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Jamaica Rose

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Everything posted by Jamaica Rose

  1. June 26th thru 28th, 2009: Charleston Maritime Festival Charleston, SOUTH CAROLINA http://www.charlestonmaritimefestival.com/ An official port of the Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge 2009 Pirate camp, classic wooden boat show, maritime art, music, family boat-building and children's village. Period rogues, blackhearts, musicians, and artisans are welcome. Tour the ships, enjoy the scenic waterfront and relax with a beverage and fine Lowcountry fare. For those with more adventurous spirit, build your own boat over the weekend with the handy help of our volunteers, head out on the harbor for your free sailing lesson, or actually join the crew of one of the ships and sail north to Boston. For those more interested in air than sea, there are aerobatic flight demonstrations, helicopter rides and other exciting aerial attractions. Food, water, ice, parking, et. al., will be provided. Crews may contact us at: jackdusty@gmail.com for more info.
  2. June 25th through 27th, 2010: 8th annual Rusty Scupper's Pirate Daze Westport, WASHINGTON Westport, WASHINGTON http://www.rustyscupperpirates.com/ Our patron pirate, Rusty Scupper and his crewe mates, the Rusty Scupper Pirates of Westport, invite all manner of Pirate Crewes, landlubbers, politicians, and townsfolk of any repute to their spring festival of everything piratical. See famed Grays Harbor, and walk some or all of the 18 miles of beach where his journal washed ashore. Climb to the top of the tallest light house in Washington State. See and tour the tall-ships The Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain. Join in with the Pirates at all the events scheduled along the esplanade of Westport Harbor and Marina District. There be family-friendly fun and frivolity fer all, with free admission; live music (including Pint & Dale, Capt. Matt, Mike & Val), purveyors of hearty food and snacks, games fer the scallywags, a pirate train and bumper boats, artisans and vendors from around the west. Weapons demonstrations by the pirates of B.O.O.M. One evening “Bowl with the Pirates!”, Dress like a pirate fer the age-group costume contest, Salty Dog costume contest for canines of the sea, or join in the “Jack Sparrow” look-a-like contest. Mateys, thar be no restrictions nor requirements but havin fun! So put yer historically accurate or inaccurate garb and gear in yer duffle bag ‘n set yer sails fer Westport! Thar be no admission charge to any of the Marina Dist. Events. General info: call Cap'n Bizmo at 360-268-3149. 239 or at rustys-crew@hotmail.com. Fer r infamos "Cap'n Jack Sparrow" look a like contest call "Razor Clam" Arlene @ 360-268-9133. Fer da Salty Dawg contest (one o me favorites!) call "Polly Wog" Pam @ 360-268-6318. Fer da big parade we be hav'n on Sunday ye kin call "Tresure Chest" Pat @ 360-268-0191.
  3. June 19th & 20th, 2010: 4th Annual Northern California Pirate Festival Vallejo, CALIFORNIA http://www.norcalpiratefestival.com/ The city of Vallejo has became a haven for pirates of all varieties...cannon battles, sword fighting, maritime musicians & magicians, contests, food, fyne wares and a host of other pirate treasures (look for the No Quarter Given booth)! New this year: A Saturday night concert featuring a pirate centric cast that will have you hopping out of your seats. Visit the website to see the photos. The Northern California Pirate Festival has one goal: To create an entertaining event where everyone who loves pirates will have a great time and feel welcome! Whether you love nautical music, sword fighting, sailing, cannon-battles, theater, maritime crafts, food and drink, or just shopping fer' pirate booty...there's something here for YOU! Fun For ALL AGES: Children, Adults, Teens & Whole Families! We encourage coming out in costume...whether you dress as an historical era pirate from the Golden Age of Sail or a bejeweled Mardi-Gras Krewmate from New Orleans... whether your taste runs towards Hollywood Swashbucklers or Foreign Buccaneers from international waters! Dress up and share in the experience... You certainly don't need to come out in costume, but when you leave you're sure to feel like a pirate! Sail out to the PirateFest and join us for a great time! *** Come Join The Largest Crew in the World as we attempt to break the World Record! Date & Time: Saturday, June 19th at 4pm, Registration: 10am til 4pm at the front gate. Saturday at 4pm, we will gather over 3,000 fully dressed pirates in one place attempting to Break the Guinness World Record Currently Held by our good friends and brethren of The Portland Pirate Festival i n Portland Oregon. (There is word that it was beaten recently with a score of 1726 by an event in Buxon, UK....but this is not official as of yet) Event Information: 1-866-921-YARR
  4. June 19th thru 21st, 2009: Explore Oak Island Days Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, CANADA http://www.oakislandsociety.ca/Calendar.html A weekend to explore the possibilities of the famous mystery pit on Oak Island, where many think pirate treasure is buried. [the 2009 schedule has not been posted yet. Here is the 2008 schedule]: Friday: Walking tour of Oak Island Mi'kmaq Sweet Grass Ceremony. Saturday: - 10:00 AM See displays, films, photographs, artifacts and much more. Members free, public $5, children under 6 free. -10:30 AM Walking tour - 1:30 PM Guest speaker Mr. Graham Harris - 2:30 PM. Guest speaker Joanna Atherton - 4 PM. Guided walking tour of Oak Island. - 7 PM. Dinner & entertainment at Oak Island Resort. Sunday: - 10:00 AM See displays, films, photographs, artifacts and much more. - 10:30 AM Walking tour. - 1:30 PM Guest speaker Bill Parkin Jr. - 2:30 PM. Guest speaker Les MacPhie - 4 PM. Guided walking tour of Oak Island. Contact information:Everyone is welcome to participate in any of our events, you do not have to be a member, simply e-mail us or call 902-275-3718 for more details on how to reserve a spot today. Oak Island Tourism Society, P.O. Box 517, Chester, NOVA SCOTIA B0J - 1J0, CANADA 902-275-3718 flhs@eastlink.ca Ask for Danny or Yvonne Hennigar
  5. June 20th through 21st, 2009: 28th Annual Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival http://www.waterfrontfestival.org/ Alexandria, VIRGINIA Oronoco Bay Park in Old Town Alexandria Admission ticket includes nautical events, musical entertainment, arts & crafts show, interactive exhibits, children's crafts and activities, Ocean in Motion traveling aquarium, Ferris wheel, fireworks show on Saturday night! Annual Alexandria Chapter American Red Cross fundraiser! Alexandria Red Cross Waterfront Festival, 123 N. Alfred Street Alexandria, VA 22314. 703.549.8300
  6. Tentatively June 13th & 14th, 2009: Long Island Pirate Festival http://www.lipiratefestival.com/ West Sayville, Long Island, NEW YORK 86 West Ave, West Sayville, NY 10 am - 6 pm Currently seeking merchants, performers, and sponsors for our 2009 festival. Please contact us for more information! [from the 2008 listing] See the video commercial at: http://www.mylitv.com/view_video.php?viewkey=eaa7caa47487d1483e48 Pirate sword fights, period music & sea shanteys, food, shows and lots of shore bound vendors ta pick up some plunder! Living history pirate encampments and black powder cannon demonstrations. And of course, roving bands of pirates! Come in costume, if you dare! Pirate crew of the Valhalla, Cascabel And Braze, The Brigands, The ZeeWolves, Pirates for Sail, Pirates of the Dark Rose, Freemen of the Sea, Down East Pirates, Pirates of Alexandria Bay…and many more!!! Come join in the hostilities…er we mean festivities!! Music by: Strike the Bell, Pirate Circus, Pirates for Sail, Fathom and Down East Pirates. Hosted by Ye Pyrate Brotherhood & the Long Island Maritime Museum. $7 per person , children under 5 FREE!! Inquiries can be made to: yepyratebrotherhood@yahoo.com or lucretia_lacey777@yahoo.com MySpace page.
  7. http://www.kenosha.org/kenevents/events/pi...rendezvous.html June 13th, 2009: Pirate Rendezvous Damariscotta, Maine Daytime Events: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m The Mystic Pirates sail into the scenic midcoast towns of Damariscotta and Newcastle (Maine) and take over the in-town area until 4 p.m., when they will fade back into history. All attendees are invited to participate in costume, but there is no requirement to do so. Beginning at 10 a.m., children will be able to enjoy a variety of games at the Pirate Bazaar and other activities throughout the in-town area. When the pirates invade at high noon, complete with a pirate ship laying down a barrage of cannon fire, children will be invited to participate in the defense of the town. Costumed re-enactors on shore will attempt to repel the attack with artillery, muskets, and swords. Once the pirates have invaded and convinced the townfolk and children to seek the riches of their lost treasure, the children will be involved in a day-long drama to find the hidden plunder that will include a Crew Muster and Pirate Costume Contest, and a Treasure Hunt that will take the children through businesses of the in-town area as they search for the Lost Treasure of the Mystic Pirates. Special pirate-themed menus will be featured at local restaurants throughout the in-town area of Damariscotta and Newcastle during the event and into the evening. The Pirate Rendezvous benefits Lincoln County Family Holiday Wishes, a Christmas season food and gift drive. There is no charge for admission to the Pirate Rendezvous. Pirate re-enactors who will be in Maine during the event are invited to join the crew! Contact the pirate “Scribe” (Greg Latimer) at 207-380-9912 or mysticpirates@yahoo.com. All edged weapons and firearms must be cleared by event marshals; but once cleared, re-enactors may join the firing line.
  8. June 12th through 14th, 2009: 30th Annual Sea Music Festival Mystic, CONNECTICUT 9 AM through 5 PM plus evening concerts. Mystic Seaport is proud to host its 30th Annual Sea Music Festival, one of the world’s premier sea music events. More than 5,000 people gather each year to hear a solid core of performers carry on classic musical traditions of the Golden Age of Sail. We have featured music from maritime cultures around the world, including the United Kingdom, Italy, Portugal, Australia, Iceland, Poland, Netherlands, France, Canada and Africa, as well as native peoples within the United States. Tickets/info: 860-572-5315 or 888-9SEAPORT.
  9. June 12th thru 14th, 2009: John Levique Days John's Pass Village, Madeira Beach, FLORIDA A pirate themed event celebrating the discovery of John's Pass by John Levique after the hurricane of September 1848. Scheduled activities • The Pirates Ball & Adults Costume Contest • Fresh Food Market • Village Wide Treasure Hunt • Pirate Ship Invasion & Water Battle • Pirates Parade & Pillage the Village • Pub Crawl (Adult Only) • Brigands Bazaar/Shopping • Children’s Costume Contest • Various Acts & Entertainment throughout the village • The West Coast Mutineers • Cascabel & Izabel • The Rusty Cutlass • ARRR, Inc. • Marooned • Mike Daniels: Founder of Black Beards’ flagship • And much more… Free admission. Info from Suzanne King, John Levique Pirate Days Chair, 150 Johns Pass Boardwalk, Madeira Beach, FL. 33707, (727) 393-8230 : Suzie@JohnsPassFestivals.com , http://www.JohnsPassFestivals.com
  10. June 6th & 7th, 2009: 4th Big Bear Pirate Faire Fawnskin (Big Bear, North Shore), CALIFORNIA 10 am to 6 pm The Big Bear Valley Renaissance Society, Inc., is having it's 4th annual Big Bear Pirate Faire on the NORTH SHORE ON THE LAKE!!! There will be battle re-enactments and battles on the 'New Pirate' beach, court martial & court re-enactments, stage shows, shopping and food!! All profits go to the youth of the Valley for educational endeavors. Some activities at additional charge. Two Pirate Battles each day! Children's Treasure Hunts times listed in program $3.00 Fee Children's arts & crafts area minimal fee for some activities. Free Parking & Shuttle TICKET PRICES Adults: $15, Adult weekend pass: $26, Seniors (55+)/ Military with ID $12, Children 6-12: $12, Senior/Military/Child weekend pass: $20, Children 5 and under: FREE. Tickets on sale at the gate. Advanced tickets can be purchased by calling 1-800-4-BIG-BEAR. Pedersen's Mill 39115 Rim of the World Fawnskin, CA 92333
  11. June 4th through 8th, 2009: 54th Sprint Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival Fort Walton Beach, FLORIDA Pirate invasion, fireworks, torch light parade, children's activities, lots more. Celebrates Capt. Bowlegs (William Augustus Bowles) Pirate skirmish Fri. evening, followed by Fireworks. Pirate's Landing: Sat.afternoon, 4 pm. The city always loses to the pirates and Capt. Billy will issue a proclamation freeing the citizens from the tyranny of the City Fathers and declares a time of merriment and fun. Many other events, torchlight parade: Monday evening, June 8th, 8 pm. Info: (850) 244-8191, info@fwbchamber.org
  12. June 6th, 2009: 23rd Annual Drake's Raid St. Augustine, FLORIDA. "On June 6, 1586, a fleet of 23 ships with 2,000 Englishmen under the command of Sir Francis Drake approached the Spanish colonial capitol of St. Augustine, Florida. Landing cannon on Anastasia Island, the privateers began to bombard the city. At dawn on June 8th, the English crossed Matanzas Bay, captured the fort, routed the Spanish defenders, and burned the town." The 23rd annual reenactment of Drake's Raid will take place on the original sites in Old Towne San Agustin. Focus is on an accurate, historical impression. 16th c.-style encampment at the Fountain of Youth Park. For info: info@searlesbuccaneers.org
  13. May 30th & 31st, 2009: Pirate Weekend at Georgia Renaissance Festival Fairburn, GEORGIA Arrg! Pirates Weekend! Avast ye landlubbers! Pirate Costume contests for Adults and Children! Office number: (770) 964-8575
  14. The Benefit Concert is this Saturday -- see the pinned message for the details. Here's a partial list of the items donated for the Raffle Prizes and Door prizes: Disneyland admission tickets RARE COLLECTIBLE: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl 2-sided LOBBY POSTER (27" x 40") Studio City Tattoo gift certificates 3" Wide leather belt & square brass buckle from Pyrate Leatherworx Ceramic hand-made Goldtooth pottery stein from Pyrate Leatherworx Bone & Coral Necklace & Earring set from Dreamlizard Pearls & Plunder No Quarter Given subscriptions, books and buttons Scrimshaw Powder Horn Kit Collection of 64 Choclate liqueurs with original spirits Bottle of Captain Michael's Blue Baboon Spiced Rum Buccaneer Beach Towel and much more... --Jamaica Rose
  15. One more class has been added: ***Taverns in the 17th & 18th Centuries: Where was the first place a pirate headed when he came into port .... ? The nearest tavern! Learn what taverns were like, what/who you would have found in one, and what activities went on at one. Schedule as follows: SATURDAY 9:30 Piracy 101 10:45 How to Get Down and Dirty as a Pirate 1:15 Swivel Gun Operations 2:45 "Cutting Wit" Too: Staged Swordplay vs Real Fighting SUNDAY 10:45 Basics of Ropes and Useful Knots 1:15 Survey of Navigation (with emphasis on Age of Discovery) 2:45 Taverns in the 17ty & 18th Centuries
  16. 'ello luvies, We have a Pirate License Plate rogues gallery on the No Quarter Given website: http://www.noquartergiven.net/LicensePlates.htm We are always looking for more, and I bet that many of you have gotten a custom license plate on yer land yacht. If you'd like your license plate displayed on the NQG webpage, please send me a private email to: jamaica@noquartergiven.net along with your image attached (.jpg preferred). Also tell me which name you would prefer we use to post with your plate image. Safe harbours and full tankards, --Jamaica Rose editor, No Quarter Given
  17. The date for the benefit concert has been moved from Feb. 22 to Feb. 21 (problem with the venue on the original date). I have edited the original posts to reflect the new date, but wanted to give a heads up to those of you who might have already written it on your calendar. --Jamaica Rose
  18. Two new classes have been added: ***Piracy 101: The basics of piracy ***How to Get Down and Dirty as a Pirate: Make-up and special effects.
  19. The first Benefit event for Mallory and McCall will be held on Feb. 22 at Maeve's Residuals, in Studio City, California. There is a great line up of pirate & folk musicians, from 1 pm to 10 pm. Whew! This is located in the same shopping center as Studio City Tattoo (Talderoy's tattoo shop, where Talk Like a Pirate Day celebrations have been held the past few years). For more details - see the entry in the Raids section: http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=14175# --Jamaica Rose
  20. February 21st, 2009: Benefit Concert for Mallory and McCall Studio City, CALIFORNIA TIME: noon-9 p.m. WHY: To raise funds to keep Mallory and Jan from loosing their home to foreclosure due to ill health and a fraudulent financial planner. 21 and over please. BAND LINE UP In order of appearance ! Captain Ron Ely Granuaille's Revenge The Cherry Tarts The Praties Pirates of the Black Swan Saahira of the Emerald Winds Rillian and the Doxie Chicks Ending with 1 big pirate jam at the end with all bands. We will raffle off pirate treasures and plunder during band set ups. Health willing, Mallory and McCall plan to be in the audience. WHERE: Maeve's Residuals, 11042 Ventura Blvd., Studio City, 91604, 818-761-8301, www.residualsbar.com, in the same shopping mall with Studio City Tattoo (Talderoy's establishment). There are plenty of places to eat all around Maeve's (within walking distance). Parking is limited so you may have to park offsite and walk. Try to carpool as much as possible.
  21. Greydog is one of the instructors with the small cannon operations class (thank you luv), so he definitely knows that one is on the schedule. LOL Besides sword play and navigation, there will also be a class on Knots. And maybe costuming and special effects make up. Still working out the logistics on those. If there are gaps in the schedule, my husband or I can fill in with a class or two as needed. I first wait and see who else I can press gang as instructors. --Jamaica Rose
  22. We do not have Rum Tasting scheduled yet for this session. Working on it. I have scheduling conflicts. Problem is, I don't like to schedule it as the last class of the day, and have people drive away right after. So I usually schedule it for right after lunch, then people have time to wear off the alcohol before driving. And yes, any combat classes should be done before Rum Tasting. The swivel gun class has to be on Sat. afternoon. Whereas my Knot and Navigation instructor can only come on Sunday, and wants the 2nd and 3rd sessions, because he has a commitment later that afternoon and can't stay. If we have Rum Tasting as the last session on Sat., we'd have to make sure all participants have DDs, or want to hang around awhile. Logistically that seems tricky. As for instructors signing cards, or rather NOT signing them, in the notes I send to Instructors before L.O.R.E. I explain about signing cards, and include a reminder to bring a pen or pencil for such a purpose. In the morning notes, they are also reminded about signing student cards, but many instructors aren't there yet, or are busy setting up their class. I will try to stress this even more this time in my pre-L.O.R.E. notes. Sorry you had such a problem. Were they all Pirate Instructors you had problems with? Or did you go to classes in other tracks. If so, I don't know if those instructors are warned about signing cards. I only recruit the Pirate Instructors. --Jamaica Rose
  23. You should be able to see the original topic now. I had moved it to a sub-forum in June, but hadn't realize Stynky had set the June forum to "invisible" until I had finished setting up the events in it. I'll get to that (and the rest of the calendar) in a few days. Got more urgent tasks first. Meanwhile, you can carry on your discussion in the original topic. --Jamaica Rose
  24. Classes are still being arranged. So far, for this time we have pinned down instructors for: ***Swivel Gun Operations: Safe operation of small cannon. Use of implements, manufacturing blank ammunition, loading, firing, misfires and cleaning. A hands on class. Each participant will be given the opportunity to fire 2 (two) blank rounds. A donation of $4 is requested to cover materials, and gun powder. Ages 18+ ***Performance swordwork: The difference between real swordplay and performance swordplay for the public. ***History of Navigation: Find out how navigators of old found their way around the world without radios, satellites or GPS. Astrolabe, quadrant, cross-staff, backstaff, and sextant. Real examples of period instruments demonstrated. ***Knotwork: Gotta know the ropes and how to put them to work. WE ARE STILL RECRUITING TEACHERS -- CONTACT ME IF INTERESTED --Jamaica Rose
  25. February 7, 2009: Pirates Invade the City of Lighthouse Point during "Keeper Days" Pompano Beach, FLORIDA www.eventsetter.com/events/USA/Florida/Fort-Lauderdale/Festivals-Fairs-Parades/event68198.html During the 9th Annual “Keeper Days” come out and celebrate “Our Hidden Treasure”. Starting off the day’s events will be the Keeper’s Parade, and this year it will be full of pirates. The parade begins at 10:00 am from the First Presbyterian Church at 2331 NE 26 Avenue and heads north down Lighthouse Drive to Frank McDonough Park, located at 3500 NE 27 Avenue. Visit Pirates of the Treasure Coast and purchase your pirate hats, swords and eye patches and join in the piratical fun at Frank McDonough Park with the Bone Island Buccaneers, 11:00am - 3:00pm. Pirate Entertainment by the Bone Island Buccaneers, Car Show, Games, Rides, a Children’s Pet Show, Live Black Powder Weapons, and Sword Fighting. After a 3 hour intermission the fun relocates to Dan Witt Park, located at 4521 NE 22 Avenue, 6:00pm - 9:00p. Concert with the Jimmy Buffett Tribute Band, The Landsharks. Pirate Entertainment by the Bone Island Buccaneers, Pirates of the Treasure Coast’s Mobile Pirate Store, Food, Fireworks, and Fun for the entire family. ADMISSION IS FREE. For more info and schedule of events. If you would like to be a volunteer at this event, go to Pirates of the Treasure Coast - then click on Pirate Festivals on left side and register. NOTE: Restroom facilities at these locations are extremely limited! You may want to keep an eye open for a local shop or restaurant on your way to the parks!
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