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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Here's a random one for ya. Last Friday I had to design an ad featuring yachts by a manufacturer named Jefferson. They have a model called the Starship.

    I had "We Built This City" stuck in my head all day.....

  2. Rogue gave a quick desprite glance to Diego and Tito then backed off into the brush along the beach. As she passed Merrydeath she whispered, "If she drops that sword be sure that no one else picks it up, I'm think'n it's cursed". Then she slipped into the cover of the woods, hoping that she could tackle her possesed friend from behind.....

  3. *looks guilty, stares into her rum*

    I've got me a question. See, I've gotten quite comfy in this here singles bar. I like the rum, the company, this bar stool (see I carved my name under it!). Now here's the 'ting. I met me a fantastic type a guy. Nothing is clearly defined yet, but I've got a feel'n I might be sport'n a boyfriend soon. So I say.....,

    "PLEASE DON'T THROW ME OUT!!!!" :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  4. Oh my gods.. its Keith Richards!!

    He could at least stuck around for a song or two...Beast of Burden anyone?

    *pulls out a guitar and strums it, sounding not unlike ally cats in heat*

    Maybe someone else should play.....

  5. Meanwhile, back at the Moonlit Lagoon- While the Couples frolicked and Lolled in the Sand, And the Lonely and Heartbroke sat off alone upon a dune eyeing the horizon, and a Dog did it's Business and buried it in the Sand- while The Moon Laid a Vast Shimmering Silver Coin upon the Waters, and the Gentle Tropical Breeze made the Palms rustle atop the Tall and Slender Trunks - While Lifes Grand Symphony Played upon the Shore, out there -out in the dark Water, a bit of Flotsam bobs upon the Waves- A Spar from off a old Square Rigger, Long Ago Sunk- and Clinging to that bit of Wreckage-A Man, or What once was A Man- Emaciated, near- Skeletal, the Skin stretched Taught across it's Face, Hair hanging down Around the Eye sockets in Slimy tendrils, Bony Arms draped with the tattered remnants of a Aged cotton shirt, hung limp aroud the Spar's rotted bulk as the tide drags it - Closer and Closer to the Sandy Spit that seperates Lagoon from the Open Sea- Closer, slowly-ever closer, with each Wave, til beneath the water one fish eaten Foot Drags in the Sand- and Ancient, Yellowed Eyes Crack Open-Breath held for Centuries rattles from withered lungs-and the Body Moves- One Bone thin Arm Rises up out of the Water, the Decayed fingers Wrapped around the Hilt of a Rust-encrusted Cutlass-Both feet on the Bottom, the flotsam falling away, the figure Stands in the Surf a Moment, then Agonizingly slowly begins to walk up out of the Ocean- up onto the Strand and on towards the sounds of Song and Laughter...

    you know it never fails. As soon as you start having a good time the zombies show up :D

  6. In days of old

    nights were bold

    & rubbers weren't invented

    they stuck a sock

    around thier _ock

    thus babies were prevented

    And to think all these years I just thought socks were for warming the feet :lol:

  7. Friday, I think. I still need to give the poor guy my phone number! We met through friends and all he has is my e-mail address. Wow, this is my first date since Halloween..and that wasn't really a date it was lunacy. I don't get asked out alot because I haven't been single long and I'm told I put off a "leave me alone" vibe.

    Doesn't help that I look like an abused figurehead beaten with an ugly stick. Hee hee :ph34r: Well not really...maybe only half that bad

  8. Ack! I've been asked on a date! I don't know what to do!!! The guy seems real nice and comes highly recommended by my crew but I...I..hmmm. I guess I'm scared. Of course I'm gonna accept but I'm not ready to jump back into this love type craziness yet! I was just starting to enjoy being alone. Damnit all I need to chill out! Breathe......breathe...I'm not marrying the guy...just a date right? No harm right? I'll probley even have a good time....calm down..calm down...

    Sorry, I'm right spastic sometimes...... :lol:

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