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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. Friday I went to a Horticultural center/Christmas shop with my whole family (thats our black

    Friday tradition). I didn't pick up anything christmasy but I bought a huge plant for my apartment. My cousin looked at it and said, "So is that your christmas tree?". My reply was , "Yes, Yo Ho Ho". Then I had to crack up because I meant Ho Ho Ho.

    You can take the girl out of the piracy pub, but you can't take the piracy pub out of the girl. :huh:

  2. Maybe if I used that joke more in regular conversation I'd get a guy.... Probley not one I'd want to keep, but one that would be fun for a little while. Whine whine whine :lol: Sorry it's Monday, I need to whine.

    I'm so jealous Mary! I tried to establish a friend with benifits but it didn't work! Argh!

  3. Well I might not know about the pain of divorce, but I also don't know about the joy of marriage... and at the moment I don't even have a reliable man to run around with. Oh, well I need to enjoy being single for awhile I suppose. :P Find out who I am :P I was in an eight year relationship not long ago that I ended because it was going no where and I was miserable. So I might not know divorce, but i know pain. :P

  4. :lol: I knew when I posted this that someone would say "me" but I didn't expect "rum" :lol:

    I have recently got alot of comments on my behind, which I don't understand. I don't understand the appeal I guess. If I was a guy I think I'd look at her chest first, and a pretty face is always good.

  5. Here's an interesting question for the male pirates (or the lady pirates, I don't want to leave anyone out). What do you like in a woman? Physically that is. What do you notice first? Be blunt, I doubt anyone will be offended. I'm just terribly curious.....

  6. They didn't come to a winner, though the guy in the office offered to uh, hand weigh them. Gotta love my job... It was between a pregnant chick and a chick with a heavier build to her. I didn't feel like offering an opinion as I was too busy being jealous, but on the high point I am neither pregnant or heavy set.

    sexual harrasment in the work place? whats that?

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