you guys aren't addicted too? I swear I check for updates everyday! (I know John is rolling his eyes going..."Why am I not surprised")
  21. Copycat... It's the most sincerest form of flattery. I must admit, I took inspiration from your labels - but I've done it differently, you'll see
  22. It's coming, I'm so sorry. I've got delivery conformation on it so I can keep an eye on it. For some odd reason I feel better when I can keep a watch on the package's progress.
  23. I recieved Carter's book yesterday. My new sketchbook was sent to Patrick via priority mail about two hours ago. You really can turn this into an expensive project if you let yourself. I've been buying lots of scrapbook paper and booze (for their labels of course..... ).
  24. That's funny, mine is Kelly - meaning Warrior Woman Oddly enough my best friend is Brenda - meaning sword
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