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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. For the top...Mayhaps a corset or bodice top made of the same material as your fins?

    Deeper colors would be very flattering with your dark hair. I like Siren's idea for the top, but I would suggest using a different color from your fins...you could say you aquired it from an unfortunate she-sailor/pirate/boat passenger.

    I love my seashell bra, but I felt half naked in it! Probley not great for a family show.

  2. Ravenswood Leather

    I've never purchased through their site, but I've patronized their booth at faires. I absolutely love their shirts (the Swordsman, the Highlander and the Rogue I can vouch for), and their leatherwork is tempting.

    I bought a bodice from Ravenswood Leather last year and I love it.

    In my over excitement though, I didn't properly pre-wear it. I tied it up as tight as it would go the first time. Now days, I'm told you shouldn't do that for leather bodices. If you do what I did the leather streaches out to much and won't ever get that tight again. My mistake certainly didn't ruin my bodice though! It's still body hugging...it just isn't tight enough to give me cleavage.

  3. Weather the outfit a bit, add a baldric and a tricorn, and you'll have the look of looks.

    Hmmm, not a bad plan... The blue ribbon needs to be replaced with something a bit less flowery too, but thats easy to do.

    My favorite part is the bodice. I just love a good bodice that does what it's supposed to. It's reversable too. It's a good burgundy pattern on the other side.

    The whole get up was only $100! That's the second cheapest bridesmaids dress I've ever bought. It was custom too so I don't need to do any alterations. It's a shame I'll never use it for it's original purpose, but I'm sure I'll find something to do with it :rolleyes:

  4. Well, I was going to be in a wedding in two weeks. However, the bride called it off a month before the wedding was to take place. So here I am wearing my medivel themed wedding bridesmaids dress. It's cute, it fits, it's more serving wench then pirate.

    I look grumpy in the photo because I was wrestling my digital camera.


  5. Go ahead an post a new set of lyrics Hester.

    I always think mine are easy and 50% of the time I'm wrong. One of these days I'll figure out that I'm the only one who likes 80's pop :lol:

  6. Coooooool. I'll be in that area that weekend anyway for Delmarva Bike Week. Maybe if we do the bike show Saturday and get a room in Dewey that night I can talk the boyfriend into hitting the reinactment on Sunday. Is there an exact location and time for the fun and games?

  7. I'm going to miss the opening weekend. My friends and I should be there for Labor Day Monday though. This will be our fourth year of the Labor Day Monday Renn Faire excursion.

  8. Well after two months with no answer I'd say you stumped everyone Matt. I'm just going to throw out a new set of lyrics to get things moving (hopefully):

    Josie's on a vacation far away

    Come around and talk it over

    So many things that I'd like to say

    You know I like my girls a little bit older

  9. I was in Ocean City last weekend and came upon a new bar around 30th street. It was early in the evening when I went so the place wasn't hopping yet. The decor is nice and piraty. The also have a nice little gift shop of pirate flags, stickers, shooters/glasses, and lots of pirate type t-shirts with their name all over them. I liked the place...though I was disapointed that the bartender and waitresses weren't in pirate attire. Here's their web address:


    Seeing this place got me thinking about how much fun it would be to have a pirate raid like the one in Fells Point in Ocean City during the fall season.

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