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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. 300 dpi (a PhotoShop joke)...

    Be you a Worth1K type?

    I signed up for Worth 1000 and entered a picture. I did exceedingly poor after the voting. A little discuraging it was! Especially as I make my living as a graphic designer :P

    Oh well as they say, if you fall off the horse make lemonade.....

  2. besides....you bein from virginia....might have a hammock you guys can sleep in fer a few nights...you provide you own rum of course :P

    (im just outside of tampa, just moved here from wash dc)

    That is a very kind offer. Unfortunatly we are from Maryland :P so I hope that doesn't change your mind! :huh: Of course we would provide our own rum and plenty to share. After all it's rum, don't leave home without it.

    Right now we are talking about April so we'll have time to save up some money and vacation time. Bummer, I'll miss the manatees and the Mardi Gras. :huh: I'm sure there will be something awesome to do whenever we come.

    When I'm not being piratical I like all doing all sorts of things. Dancing, Drinking, Karaoke....... (I sound like a cat in heat though :P )

  3. EP's back!

    Quick - stop posting!!!


    I love that bumper sticker that says, "Jesus is coming, look busy". I don't know why that reminded me of that. Hee hee hee

    I didn't find anyone on New Years Eve but I was pushed towards a few different guys. My buddies are so subtile...."So did you know so and so likes painting? Just like you?", "Did you know that so and so has a fish tank?! You have a fish tank!", "Hey you're playing beer pong...why don't you take her as your partner..she likes beer pong". It was pretty funny.

  4. Aye mateys me has over 200 lbs of fireworks fer New Years to be set off over the lagoon. Anybody wanna help me start settin up?

    Fireworks?!?! WOOO HOO! *Pulls out a blowtorch* I'm ready!

    Mary luv, try to enjoy your New Years and not think too much on this confusing man. You are a wonderfully fun person I'm sure you have something awesome planned for the big night. If not go make some plans with your mates! Party hard! :huh:

  5. Nothing wrong with being a romantic as long as your smart about it. Now, myself I am a romantic and I am a irrational moron about it. Now that would be a hell of a personal ad:

    Irrationally Moronic Romantic seeks same. ;)

  6. So far it sounds like Key West is the place to go!

    Nothing is written in stone yet but I badly want to take this trip. We are probly going to drive (plain old car no rv) since we are broke as they come. If we do this I'll definatly keep you guys posted, I'd love to meet some fellow pub patrons.

  7. The house gets lonely at times and most of my friends live far away....

    Give those friends of your's a call! Mine live all over the place and my last heart break rang up one hell of a phone bill. You know what though? It was worth every penny. Good friends are a truely priceless part of the healing process.

    Here's an interesting thought. Why do we do it? How is it that we have our hearts thrown to the ground and trampled all over and yet jump back up and look for love all over again? Biologically it only makes sense so far (procreation, ect...). Love is a completely complex and insane state of affairs.

    Actually I know the answer to my own question. I'm just pondering out loud. I don't know about love conquering all, but it certainly makes the day alittle brighter.

  8. My best friend and I are throwing around the idea of a road trip sometime this winter. We'd like to go somewhere in Florida. She's been before (but not since she was 13) and I've never been further south than Virginia. Where would you good pirates recommend that two 26 year olds wouldn't be gett'n themselves killed? I want to go somewhere near the beach with a fun nightlife.

  9. I rather enjoy the comments of the non-single posters in this thread so I'm not complaining. If there is one thing we all have in common it is that everyone here has been single at one time in their life, so everyone has some knowledge on the topic!

    why so sad skot?

  10. I've got a kinda funny one for you guys.

    My two little cousins got Tamagotchis for Christmas (keychain virtual pets that you have to "feed", "play with", and otherwise "take care of".). So after dinner the family is sitting around and the younger of the two (9) asks his sister to take care of his. She says, "Sure, your's and mine are doing the same thing anyway". He goes, "Yeah, playing with their balls". :lol:

    Now he meant the toy sort, but I almost had to leave the table. I managed to be a lady (who me?) and bite back the laughter.

  11. Hey Rogue, excuse me, Miss Mermaid, and all ye other strong drink lovers that do some homebrewin' .do a search, (i use dogpile.com) and look up Krupnikas. Its a lithuanian honey liqueur that is REALLY good.

    main ingredient is grain alcohol, but mellowed out with honey ,ginger and other spices. :lol:

    I'll have to check that out.

    I've been attempting to make my own apple wine. It's supposed to be ready to drink but I think I'll let it sit a little longer. I tryed some a few days ago and the taste left something to be desired.

    (Immediately after drinking it I desired to spit it into the sink :lol: )

  12. Book Binding was a neat class I took at the University of Delaware. It was only available during winter session and it filled up fast. We hand made four books during the class. If anyone is in the area I recommend it

  13. In my experence, tis best to avoid "real" pirates Mary. I'm sure you remember my heart break this autumn with the Renn Faire pirate. He finally visited me, used me for what I was good for (but it was a fantastic time) and then I only heard from him via phone twice after that (not even a full half hour either time). Son of a bitch. Lesson learned I suppose (well probley not). I sure did like him too.

    Damn male pirates. You're a buncha charming scoundrals the lot of ya. I'm not sure that is an insult either.

    Christmas is so different when you aren't with someone. This is the first time in eight years I haven't had a boyfriend for Christmas (I was in a loooong term relationship). It's a little lonely. However, I've saved alot of money on Christmas gifts, and I have lots of great friends and family that love me and have kept me from feeling too alone. I'm trying to look at the positives.

    I hate the song Blue Christmas.

  14. *big hugs for Merrydeath*

    Aw, love really stinks sometimes. If he comes back and has a good reason that is one thing. If he doesn't then you must remember that it's his loss. If he can't appreciate the fine woman you are than he needs to take a long walk off a short pier.

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