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Jamaica Rose

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Everything posted by Jamaica Rose

  1. I keep checking back to their website now and then. Just checked yesterday. No themed weekends yet. Thanks for the date corrections -- I had these right on the NQG calendar, but had not updated them here. --Jamaica Rose
  2. February 15th, 2009: London, UNITED KINGDOM The Pilgrimage to Execution Dock is an annual social gathering for pirate re-enactors in and around London. We gather in costume and visit some site of Pirate, or Maritime interest, before making our way to The Prospect Of Whitby Pub at Wapping, the site of Execution Dock, where, amongst others, Captain Kidd was hanged. There we drink a toast to those who have danced the Hempen Jig. This year we have arranged to put on a fund raising display for the Cutty Sark. The Cutty Sark, built in 1869 is the last surviving 19th Century Tea Clipper. In May 2007, whilst undergoing a major renovation, The Cutty Sark caught fire. Fortunately, most of the timbers had been removed for preservation, but the damage to her superstructure was extensive. She is due to reopen to the public in 2010. Cutty Sark website. This is an opportunity to meet up with other pirate enthusiasts, to have a fun day out, and to help raise funds for a fine old ship. If you would like more information, visit the UK Pirate Brotherhood Forum or contact Capt. "Tall Paul" Adams by email admin@ukpiratebrotherhood.co.uk
  3. January 24th & 25th 2009: Scarlet's Mid-Winter Renaissance Festival Oklahoma City, OKLAHOMA Times: 10-6:00 on Saturday with a Masked Ball from 9:00- Midnight; 10-6:00 on Sunday. Location: At the Historic Farmer's Market and Event's Center! 311 S. Klein Ave Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73108 Step back in time at the Historic Farmer's Market Event Center with two and a half floors of Food and Entertainment from the days of Yore. Step through the doors into a village-like downstairs setting, move upstairs where you are greeted by cherub figures above each door or take the elevator. Drink and Dine at the historical bar 1930's Deco Bar, dance in the ballroom with it's 15' windows as they let in the moonlight at the Masked Ball and be merry among our growing list of vendors and participants. See our pirate's cove, the belly dancers and more at Scarlet's Mid-Winter Renaissance Festival! We are happy to announce that we will have a special Pirate/Lolita Tea Party during the Festival. It's a Captain's Tea! Teas, Treats, Snacks and fun will be enjoyed with Captain Ruthless for an additional $3.00 charge. This will take place at 4:00 in the cottage. So bring your crew! We are introducing a new "Pirate Viewing Room." Tired of walking around? Got a little while before the next show you want to catch? Need a place to rest and get off your feet for a bit? Why not watch a Pirate movie while you do? We will even have Sword Fighting Demo Classes and a few informative Renfair/Pirate lectures on costuming and character development. Free Shuttle bus and directed parking for merchants, performers and guests. Ticket information: Children ages 5-12, Senior, Military and Special Guests $7.00. One day admission for adults $11.00. Children under 5 are free. Masked Ball Tickets: $18.00 per ticket. Ball includes: Food, Drink, Entertainment and Special Storyline Developments! Weekend Pass, including Masked Ball Tickets: $34.00 per ticket ($40.00 Value). Merchants and Performers show your badge for discounted Ball Admission of $10.00
  4. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL EXPERTISE, SKILL OR KNOWLEDGE THAT WOULD BENEFIT OTHER PIRATES? WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE IT? I'm in charge of organizing the pirate classes and recruiting instructors for the L.O.R.E. weekend at the Crossroads Faire site in Corona, CALIFORNIA. It is scheduled for Feb. 28 and March 1. I have cross posted this announcement here under Capt. Twill, because we really value historic and accurate information, and hope to tap some of your knowledge, if you are located in Southern California. Please go to this post for further information: http://pyracy.com/index.php?s=&showtop...st&p=338864 --Jamaica Rose
  5. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL EXPERTISE, SKILL OR KNOWLEDGE THAT WOULD BENEFIT OTHER PIRATES? WOULD YOU LIKE TO SHARE IT? I'm in charge of organizing the pirate classes for the L.O.R.E. weekend at the Crossroads Faire site in Corona, CALIFORNIA. It is scheduled for Feb. 28 and March 1. I am recruiting instructors for L.O.R.E. Here is some background on it: L.O.R.E. is a weekend of workshop classes mostly for the purpose of training and instructing the participants of the Koroneberg Renaissance Festival, and the Cutthroats of Corona Pirate Festival to help them develop their personas, and increase their knowledge of period topics. But it is open to anyone who is interested in history, pirates, renfaires, living history, and reenacting. You do not need to be a participant of Koroneberg RenFest or Cutthroats of Corona. It is held in the shady, tree-lined country village on the river banks of the Santa Ana River at the Crossroads Riverview Park in Corona (site of Koroneberg Renaissance Festival and Cutthroats of Corona). Here's the website on it: http://www.renaissanceinfo.com/lore.html There are four sessions on Sat. and four more on Sun. (between 60-90 minutes), running from 9:30 am to 4 pm, with a 90 minute lunch break. Usually there are two tracks of Renaissance oriented classes, one track of combat classes, and one or two tracks of pirate classes. I am in charge of organizing and planning pirate classes, and recruiting instructors for such. We have had subjects on: costuming (male, female, many aspects) Piracy 101 (basic pirate history) persona development special effects make-up dialects cutlass blackpowder cannons songs pirates would have sung Rum 101 (history of rum, and rum tasting) leatherworking (make a baldric) medical practices for shipboard surgeons games pirates played knot tying and rope basics bottles (and other itmes) covered with decorative knotwork cockade making dances of the pirate era drumming navigation basics taverns of the Golden Age of Piracy setting up the pirate encampment pirate cuisine how to make a cockcade ... and more. We are happy to have subjects repeated (especially the basics of costuming, persona, and weapons), for there are always students who haven't attended that subject before, and even for repeat students, different teachers will have a fresh take on things. Some topics we haven't covered, but I would love to have classes on are: period uses of tobacco sailmaking, and making a canvas sail into an on-shore shelter scrimshaw And just because I haven't listed it here, doesn't mean we can't cover it. Class size is usually around one or two dozen (sometimes more). It will be in an outdoors setting (shady, but on dirt mostly), with tables and chairs about. There is an arena available for active combat classes and blackpowder shooting. Hands-on, make-it and take-it home type classes are highly welcomed. We can arrange for tables, and run long extension cords out for electricity if needed. We can also ask for materials fees, to recompense you for any materials used, if appropriate. Please let me know if you are interested in instructing. It is all pretty informal, so don't be afraid if you have never instructed before. You are also welcomed to have a co-teacher or assistant teachers. Also, if you don't think you need a full hour or 90 minutes for your skill or expertise, we might group you with someone else of a related subject who doesn't need as much time. If you would like to volunteer to instruct, please send me a private email. -- jamaica@noquartergiven.net Let me know if you have time restrictions and can only do it during a certain time or day. Or just if you have preferences of time or day, you can let me know that too, in which case I will try to accommodate you if possible. Also, if you plan to carpool with another instructor, let me know so I can schedule you both for the same day. I would LOVE to pay our teachers for your wonderful contributions. But alas, there is no budget to pay instructors. You will be comped for the entire weekend, and can attend the other classes, as well as the lunch or dinner provided and sometimes an evening show. There is free camping at the site starting on Friday (RVs too, but no hook ups). Plus, it will look great on your resume. You are also welcomed to bring flyers about your own business, or plug any related projects or endeavors. Piratically yrs, Jamaica Rose (aka Christine Lampe) jamaica@noquartergiven.net
  6. February 27th thru October 25th, 2009: “Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship” Chicago, ILLINOIS. This world premier exhibit organized by National Geographic tells the compelling story of the Whydah, a real pirate ship that began as a slave ship, and the stories of the diverse people whose lives converged on the vessel. Sunk in a fierce storm off the coast of Cape Cod in April 1717, the Whydah was located by underwater explorer Barry Clifford in 1984, becoming the first fully authenticated pirate ship to be discovered in American waters. The exhibition, with more than 200 treasures recovered from the wreck, will provide visitors with an unprecedented glimpse into unique economic, political and social circumstances of the early 18th-century Caribbean and the inextricable link between the slave trade and piracy. , Over 150 artifacts from the first authenticated pirate shipwreck found in American waters! , See real pirate weaponry such as cannons and grenades , Touch actual pirate treasure! , Board a re-creation of the Whydah to see pirate living quarters and experience life on board! ( This exhibit is scheduled to next visit: TBA: Winter/Spring 2010, St. Louis: Summer/Fall 2010, TBA: Winter/Spring 2011, Denver: Summer/Fall 2011, Phoenix: Winter/Spring 2012, and Cleveland: Summer/Fall 2012. )
  7. May 23, 2009: Pirate Fest ‘09 Upper Marlboro, MARYLAND. (11-5 pm). Arrrrgh, Matey! If it’s a pirate life fer ye, then set yer course fer Pirate Fest! Get your fill of cutthroats, scallywags, sea-farin’ scoundrels and thieves. Music, food vendor, costume contest, treasure hunt and more for pirates and landlubbers alike! Reservations and payment required in advance. FEE: $5/person Darnall’s Chance House Museum, 14800 Governor Oden Bowie Dr, Upper Marlboro. 301-952-8010.
  8. Port Washington, WISCONSIN. The scenic harbor, downtown historic Port Washington, Wisconsin, provides the perfect, picturesque setting for all the mayhem & merriment. It has become the “must attend” event for boaters, bikers, re-enactors & families alike from all over the Midwest & beyond. The event includes: an Invasion, a Thieves Marketplace, a Gruel Galley, a Buccaneer Bash, fireworks, children's activities, demonstrations, educational exhibits, musicians, comedians, a parade, a pirate ship & much more. For more info: email: admin@portpiratefestival.com phone: 262-284-6652 fax: 262-284-6549
  9. PARDON OUR DUST Stynky and I have been working on re-arranging the events in the Raids, Boarding Parties & Pyrate Events into groupings of the month they start in. We are making a forum for each event, with pinned information copied from the No Quarter Given calendar page: http://www.noquartergiven.net/calendar.htm It's tedious to copy over all the links as well (I may slowly go back and fill them in), so if a link to the events website is not present, then go to the NQG Calendar page to see if there is a link. If an event is not listed, then start a topic for it in the general Raids forum, and we will catch up later and make a forum for it and move it to it's correct placement. (It wouldn't hurt if you sent me a PM to give me a head's up about it). We are working to get these events all placed on the Pyracy Pub CALENDAR as well. --Jamaica Rose
  10. Hampton, VIRGINIA Once a year visitors from all over the country enjoy the sights and sounds of 18th century Hampton overrun by pirates. Hampton’s waterfront comes alive with dozens of pirate re-enactors, costumed in historically accurate garb, who transform today’s Hampton into the busy seaport of yesterday. Led by Blackbeard the Pirate himself, re-enactors help visitors step back in time and re-live the history and legends of 1718 Hampton. The Festival offers a variety of children’s activities, live musical entertainment, fireworks, period vendors, arts and crafts, and much more! For Info Please Contact Israel Hands, Events Master of Blackbeard's Crew, Phone: 757-344-0685 Email: events@blackbeardscrew.org, Mail: P.O. Box 9083, Hampton, Va. 23676
  11. May 31 to thru June 21, 2009 (weekends): Pirates of Tortuga South Orange, NEW JERSEY 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Join the adventure on the Pirate Island of Tortuga. Your day will be filled with comedy, song, fairytales, puppets, and a living chess match. Join soldiers and pirates on a quest for treasure through the Enchanted Forest at this one of a kind family event. Admission: $15 adults, $9 senior citizens (children 10 and under free). $5 off coupon here. Contact: Noreen Dunn, Dun-Ley Productions, 28 Fordum Suite 2A, Somerset, NJ 08875, (732) 271-1119, email: dunn-ley@njkingdom.com, Site: South Mountain Reservation, Tulip Springs Section-Cherry Ln, South Orange, NJ / Booths: 20+ / Attendance: 20,000 / Weapons: must be sheathed and peace-tied / Hotels and camping nearby.
  12. Thank you. I'll try calling them in the morning. --Jamaica Rose Yesterday, I again called the number given on the website, but it just rang and rang. Then I called the above number you gave me, which got me to the wholesale department. They patched me through to the retail side of things. Unfortunately, they could not find a record for the person I was calling on the behalf of, but I asked them to email him and ask for the information they need to straighten this all out. So thanks much for the number. --Jamaica Rose
  13. Thank you. I'll try calling them in the morning. --Jamaica Rose
  14. One of my readers from Australia contacted me saying he's been trying to contact Museum Replicas <http://www.museumreplicas.com> by email to sort out a problem on ordering. Their web site opens up ok but their email site doesn't respond. So I tried too. The website opens, but "Contact Us" section has no information on it. I know Cascabel lives near there. So I called him to see if he knew anything, but he haven't heard of any problems. On the FAQ page, I found this number, 1-800-883-8838 M-F 8:30 am to 9pm and Saturday 10am to 4pm ET. I called at 7 PM ET, tonight, and the phone just rang and rang. Does anyone know anything about what's going, or have had similar problems? --Jamaica Rose
  15. Roger McGuinn is also the author of "The Cardiff Rose". A great pirate song. I contacted him once about getting permission to include it in our No Quarter Given Pirate Song Book, and he said he would have given us permission, except that EMI (or was it BMI) now owns the rights, and we'd have to deal with them. From what Roger told me, it sounds like they're much bigger pirates than we are at NQG, and it would take a pretty penny or two to liberate the rights to the song, so I didn't pursue it further. --Jamaica Rose
  16. Yer welcome. Any time. Now I need to get my daughter Evaine to read the posts here -- she's in Omaha, NE, and was interested in coming down for the event. Being stationed so far from any ocean, she doesn't get to associate with our sort of rogue and skallywag much. --Jamaica Rose
  17. Saturday, February 28th, 2009: Pirate's Ball Weston, MISSOURI 7:00 PM to Midnight Please Join Us At O'Malley's Pub in Weston, MO (Just North Of KC International Airport) for this Pirate Themed Costume Ball For Charity. The Evening Will Include Music, Revelry, Dancing & Drinking, Costume Contest, Games, Auction & Raffle Items. Special Guest Performances By: Musical Blades, Chuvani Bellydance, Pavlov's Hips and more! $25 Ticket Price Includes Entry, Entertainment, Light Refreshments, and One Beverage. Cash Bar And Additional Menu Items Available. Tickets Recommended In Advance As Space Is Limited And The Event Is Expected To Sell Out. This Is An Ages 21 & Over Event. More Information And Tickets Available At: http://www.pyrate.org/ball.html
  18. January 31st, 2009: Morgan's Raid Half Moon Bay, CALIFORNIA 5 P.M. It's that time of year again, time for Tales of the Seven Seas annual Morgan's Raid pirate party at Cameron's Inn in Half Moon Bay! Enjoy an evening of piratical feasting and festivities with your brethren pirates! Jacque Beaufort, aka Lady Jaxx, once again is our Event Captain for Morgan's Raid 2009. Music will be provided by the ever-popular Bloody Scupper Plunder Club! LOCATION: Cameron's Inn 1410 S. Cabrillo Highway Half Moon Bay CA. Click here for DIRECTIONS TO Cameron's Inn. WHAT'S GOING ON: We're celebrating the anniversary of Captain Morgan's infamous raid on Panama! Enjoy dinner, drinks, music and festivities with the pirates! We'll be holding the "Black Pirate Gift Snatching Fiassco"! Draw a number and either choose a gift from the locker, or better yet, STEAL ONE from a fellow pirate! Each costumed pirate will get a free raffle ticket for the door prize drawing. First time pirates and pirate kids are welcome as always! The more the merrier! Pirate parents should just be aware that alcoholic beverages are served and that the humor may at time be... well, piratical! Mums ye be warned! WHAT TO BRING: Cash or credit card to pay for food, drinks and to tip your server and bartender. Cash to tip the band. A wrapped gift that is either a pirate treasure or a gag gift, valued at $15 or less. WHAT TO WEAR: Pirate attire of course!! WHERE TO STAY THE NIGHT: Cameron's Inn has just a couple of rooms, if none are available, ask for a recommendation of a nearby hotel. There are several within about a mile. HOW TO SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT: Email Jaxx at beaujaxx@hotmail.com and let her know how many pirates are coming with you. See ye there mates!
  19. January 24th, 2009: Pirate Ball Rancho Cordova, CALIFORNIA 7 PM to Midnight To Benefit ScaryU, featuring The Pirates Charles. Marriott, 11211 Point East Dr., Rancho Cordova, CA, Hwy 50 & Sunrise Blvd. ScaryU is perhaps the only haunted house school in the world! Run by the non profit Jewell Performing Arts Center, this teen program teaches students to build and run a haunted house from the ground up at no charge to the students. This year was a tough one, we were broken into and thieves made off with about $30,000. worth of props, costumes and tools collected over the years. We scrambled to replace things to open the show and then, the two weekends we were open, it rained and our attendance was down. We are trying to raise funds to continue this incredible program. Tickets $39 at the door or mail to P.O. Box #633 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741. Make checks payable to Jewell performing Arts. For more info: cannincali@aim.com , www.myspace.com/sacramentopirates
  20. I've just set up a Yahoo email group for those interested in helping put on a benefit event for Mallory and McCall. I named the Yahoo group: Friends of Mallory and McCall You can find it at: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/Friends_of_MMc/ If you are at all interested in helping, please sign up. If you have ideas on how to organize and put on a benefit event, we need your help. If you know of any great venues we might access for free or very inexpensively, somewhere in the Los Angeles vicinity, let us know. If you are a performer (musician, juggler, magician, dancer, you name it) who would like to perform at such an event, we'd love to have you. If you are a artisan, craftsperson, merchant, etc. with booty to donate for us to raffle off, let us know. Things should be happening real quick, so keep tuned. --Jamaica Rose
  21. MALLORY AND McCALL NEED URGENT HELP!!!!! This is really tough news right around Christmas. Faire-folk and pirate musicians Mallory and McCall may be forced out of their house soon if we can't pull off a miracle. If you haven't been following what's going on with M&Mc, you can read various updates in the No Quarter Given email newsletter archives. Updates are in the Feb.14 and March 14 newsletters found here: http://www.noquartergiven.net/email2008a.htm And Aug. 12, 2008, found here: http://www.noquartergiven.net/email.htm Bob Brinkman's message below gives the current situation. If Jan and Mallory can't get current with their Wachovia mortgage by Dec. 28, they will be foreclosed. The amount needed to bring them current is around $7000 to $8000. That's a lot of money, but if it is possible to raise this amount of money, we buy another month's time. Bob is working hard to help M&Mc to renegotiate their mortgages. This does seem possible, with all the recent changes, and lower interest, etc. Bob just needs some time. Bob thinks another month may be enough. Bob has learned that an appeal to HUD may possibly forestall the foreclosure. He will call them on Friday after Christmas. If anyone has dealt with HUD or has connections, let us know. A WAY TO HELP -- we need a California REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY, preferably from L.A. County. If you have any connections, let us know. We are open to any ideas. As Bob suggests, maybe getting some media attention on this might help. Anyone have connections or ideas in that regards? Meanwhile, you can help out by buying things from them. 1) "Kings of the Sea" CDs -- http://www.malloryandmccall.com/CD_News.html 2) PiRATE PRiMiTiVE jewelry -- http://www.malloryandmccall.com/PiratePrimitive.html You can pay for either through PayPal, so they get the money fast. If you simply want to send them a Holiday gift of money, you can do so through M&Mc's PayPal account. Here's the link set up for their PayPal account: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cm...4c4061fae0e9918 Or if that URL doesn't come through, go to their PiRATE PRiMiTiVE page at: http://www.malloryandmccall.com/PiratePrimitive.html, and on the right side just below the kitty cat and the skull with the crown, you can click on the "Buy from PiRATE PRiMiTiVE now with PayPal", and then you can enter the amount you'd like to send. You can use a major credit card to send money if you don't have your own PayPal account. Several people have suggested a benefit concert. We may have more details soon on who might be heading up this project, along with when, where, etc. We will certainly welcome those who want to perform at such a benefit, or can help organize it. If you want to help in any way, contact me at: jamaica@noquartergiven.net . I'll act as the clearinghouse for coordinating efforts. Bob is taking on the financial renegotiations and legal aspects. Feel free to pass this message on. Lets pray for a miracle, --Jamaica Rose (Christine Lampe) -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Mallory & McCall Foreclosure Notice! Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 12:37:50 -0500 From: Bob Brinkman To: Look folks, things just got pretty ugly. We're in the process of trying to get the house appraised so that we can renegotiate these mortgages. In the meantime, Wachovia, the second position mortgage has filed notice to M&M that they need to get current by the end of the week or they will begin foreclosure. I'm not certain how fast foreclosure proceedings are in California, but I'm lead to believe that they are pretty fast. They need any and all help that they can get right now. If there is an LA nightly news program that does human interest stories, somebody call them. If there is a way to get an influx of funds to Mallory and Jan, we need those ideas. If we can hold off the foreclosure by even a month we'll be able to renegotiate things to a better position. It might not be a PERFECT position, but it might be a workable one. Pass this on to anyone you know who might be able to assist. The more brains we have working on this the better. I will not simply sit by while these two lose their home because they were conned out of everything that they own. Bob
  22. DISCOVERY CHANNEL ASKED NO QUARTER GIVEN TO DISSEMINATE THIS MESSAGE: Hello Reenactors! Discovery Channel is seeking a family of reenactors to profile in an episode of a new series about fascinating families. If you are a family that reenacts for a living or as a hobby, I would love to get in contact with you! We are are looking into any time period for this family and anywhere in the United States. Please send me an e-mail telling me a little bit about your family: who the members in your family are, their ages, where you live, and what time period you reenact. Thanks so much in advance for your help. As always, our mission is to educate, not exploit our cast members. We are looking forward to working with some of you! My contact information is below. Feel free to get back to me anytime. Thanks so much, Lizzie lizzie.turkevich@gmail.com
  23. We had a great slate of classes at L.O.R.E. on Oct. 18 and 19th, in Corona, California. For me, it was probably one of the most educational L.O.R.E. (Loyal Order of Reenactment Enthusiasts) weekends I've ever been to. And for a bonus, we had beautiful weather. I didn't know there was so much to know just about rope! In Lindsey Philpot's Knot class, I was blown away learning there is right-layed rope and left-layed rope, and one type is used on one side of the ship, and vice versa. As much as I've hauled lines on tall ships, I never knew that. After learning how rope is made, and from what, and how to store it and preserve it, Lindsey taught us some basic knots, giving us mnemonic rhymes to remember how they are formed. After learning a few dicing and card games from Michael Lampe (and how to cheat at them), then Dave Nelson brought out his arsenal. With several dozen working firearms on demonstration, Dave really clarified in my mind the difference between all the major types of firelocks and how they function. Following his class, Bryan Dunn brought out HIS arsenal, laying out several dozen bladed weapons. Bryan demonstrated the various types of blades and explained how they evolved, how they were made and used, and the various advantages and disadvantages. Karen "Piranha" Balentine explained several facets to improving a pirate persona through method acting, by using dialects and accents (and how to obtain them), applying special effects make-up (I want to try rigid collodion), making everything you wear look filthy dirty (even though you wash it), and properly distressing your garb and props. Then costumer Valerie Blair showed us her CLEAN and beautiful garments, demonstrating how a woman of the period would dress, from inside to out, and from head to toe. Alex Barrios covered what men of the period would wear, as well as building on the information we got from Karen. Then we played a rousing game of Jeopardy, using the information we had learned over the weekend. Congratulations to our winners Martin "Greydog" Blackwell, and Cantankerous Jan as our 1st and 2nd place winners respectively. A hearty thank you to all who taught, and to all who came. ---------------------- If you missed this L.O.R.E., the Spring L.O.R.E. is scheduled for Feb. 28-March 1. Mark yer log books and calendars. Classes are open to all and you can mix and match classes from different tracks. On site camping on Fri. and Sat. nights available. Registration costs: $25 per person. Info: The Crossroads Group, P.O.B. 1959 , Corona, CA, 92878-1959, (951) 735-0101
  24. Greydog -- thanks for posting this here. It was great today at LORE. All the sessions were excellent today. There will be more tomorrow. We could have given Lindsey Philpott the whole day. He spent almost an hour just talking about ROPE (what kind of fibers were used, where the fibers come from, how rope was made by hand and later by mechanisms, how it is preserved and cared for, whether it is right-layed or left-layed, whether it is 3 strand, 4 strand, or 6 strand)-- and we were all hanging on every word. Did you know that right-layed line was used on the starboard side, and left-layed line on the port side? And I now know the difference between a marlinspike and a fid. Then he started into actually showing us some knots. Following Lindsey's presentation, Michael taught some games - they were betting hard and heavy in the Sweat Cloth game, Shut the Box, Shove Ha'penny, and Trente et Un. After lunch, Dave Nelson laid out two tables full of firearms, from matchlocks, to wheelocks, to firelocks, to doglocks, flintlocks, snaphaunce, to percussion caps. Then he proceeded to explain and show their He had pistols, blunderbusses (blunderbi?), and muskets. Next was Bryan Dunn giving an overview of the various sharp and pointy weapons pirates would have used, again filling up two folding tables with his several dozen blades, axes, and pole arms. Looking forwards to tomorrow with more classes. --Jamaica Rose
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