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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Humans are strange animals, I stopped trying to figure them out a long time ago.

    Very true. Besides, at least now I know not to waste my money on fancy underpants!!! :lol:

    Maybe it's a case of your classic Madonna/whore complex. He wants the second in bed and the Virgin Mary when he's painting the wall :lol:

  2. So I had a botched encounter with the boyfriend this weekend....

    I know that he likes motorcycling and women in tight leather get-ups (think Trinity) - and he always has some skank ...er I mean girl... on a sportbike as his desktop picture. So I thought I'd surprise him. Last Friday I showed up in all black - leather pants, a leather bodice, high heeled boots and my leather motorcycle jacket. All he did was say, "Why are you dressed like that?". So I asked if he liked it. He said something along the lines of: yeah, I looked good. Then he went back to painting his living room wall.


  3. Van Morrison, Brown Eyed Girl

    How about this one:

    Step right up and don't be shy

    Because you will not believe your eyes

    She's right here, behind the glass

    You're gonna like her, 'cause she's got class


    My brother is stationed over there (2nd time, he's already been there for a year and come back). Last time he was in Iraq we were told we couldn't send him porn (or a number of other things) because the Iraqi mail service censors the contents so that anything not befitting their beliefs is destroyed. Has this changed?

    I'm sure my bro would appreciate some T&A for Christmas :lol:

  5. I was given one as a gift.

    It is USB and it is perfectly Mac friendly. Unfortunatly, it doesn't have the same control as my old mouse so I can't use it at work for design stuff. It should be perfectly fine for everyday websurfing though.

  6. hey rogue...if he gets around tampa area, have him give me a ring...i lived in fairfax, va for 11 yrs.

    I would but he has to save the cell phone battery and charge it whenever he finds electric so I've been letting him call me when he can. He was in Jupiter Thursday and should be in Sunrise today.

  7. My boyfriend is heading to Florida (from upper eastern Maryland) with three other tech guys to fix his company's computers that went down in Wilma. They have to drive, sleep in a van, and most of the places they have to go have no power. He mentioned having to go to Jupiter and Orlando and I forgot where else. He just found out today, he leaves tonight, and he doesn't know when they'll be home. There isn't even enough time for me to see him before he leaves. We're gonna miss our first Halloween together :lol:


    Pardon the drama :lol:

  8. Ok, this is random.

    I'm angry and I don't want to talk to my "real world" friends about this so I'm going to rant to my dear pirate friends. I apologize in advance.......

    Why, oh why is it, that the same people who tell you to "just be yourself" turn on you as soon as you do?

    My boyfriend just told me about all the stupid things his friends were saying behind my back at a party we attended two weeks ago. There was alot of drinking. It hurts my feelings because I want them to like me but apparently they think I'm a moron.

    My crimes are:

    • I'm clingy.

    My boyfriend agrees with his friends on this one. This pisses me off and confuses me. I hung out with my friends most of the night but when I would go to see what he was doing I would hold him or give him a kiss. What the hell is wrong with that!?!?! I think I'm a fairly attractive chick, shouldn't he be flattered to have me hanging on him?

    • I say the same things over and over again.

    Ok, I was drunk. They were drunk. My boyfriend said he didn't think I did this.

    • I brought to the party the karaoke machine. His friends hate karaoke.

    Then why was it they got up and sang after all this bitching? Worse of all this was a surprise birthday party for one of the offenders' brother and he was trying to get people to leave his brother's party and go to their favorite bar. The boyfriend (who doesn't karaoke) thought his friends were being stupid.

    • My guy friends hang all over me.

    One in particular. He is married. I am practically best friends with his wife. He doesn't like me like that, he's not trying to get with me. I've tried getting him to lay off but I wound up hurting his feelings REALLY badly (long story). He's a very good friend so I put up with it. My boyfriend thinks it's mildly annoying but overall it doesn't bother him. But it bothers his friends. They bring it up CONSTANTLY and tell my guy how wrong it is. I'm stuck. I'm not going to hurt the feelings of my friend again for the benift of my boyfriend's jack ass friends.

    OK OK, I know I shouldn't care what his friends think. All that really matters is what my boyfriend thinks (and he is 99.5% great...hell he was dumb enough to tell me what those bastards said about me) and what I think about myself.

    I think I'm ok, I'm a nice person with a good heart. I'm a hell of alot of fun too.

    Screw 'em.

  9. nice place to visit but I could never live there

    How bout a hint Diego?

    Sorry mates that was jes me take on disco! Fact is though I can't even stomach visitin there! I know I know then why does I knows that song? My daughter did a dance/cheer to it in school. But I have no idea who it was! So go ahead Rouge lay out another rhyme fer us all...

    Silly Diego...that wasn't disco ;)

    It's a hip hop/dance/pop kinda mess called "My Humps" from the Black Eyed Peas. That song cracks me up.

    Petee is up and I am STUMPED!!!

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