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Jamaica Rose

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Everything posted by Jamaica Rose

  1. Thank you Rumba Rue - I've forwarded your message to the PRP board. --Jamaica Rose
  2. Greydog - thank you so much for the kind offer on behalf of the Alliance of the Double Cross. That is so thoughtful. I will pass on your offer to the PRP board members. Though, from all the discussions after the immediate loss of the trailer, it sounds like the personal possessions of our members can supplement any lost items until the group can replace them. --Jamaica Rose
  3. GOOD NEWS -- The trailer is back home, in good shape. Thanks to the Rialto Police Dept. About half of the contents are gone, but the tents, shade flies, and poles are there. Having these items back is a good thing. Getting back the tents and trailer itself represents a major investment that has returned. YAY! Cook stoves, tables, tools, jacks, and more are missing, but a lot of these items are not easily identifiable. THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR INTEREST, CONCERN, and HELP. --Jamaica Rose
  4. GOOD NEWS -- The trailer is back home, in good shape. Thanks to the Rialto Police Dept. About half of the contents are gone, but the tents, shade flies, and poles are there. Having these items back is a good thing. Getting back the tents and trailer itself represents a major investment that has returned. YAY! Cook stoves, tables, tools, jacks, and more are missing, but a lot of these items are not easily identifiable. THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR INTEREST, CONCERN, and HELP. --Jamaica Rose
  5. I *think* I have fixed the links above. Here's a couple more. This first one shows the trailer partly loaded, before the wooden partitions were added. You can see some of the props: http://s280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/JamaicaRose2/Stolen%20Items/?action=view&current=l_d1441b435fcc46d3861fea98a5800758.jpg http://s280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/JamaicaRose2/Stolen%20Items/?action=view&current=l_0ae888a42bb442a6b3bfea78b30553a8.jpg --Jamaica Rose
  6. Thank you, and everyone, for your concern. The trailer is not painted with our group name or any other customized work. We had plans for painting the group's name on the side of the trailer. We had recently upgraded from our old open trailer (with name painted on sides), to this new closed trailer. We had a contest going for the design to put on the sides. But hadn't had time to carry it out. DRAT ... that might have deterred the thieves. The contents inside the trailer had been gathered, built, and modified over the 16 years of our group's existence. But many of our group members have personal tents and props that we can bring to events. It will work out, and in the long run, may be a blessing in disguise, by giving us faster camp set ups and tear downs. --Jamaica Rose
  7. Thanks for your interest. Yes - a police report has been made. I have a blog on the No Quarter Given MySpace with more details and photos: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=329306395&blogId=527064250 Feel free to share it in reposts on MySpace and FB. --Jamaica Rose
  8. Yep ... we are very aware that the thieves opened up the trailer and said "What is this SH*TE?" And left our stuff dumped somewhere. But it may still filter into local swap meets or yard sales. The trailer itself may well be in Mexico by now. Still, we will hope for the best. Here are photos of the trailer in question: http://s280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/JamaicaRose2/Stolen%20Items/?action=view&current=PRPTrailer1.jpg http://s280.photobucket.com/albums/kk172/JamaicaRose2/Stolen%20Items/?action=view&current=PRPTrailer2.jpg --Jamaica Rose
  9. A sharp-eyed fellow pirate sent me this notice from Craigslist: http://orangecounty.craigslist.org/rvs/1566079478.html It's very close, but this is NOT our missing trailer. Our trailer is a SINGLE axle. If you want to take a look at the photo though, to see what our trailer looked like, this is pretty much it (only with a single axle.) --Jamaica Rose
  10. The Port Royal Privateers are in need of your help. On January 21st, their trailer, with ALL of their gear, tents, tarps, poles, stoves, props, tools, accessories, treasure chest, EVERYTHING the group owned to build an area to entertain the public, was stolen from it's storage place in San Bernardino. Please keep a watchful eye out for things being sold, especially in Southern California, but also on E-Bay, Craigslist, other living history forums, etc. If you have any information, contact the PRP at: prpboard@yahoo.com Info on trailer: 2006 Pace Trailer 12 Ft White closed trailer with side door and rear door and ramp License plate # 4HM2469 Vin #: 4P2FB121X6U072862 Inside modifications includes compartments built in's (however, they can be removed). We hope to get a photo of the trailer and some of the props posted here soon. Please spread the word to any living history or reenactment groups you might belong to. Thank you for any help you can offer, and at least for taking the time to read this --Jamaica Rose P.S. This announcement was cross-posted. It's also in The Crows Nest forum (with Stynky's permission).
  11. The Port Royal Privateers are in need of your help. On January 21st, their trailer, with ALL of their gear, tents, tarps, poles, stoves, props, tools, accessories, treasure chest, EVERYTHING the group owned to build an area to entertain the public, was stolen from it's storage place in San Bernardino. Please keep a watchful eye out for things being sold, especially in Southern California. If you have any information, contact the PRP at: prpboard@yahoo.com Info on trailer: 2006 Pace Trailer 12 Ft White closed trailer with side door and rear door and ramp License plate # 4HM2469 Vin #: 4P2FB121X6U072862 Inside modifications includes compartments built in's (however, they can be removed). We hope to get a photo of the trailer and some of the props posted here soon. Please spread the word to any living history or reenactment groups you might belong to. Thank you for any help you can offer, and at least for taking the time to read this. --Jamaica Rose P.S. I will also post this in the Thieve's Market (how appropriate) with Stynky's permission, in case any of the stolen items start coming on the market to other living historians.
  12. Crudbeard, and his wife (whose name escapes me at the moment) Crudbeard's lady's name is Bloodthirsty Barbara, but I don't think she would like to claim Oreo as hers. --Jamaica Rose
  13. Well, you may have to ask Grace to be sure, but I think she was running through the motions of lighting the cannon, and recoiling back from it in a very artistic fashion. --Jamaica Rose
  14. I've spent many hours last night and today looking over the photos from PiP this year. What wonderful memories they bring up. And images of so much I didn't see while in Florida. I am so impressed. Especially with M.A.D. Dogge's photos - those are simply painterly, looking like they are from the brush of an old master, each one telling a fascinating story. Michael and I had been away from PiP for several years (though we first came in 1997, then came every year from 1999 - 2004), so this year's event was so impressive. Wish I had had more time to meet more people and chat. Next year we hope to drive out (from California), so we can set up camp on the beach in the pirate camp. I took a LOT of photos. But I've been really busy the past month. While finishing up our kid's pirate book, and trying to get next issue of No Quarter Given out, I've been so frustrated I have'nt had time to process my PiP photos. Somehow, I started working on them in reverse. I just got the photos from final day of PiP (Sunday) posted on MySpace. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewAlbums&friendID=329306395 I welcome comments, and tagging. Stay tuned for photos from the other days (still have over 2000 left to slog through). --Jamaica Rose
  15. There's a lot of SteamPunk going on at Pyrate Daze on the Queen Mary. The LEAGUE OF S.T.E.A.M. will be putting on several events on SteamPunk Sunday. Here's the latest schedule given below. Go to the website to see the full schedule, or to see if more events have been added: http://www.pyratedaze.com/ STEAM PUNK SUNDAY, Sept. 20, 2009 ********************************* Vendor room with celeb guest and speakers open at 9 am following a Steam Punk costume contest where winners get tickets to Steam Con, 09. Cascabel, Black Powder Weapons 101 part 2 Q&A with Tarah Paige Q&A with Vernon Wells & Virgina Hey from "The Road Warrior." The League of S.T.E.A.M. hosts an interactive art show. Guest get a hands on experience of the "science" used in Victorian era that is reminiscent of the Parlor nights made trendy by notable figures like Nikola Tesla. Ghost Tour- Interactive Fictional walking tour of ship, includes working props & Ghosts! Recruiting- Why water pirates should consider the benefits of "Air-Piracy". Walk around Entertainment- Meet the members of, "The League of S.T.E.A.M." Workshops: Steampunk 101 What is the history of Steampunk and how is it defined today? Discussion of living Steampunk versus cosplay. Steampunk 102 Costuming and props in the Steampunk aesthetic. Helpful hints on researching and educating oneself about the Vicorian era and discussion of Steampunk as a community. Steampunk Prop Fabrication part one- Basic molding techniques and found object assembly, discussion of "knowing" how your prop works and the "pseudo" science behind it. Steampunk Prop Fabrication part two A- Design and researching your ideas as well as execution through the use of basic mechanics and electronics including finishing touches and detail work. Steampunk Prop Fabrication part two B- The League of S.T.E.A.M., secrets revealed. Artist from The League will discuss and demonstrate how their equipment works and the techniques used to achieve the effect. Achieving the Victorian Look- Resources to examine period fashion, construct and buy materials for men and women of the Victorian era. Achieving the Steampunk Look- "Punk" defined and how it collides with Victorian clothing ang gadgetry to create "Steampunk". Fashion and couture as influenced by Steampunk. Steampunk as a Movement- Slide show helping to define where steampunk came from, how it is defined today and the future of the genre. Steampunk as a Music Scene- Exploration of the music scene as dfined by a literary aesthetic and the Steampunk community. Open Forum Show and Tell- People from the Steampunk community are welcome to show and discuss their creation. Hope to see you there. Now where's my goggles...? --Jamaica Rose
  16. Below is the latest schedule of events for Pyrate Daze. And more is bound to be added. I know I'm doing a presentation on the True Look of a Pirate and it's not listed here, and I know of a few other things that haven't been added to the website yet. Also - notice our NO QUARTER GIVEN Kick-off party on Friday night, with our special guests "THERE BE PYRATES". They'll be celebrating the release of their new CD. More and more pirates are planning to come - some from across the nation. There are fewer competing pirate events in the area. The Pirates Cove for Oceanside Harbor Days was canceled earlier. And now, we hear Lobster Festival in San Pedro, will not be having it's full Pirate Camp as in years past, but will just have 6 pirates hired for the day. For those of you who are parents (or have nieces, nephews, or other young people in your life), this is a family friend event - at least during the day. You'll find on the discount page of the website that children 10 and under are FREE (does not include Masquerade Dinner Ball). Hope to see lots of you at the Queen Mary, Sept. 18-20. Be sure to listen for the radio commercial spot mornings starting Aug. 30 on K-Earth 101 FM radio. --Jamaica Rose FRIDAY NIGHT, Sept. 18, 2009 at 9 pm to 12 am: “Midnight Madness” ***************************************************************** Vendor room opens at 6 pm to preregistration / pre-sale ticket holders and Queen Mary Employees. All ticket sales on PayPal will be available at will call table for pick up at the Exhibit Hall. Special Musical Guest, "There Be Pirates", back from world tour with a new CD. www.therebepirates.net Hosted by No Quarter Given, 15th Anniversary party held in The "Jules Verne" Observation Bar SATURDAY, Sept. 19, 2009 Convention opens 9 am. This includes vendors, celebrities and exhibits. ********************************************** Stage schedule of Q&A celeb panel and speakers. Q&A with cast of "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies Robin Maxwell, Author & Screenwriter / signing "The Wild Irish", a novel about Grace O'Malley & Elizabeth the First, soon to be a major motion picture. Cascabel, Black Powder Weapons 101 part 1 Q&A with Christopher Atkins star of "The Pirate Movie" & "The Blue Lagoon". The Dread Pirate Willoughby Caught, Sea Chantey Workshop Braze, Black Pirates of the Caribbean Pyro Show / Ship to Ship Battle, approximately 1:30 pm on harbor side of The Queen Mary. 5 pm begins Center Piece Extravaganza! Those who wish to win cash prizes will be able to bring their center piece to the The Britannia Salon Masquerade Ball opens at 7 pm followed by dinner, contest winners ceremony and Special appearance by Abney Park. STEAM PUNK SUNDAY, Sept. 20, 2009 ********************************* Vendor room with celeb guest and speakers open at 9 am following a Steam Punk costume contest where winners get tickets to Steam Con, 09. Cascabel, Black Powder Weapons 101 part 2 Q&A with Tarah Paige Q&A with Vernon Wells & Virgina Hey from "The Road Warrior." The League of S.T.E.A.M. hosts an interactive art show. Guest get a hands on experience of the "science" used in Victorian era that is reminiscent of the Parlor nights made trendy by notable figures like Nikola Tesla. Ghost Tour- Interactive Fictional walking tour of ship, includes working props & Ghosts! Recruiting- Why water pirates should consider the benefits of "Air-Piracy". Walk around Entertainment- Meet the members of, "The League of S.T.E.A.M." Workshops: Steampunk 101 What is the history of Steampunk and how is it defined today? Discussion of living Steampunk versus cosplay. Steampunk 102 Costuming and props in the Steampunk aesthetic. Helpful hints on researching and educating oneself about the Vicorian era and discussion of Steampunk as a community. Steampunk Prop Fabrication part one- Basic molding techniques and found object assembly, discussion of "knowing" how your prop works and the "pseudo" science behind it. Steampunk Prop Fabrication part two A- Design and researching your ideas as well as execution through the use of basic mechanics and electronics including finishing touches and detail work. Steampunk Prop Fabrication part two B- The League of S.T.E.A.M., secrets revealed. Artist from The League will discuss and demonstrate how their equipment works and the techniques used to achieve the effect. Achieving the Victorian Look- Resources to examine period fashion, construct and buy materials for men and women of the Victorian era. Achieving the Steampunk Look- "Punk" defined and how it collides with Victorian clothing ang gadgetry to create "Steampunk". Fashion and couture as influenced by Steampunk. Steampunk as a Movement- Slide show helping to define where steampunk came from, how it is defined today and the future of the genre. Steampunk as a Music Scene- Exploration of the music scene as dfined by a literary aesthetic and the Steampunk community. Open Forum Show and Tell- People from the Steampunk community are welcome to show and discuss their creation.
  17. August 30th & 31st, 2009: Rum, Seadogs and Soldiers , Beaumaris Castle, Anglesea, NW Wales , UNITED KINGDOM Travel back in time to 1674 and meet Sir Henry Morgan, the famous buccaneer, and a crew of his most ferocious comrades, newly returned from the pirate haunts of the Caribbean. In the deserted castle of Beaumaris; Morgan and the crew of the Port Royal (a notorious pirate vessel) have arranged a secret rendezvous to discuss terms of a Royal pardon over a jug or two of rum. Listen to their tales of piracy, and accounts of raiding at will upon the Spanish Main, from Maracaibo to Panama. But, what is this? The local authorities have heard of these scurrilous sea dogs lurking in the ruins. The constable and his town militia are poised to strike! See the careening encampment, meet soldiers, village folk and of course Harry Morgan and his Buccaneers! Visit www.17thcenturylifeandtimes.com or email: cavalier@17thcenturylifeandtimes.com for details!
  18. Avast! It be certainly a pleasure ta' be puttin' a smile to tha' kind words ye be sendin' back. Me compliments and graditude fer printin' me letter. We've taken on provisions, powder and shot and by order of Capt. Sinbad have made ready to sail. The "Meka"II will sail on the Towne of Beaufort in the Colony of Carolina. As the militia attacks by land we , by s...

  19. September 12th & 13th, 2009: 2nd Annual Treasure Coast Pirate Fest http://www.TreasureCoastPirateFest.com Stuart, FLORIDA Pirates take over Historic Downtown Stuart with parties, treasure hunt, parade, live music, Bone Island Buccaneers, Captain Dan & the Scurvy Crew, pirate invasion, ships & battles, costume contests (adult & children), vendors & local shops. Seeking pirate, nautical, and renaissance themed vendors. Contact: Suzanne King, ph: 727-322-5217, TreasureCoastPirateFest@gmail.com
  20. There is now a radio spot commercial for PYRATE DAYS. It will run on K-EARTH 101 FM (S. Calif. rock station) from August 30 to Sept. 20. Attached is the MP3 file of the commercial. --Jamaica Rose PIRATE DAYS 7-24-09.mp3
  21. Come early to Pyrate Daze. On Friday night No Quarter Given will host our 15th Anniversary Deja Vu Party for the West Coasters who couldn't attend the 15th Anniversary Party we held at NOLA Pyrate Week. It will be held in the Jules Verne Observation Lounge. THERE BE PYRATES will be entertaining us musically, and will be celebrating their new CD release. The vendors room will be open that night from 9-midnight for MIDNIGHT MADNESS Early Bird shopping. BOTH our NQG party and the vendor's room Midnight Madness are free, open to everyone, whether you have paid memberships to Pyrate Daze or not. --Jamaica Rose
  22. Welcome to these waters lass. Look forwards to seeing you on the Queen Mary. Oh ... and keep an eye to yer mail box ... the King's Couriers should be bringin' ya a packet in a few days. --Jamaica Rose
  23. What do you know about locked topics? I've been locked out of most topics that Iron Bess is on. Thought that was funny.

  24. I saw this notice in the SCA-Nautical Yahoo list, and thought it might be a good deal for those of you looking to buy a firearm. I asked if I may repost the notice here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ muskets and pistol ...HUGE - discount Posted by: "Charles Wilkerson" myasolf@yahoo.com myasolf Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:54 pm (PDT) OK i am officially out of stock, i have no guns in stock and because i have a minimum order from my supplier i need help. so i am willing to cut me own throat and give any scallywag who helps me a HUGH discount on their guns this includes the wheel-lock pistol, normally 450 i'll sell for 300 dog-locks and dragoon pistols $250 there are many available some from my posted pics (mixed suppliers) many not shown i need at least 10 orders to add to my own, if i dont find anyone my offered weapons will drop to a trickle they come to me not firable, i have to do some minor work, but there is an additional discount if you want to do this yourself (minor) any takers, e-mail me and we can further discuss it. Lord Asolfr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not know Lord Asolfr, and can not give any recommendation regarding his business or the quality of his fire arms. Maybe some of you know him, and can post about him. When I wrote to Lord Asolfr to ask him about posting his notice here, he added more information: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i have in upwards of 1842 flinlocks, lots of french and, sea-board weapons look to my site www.wyldewares.com under blackpowder firearms and then specials (click on discount post. you can see many of the pistols and a few of the blunderbuss and muskets, but there are still some to come many more flintlocks than any other. i just posted wheellocks and matches because sca is pre- 1600, and us pirates fall after Asolfr - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy firearm shopping, --Jamaica Rose
  25. Iron Bess and Black Hearted Pearl coming to the party on the Surprize? Looking forwards to seeing my friends there. Also Pirates of the Black Swan are playing. It's going to be quite a time. --Jamaica Rose
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