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Rogue Mermaid

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Posts posted by Rogue Mermaid

  1. I live in Pennsylvania (sigh)

    And Lord, it sure do stink"

    Ay, Phil..are you plan'n on going to the Pirate Invasion at the PA Renn Faire? I'll go if you go B) Course I'll probley go either way, just be good to meet cha.

    Being single has it's ups n it's downs. I'm trying to focus on the ups!!!

    *pulls out her binoculars* Everything is alright. I'll find me a mate when the time is right. Till then I've got my crew of friends and my flask of rum!

  2. A $35 value for just 6 easy payments of $10.95! And if you call now you'll get the handy dandy pack of fake names and phone numbers at no additional cost to you! Thats right never stumble over the name and number your giving out to those fella's you aren't really interested in again!

  3. I enjoy the bar scene, I just don't go look'n to find love! Besides I always attract the scary ones...ugh. I need something like that mosquito stuff, "OFF" but for the frightening bar boys. BTW I just got a raise at work!!! YAAAYYYYY!!!

  4. I've decided to be in the Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Polar Bear Plunge. Any pirates care to join me? It benifits the Special Olympics...but I think I'm just doing it because I have a screw loose. Here's the website:


    This would be a really memorable way to meet some area pirates. If nothing else you could come see me turn ice blue in my bikini....though I'd probley turn you to stone or blind you with my winter palor! B)

  5. The game description: Help Betty, a hot buxom bartender, serve beers to a bunch of dive bar lowlifes. The faster she serves, the bigger her tips. Keep drunks awake with coffee, otherwise they may not pay!

    Did you notice that of the "lowlifes" on the box, one is a nurse and one is an old lady! :wacko:

  6. I'm trying not to fall to fast (which has always been my past mistake) and I'm learning to find myself in this rabbit hole. i hope to find that angel in myself.

    Funny, I've always been the angel. Then this fall I packed away the halo and wings and picked up a pair of horns, or thought I did. Turned out that being a she devil got me heart broken real fast. Seems I never really lost my damn feathery wings to start with.

    I fall too fast too. It's kind of intoxicating. The hangover is a bitch though! :wub:

  7. *walks up in her bikini with a raft under her arm and I margarita in the free hand*

    It's a new year and I think I need to get me a membership into this here lagoon.

    Where do I sign up?

  8. New me new years resolutions would be to plunder more, and get me a real pirate. :lol:

    hmmm, get a real pirate. Thats a good one, I'll have to add that to my list....

    *picks up a stack of huge paper* Lets see that would be #372 on my list. :lol:

  9. ah rouge i'm filled with mixed emotions for ya... but i'm the same boat

    Mixed emotions?

    I'm actually pretty happy. New year, no boyfriend...."so what"? says I. I'm sure I'll get myself mixed up with some scurvy creature soon enough. For now I'm actually over the previous boys and pretty content. For now ;)

  10. I'm with ya there. even though I am dating someone, he lives halfway across the country, so when midnight hit and everyone had someone to kiss that hit a little hard. *sigh*

    I didn't have anyone to kiss either but it's ok! So far it's three days into 2005 and I am unkissed. That means so far I am a 2005 virgin! Yay!

    Just don't ask me about my status in 2004 :P

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