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crimson corsair

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Everything posted by crimson corsair

  1. I think the whole reson for me to go is to see the Sultry Sirens of Sin. A.K.A Whaling Banchies...
  2. Mad Woman Cherly????? Would A female pirate be a "PIRETTE"?????? Are you and Sea legs going to openning day at MDRF? I am happy to hear about your new boat Firethron.I do hope to run in to ya at pirate weekend at MDRF...
  3. Do ya be have'n a Pyracy pin to be a waerin Capt.amme Finlay???? Will be keepin a eye(patch)out for those....
  4. Keep an eye out for more updates....Blenderwench will be the one with the info as it grows closer.As far as I know the is open to all comers<but it is also a go gard event.After the days events are over there will be a Big pub crawl starting from 'One Eyed Mikes' .This is if nothing has changed.....
  5. Hey Firethorn,are you talking about the pirate fest going on in Fellspoint in Baltimore on sept 10?????
  6. Speaking of Blender, I haven't seen her around here for a while. I hope she's okay. Blender is doing fine and well,as a matter of fact she has a new job and very happy She will not be able to making it to Pa for pirate weekend. And I may not be able to go either.....Money is tie and gas for a 2 hour road trip and back is alot these days. I Do want to make so bad though!!!!!!!!! but I just won't know till the last minute,My little pirates birthbay is the weekend before.and she comes first....
  7. Well.are we talkin about opening weekend or Pirate weekend???? I think last year we meet up at the White Hart Tavern around 1:00 pm
  8. I will be there for sure!!!!!has anyone from Pyracy come up with a meeting place and time??????
  9. How did you Know it was me?????????I did'nt know you lived in the area. I know someday someone would see my PYRACY decale on the work van.. My boss is not to crazy about a security van with a Jolly Roger on the back window. But we pirates love to fly our colors If you see again give me a beep or a wave,I'm usually leave for work at the same time.As a matter of fact Wolfmut came to our site and played for us around the campfire.That was really cool....Kinda like a private concert......
  10. There is a camp ground about 1 mile for the faire ground. I think it is a KOA camp ground.The crew that I am a part of we be renting alot of space for the crew to stay for the weekend. They have cabins for rent aswell.
  11. We are camping out again for pirate weekend. We had to much fun last time not to do it again....It looks like there will be more or the Juryrig crew involved in this one.You may want to get you cabin now before they all rent out....
  12. I dont know if I am or not??? As the date gets closer I will know for sure. I cant speak for blender??????? I will bo going to faire that week end for sure.
  13. I can't wait till Sept.Blenderwench and I has so much fun in April for our Crawl that I can't wait to do it again.......Fells Point has a very rich maritime history.If you are coming out of town you may want to book your Hotel soon.Baltimore always has something going on,Baseball,Football,or drunkin pirates.....
  14. I did get some pics and I will post them(hopfully tonight) I have a lot of pics of the Whalling Banches...You can't take to many pictures of those girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. So lets say 1:00 pm at the pub!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will keep me eyes open for any familiar faces......and an eye for the familiar 'P" pins see ya tommarow Crimson Corsair
  16. Sorry you can't make it Blender.....My thoughts will be with you and I will indeed raise a tankard for you..... Looks like the pirate jeep will have two empty sets Saturday!!!!!!
  17. So what is a good time to meet up??? I'm guessin around 1:00 or 2:00,(I hope that is'nt the same time the Waling Banchees are singing) But of cource I will be sportin' my PYRACY "P" Pin.....
  18. Any of you Skallywaggs going to the Fling???I will be there with a few Mates on saturday.We hope to see some of ya at the pub or wandering about the grounds.... Crimson Corsair
  19. Are any of you pirates goin to th' Celtic Fling on 25th of June at PARF????
  20. Phi it's not come as you are....It's come as you RRRRRRRRR
  21. You know I will be there..... Blender Wench and I are working on another pirate incampment at the campground just afew miles from the fair.We had agreat time last year so lets do it again...
  22. Does anyone have the schedule for the fair that weekend? I love to see the Saltry sierns of sin and the Corsairs...
  23. I will be stopping by for sure Saturday or Sunday.Looking forward to it. Can't wait to check out your set up Hawkyns.. Kenny
  24. So who is coming out to Baltimore to join us this Saturday???? The Blender wench and myself can't wait to see all the Pirates and Rennies' who will be there. We have goodie Bags for the fist 100 Pirates. Don't forget about the "Booty Game" We hope to see alot of old freinds and to make new ones.
  25. I hope to make it,i may not be in gard but i will be wearing my PYRACY BUTTON......and of cource some kinda pirate t-shirt
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