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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Ok! Here's one:

    Can you feel it, see it, hear it today?

    If you can't, then it doesn't matter anyway

    You will never understand it cuz it happens too fast

    And it feels so good, it's like walking on glass

  2. I hope it resolves quickly William. I know how stressful that is.

    I had my puse stolen in the past and the theif went on a little shopping spree with my debit card. They never caught my theif despite the fact that AOL had their address (they bought something from AOL w/my card). The cops didn't care at all.

  3. Imagine my joy when I got to Tae Bo class tonight and discovered that my friends had bought me a box of POTC cereal! I never buy myself cereal, because I rarely eat breakfast..but I was excited to try this one. I LOVE IT. Maybe it's because I haven't had a bowl of cereal with milk in over 3 years, but this was just yummy.

    The picture on the box is pretty darn yummy too.. :P

  4. I watched half of Serenity Sunday and the other half last night.

    Overall I liked it.

    Lots of one liners. I like one liners, they crack me up.

    Those reavers were a brillant idea.

    Costuming was awesome. I want Zoey's leather top.

    I was sad to see Steve the pirate bite it.

    My only real complaint was that it took me a while to figure out who was who and what was what. I've never seen the show, and this movie didn't waste anytime giving any background stories. However, I can see where this kicked ass for the Firefly fans since there wasn't any "blah blah blah getting to know you crap". Really this movie was made for the fans of Firefly that got the movie made in the first place so I have to appauld that choice. I was a tad confused...but now I'm interested in seeing the show. So I guess over all that's good for Firefly :)

  5. I'm also thinking of trying Tattoo, if ye think it's got more of a kick or at least a stronger flavor to hold up in a mixed drink. But for the straight-up rum, I'm looking for your suggestions.

    Hooo boy, there is a whole discussion thread devoted to Tattoo.

    Personally I think it tastes less like rum and more like Yueger. :P

    I recommend buying one of those dinky shooter bottles of it first to see if ya really like it.

    For an awesome shot of rum get some mango Malibu or pinapple Parrot Bay. Get it ice cold and shoot it. Yummy.

  6. I met a pirate guy selling swords and spent the better part of a faire season making out with him in the "blige" (storage closet) of the ship he worked in. Of course if the closet was unavailable we'd just make out in front of everyone. Saw him once more a week after the faire ended and then never again.

    For the best I assure you! Though it was a fun memory : <_<

  7. I stole most of this off my myspace.com blog. I made my boyfriend a Guinness cake for Valentines Day. Here's all the messes I made of it:

    When I was making it I accidently tossed an egg across the kitchen. Luckly, it just hit the floor.

    The cake batter called for 2 sticks of butter and the icing called for 1 stick. I put all three sticks on the counter with the rest of the ingredients. When I went to make the icing I couldn't find the 3rd stick of butter anywhere. That's when I realized that I must have put it in the cake batter.

    I didn't have any toothpicks to test if the cake was done, so I just used the time on the receipe. I didn't have any wire racks to cool the cake on so I turned the two halves upside down onto two different cookie sheets to cool. Twenty minutes later the halves were glued to the sheets (non-stick my ass) because they weren't cooked enough. So I had to scrape the halves off the sheets, flip them over and stick them back in the oven on the cookie sheets.

    I didn't have any problems with the icing. In fact once the cake was iced you couldn't tell it was mangled from being glued to the cookie sheets.

    Over all it turned out ok. The cake was good, but it's very thick and heavy. Jim liked it, and so did I, but we had to throw out half our slices because they were just too much too eat.

    I figure it should feed about 50 people.


  8. The boyfriend and I exchanged Valentine's gifts Friday night because we just couldn't wait until tomorrow. He loved his plates and I love my new leather jacket. Damn, was I ever surprised!!! I I think he bought it because he hated my peacoat. :huh:

    I'm thinking of making a Guinness cake for our dinner tomorrow.

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