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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Oh, I know nothing of the bicycle world. The boyfriend is a huge (pedal) bicycle guy and just bought a motorcycle a month ago. Since he's a novice (motor) biker and I'm a novice rider I'm definatly not going without the major protective gear (helmet/jacket). It is fun. I never pictured myself riding because I was scared of them. Wow, what a surprise.

    I do have a question though. He has a suzuki sport bike so I have my knees bent the whole time I'm riding. It's a little painful after a while. Any suggestions?

  2. Are you talking about motorcycles? I've just recently joined the ranks of biker chick (or back of the biker's bike chick). I love it. The full leather jacket and helmet are hot hot hot in this weather though!!!

  3. Man 1: "Which did you like better? Jedi or The Empire Strikes Back?"

    Man 2:: "Empire."

    Man1: "Blasphemy!"

    Man 2: "Empire had the better ending. I mean, Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader's his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that's what life is, a series of down endings. All Jedi had was a bunch of Muppets.


    Clerks, if memory serves

    Is it Clerks?

  4. Man it's a hot one

    Like seven inches from the midday sun

    I hear you whisper and the words melt everyone

    But you stay so cool

    Cool, Rob Thomas featuring Carlos Santana....

    I can't believe you didn't jump on a song with with your name sake's guitar in it Deigo! :rolleyes:

  5. I never pictured Lupin as being handsome, I pictured him as being haggard. The duke of haggard. I pictured his hair as being stringy and matted.

    Good point. I was basing my idea off the illustrations of him at the beginning of some of the chapters. He was (by my standards) handsome in those illustrations, but those illustrations didn't really show him as battered as he should have been. In that case, the movie did the book character more justice.

  6. #1 is Beetlejuice, that part was sadly cut out of some of the VHF versions of the movie :(

    The Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite of the books too, and I am also dispointed by the Lupin character's looks. In the book he is drawn as a handsome long haired type..and well you saw the movie. Gildroy Lockhardt in movie 2 didn't look quite right either though. The acting of both actors was good though.

  7. Alright! Saturday it has been decided. Me an me crew of 9 will be goin then. If'n ya see lads o' 16 ta 18 roamin around. Give us a yell, I'll be wearin a Black Tricorn with a green Coat, an' black knee high leather boots, folded down at the top. We'll probobly be makin arses o' ourselves. :(

    Whew! Your gonna be a tad warmly dressed for the middle of August! I'll be sure to say 'ello though.

    Me, I don't know what I'm wearing yet..but there probley won't be much to it!

  8. Ok, one more and then it's someone else's turn to submit a quote:

    "They're after us. They know we're still in here."

    "They're after the place. They don't know why, they just remember. Remember that they want to be in here."

    "What the hell are they?"

    "They're us that's all, when there's no more room in hell."

    Is it Dawn of the Dead? (I'm guessing)

    My last one was UHF, that silly Weird Al movie

  9. Reeeallllly! No wonders I liked it so!

    I've got a dumb one:

    "Look Bob-o, a twinkie weiner sandwich. Your favorite!"

    here's another one from the same movie:

    "Where do you go for all of your Spatula needs? Spatula City! Spatula City!"

  10. I'm not listening to it right now, but I've had the new Gwen Stefani song stuck in my head all week. There's just something catchy about a song that spells out the word bananas over and over again.

    I like the song, but this is almost as bad as last year when I had The Darkness's "I believe in a thing called love" song stuck in my head.

  11. And Top Secret is a hilarious movie! Val Kilmer has never been dumber. :lol:

    "I'm not the first guy who fell in love with a girl he met in a restaurant, who then turned out to be the daughter of a kidnapped scientist, only to lose her to a childhood lover who she's last seen on a deserted island, and who turned out fifteen years later to be the leader of the French Underground."

    "I know. It, it all sounds like some bad movie."

    (Yes, it does. :lol: I loved Top Secret. Another movie with it's roots firmly established in WB cartoons.)

    Top Secret is one of my favorite movies of all time! My best friend and my brother quote it constantly. When my brother joined the army I asked them if they handled grenades by yelling "Gren-ah-d!!" and tap dancing :lol:

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