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crimson corsair

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Everything posted by crimson corsair

  1. Was Dave There??? I didnt see you either!!!! I guess I was to busy spending money... I picked up some odds and ends , Shirt, new mug, socks, cool cloak pin for me hat...
  2. AHOY Matt. The best way to help out is to buy a ticket. there will be live entertaiment with be House Of Cadarn also Pirates For Sail, the Celtic Gypsies,Nina Amaya, Bellydance Delight. Also Ruta Moragh. Im sure someone from their camp will pss on more details soon. I do know it is a BYOB event. Crimson
  3. It is still kind of cool here in the middle of April. so pack warm stuff. Mid April here is good frock coat weather.
  4. Well I should have a list of Pirate friendly bars and pubs by the end of this week for the Pyrate Invasion pub crawl that evening. You are by no means restricted to those establishments. I will also try to post if any of the bars have covers that night as well. I know four or five of the bars there have live music and those bars may have cover charges. Also I believe that there will be a great deal on parking to on Saturday. Rumor has it may be under $5.00 all day Saturday. That saves you more money for beer and rum. I know I spent a lot of money on beer and rum last year, the rest I just wasted.
  5. I have my "P" black spot button.... I even have a cool custom one made with me name on it.. I will be sure to have that on.. The HELLO MY NAME IS... that is kinda funny. I may have to pick up a pack or maybe someone can print out some cool PYRACY ones. My best friend has a t-shirt with the red and white stick printed on the t-shirt and it says HELLO MY NAME IS... Inigo Montoya,you klled my father, prepare to die. extended forcast for April 17th and 18th. Highs in the mid to lower uppers, a chance of beer and occasional rum.
  6. Did someone say rum...... What is it about rum that we love so much.. I hear that Pirates Choice Rum is pretty good to...
  7. No Weapons....At the Privateer Day event or at the Pyrate Invaion Pub Crawl.. I don't think the baltimore City Police will care if you have a plastic sword from the dollar store. Be careful. You don't want to spend the night in the city jail dressed as a pirate. at lest not in Baltimore. So please keep your real swords and pistols at home.... The Friday night ball is going to be alot of fun. There will be a list soon of the bars and pubs that are have drink and food specials. on Saturdaynight. The next meeting is tonight so I hope to have some more info for you band of cut throats... Crimson
  8. Join the PIRATE PARLAY this March 28th, to benefit Jenny's Light. www.jennyslight.org There will be dinner, a dance show, live pirate musicians, open dance session and a silent auction.This of course is Pirate Garb as well as BYOB Ticket price is $50 ger couple or $28 per pirate. Doors open at 6:30pm and the fun begins at 7:00pm.For more info please contact Swingtime Ballroom at 410-877-2633 or on the web at www.swingtimeballroom.com you can also contact Stephanie Lapp at storm_kin@yahoo.com Ye best be acting quick, tickets are limited...
  9. This is only our 5th year.. this was just a Pub Crawl for the first 2 years. I think as it gets larger it will have to be 2 day event.
  10. The $35 is for the ball and it will include food. As to the drinks I do not no yet. The ball was added this year so people coming in from out of town would have something to do Friday night. The ball in Black tie or pirate attire. There is no discount to do both the Ball and the Invasion. To do both wil set you back $40.00 not including your drinks at the bars and pubs. This year we are trying to get some shanty bands in the pubs. There will be a list of bars with times and bands as the event gets closer. Rouge has be coming to this event each year. I think so only missed the 1st one in 05.
  11. This year is looking good. The day time event will start an hour earlier and end an hour latter. from 10am till 7pm. The Night time Pirate invasion as always starts at 6pm. When you get your 09 Baltimore Pirate Invasion Button it will enter you in to a raffle for some nice prices... The will be a Pirates Ball at the Fredrick Duuglass Maritime Museum Friday night. The museum is right there were all the stuff is taking place. Tickets are $35 and it goes from 8pm till Midnight. The "Brigands" will be intertainment for the Ball. There are a few other new things this year but "mums" the word till we have it nailed down...
  12. There is something for all pirates, whether your period or Hollywood. There will be black powder demos with Pistols,muskets,and of course cannons. All the major details for this year are not set in stone yet so I dare to offer to much info at this point. As always NO WEAPONS This means no costume weapons. no plastic weapons no "peace tied" weapons. swords or pistols. You will see people with weapons but the are reenactor and performers. these people have permission from the event organizers The weapons will have been checked by a certified weapons inspectors. I can say at this point that this year is shaping up to be bigger that last year. I hope by late winter I will have a list of bars and pubs that will be involved this year.
  13. There are other hotels in the area. I don't think they have the 2 night minimum. I know Captn' Thighbiter has made it down for the last 3 pubcrawls . Maybe he can tell you if the hotels in the outer area are more resonable. I didn't see you last year Rogue. I hope I run into you this year.
  14. I agree 100% Maybe we can Shanghai Black John and a few others into Joining us.
  15. I have enjoyed Blackbeard Fest in Hampton Va the past 3 years. Their Encampment area is great. We will have a larger living history Encampment this year as well We have more in the way of a harbor for ship to ship engagements. The size is around the same as Blackbeard. The day time event is made up of vendors and fun family things to do as well as great Shantie bands like The Brigands. Same as you would find at Blackbeard or any other pirate event. This is where the similarities end. The night time stuff is like nothing else around. After 6:00 pm the Pirates take over the taverns and bars of Fells Point. The family fun stuff goes the way side and the debauchery begins. Last year there were well over 500 pirates. This year we expect more. some will be reenactors,some will be pirate enthusiasts, to just eye patched plastic hooked pirates. I hear Pirate con is a little expensive. Ours will set you back $5.00 for the Baltimore Pirate Invasion Button that gives you discounts on beer and food at some of the bars. The fun you will have with your fellow pirates will be priceless. Just ask anyone how has joined us before. Crimson Corsair. Here is our site. It hasn't been updated to match this years date http://www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com/
  16. Avast ye scallywags. If'n any of you be wishin to stay the night in Fells Point you may want to be makin yer reservations soon. The fine folks at the Fells point Development Corporation have been working with local hotels and are pleased to offer visitors to Fells Point Privateer Day the following room rates for the Admiral Fell Inn. The WFI has set aside a limited number of rooms at $169 per night, with a two night minimum stay. When booking with either the reservation center or directly through Admiral Fell Inn you should give group reservation #479069 and group name Privateer Day 2009. These rooms will be available until March 1st or until the block of rooms are booked, so I wouldn’t wait until February to book. The cabins will go fast.... Keep a weather eye out for more details as they come over the horizon. Crimson.
  17. Ahoy!!!!! Hoist the colors to the top of the mast agian for a 5th time!!!! "X" marks the spot!!!! Put that "X" on your calender for the 18th of April. The details for this year are still in the works. As the details come out I will be sure to post them. Do you have a favorite moment from past years? Please post them. We hear everyone has a great time but lets hear your stories!!! Crimson Corsair and Blender Wench.
  18. Ahoy from Baltimore!

  19. Who we are: We are A Baltimore, MD based historically inspired crew of Pirates and Buccaneers of the Late Golden Age to the 1812 era. We are ready to raid Pirate Festivals and Fairs and other events in the MD, VA, PA area. We have black powder weapons and a 1/3 scale 6 pounder cannon. We specialize in encampments for overnight events and historical aspects of ship and pirate living.
  20. Ahoy there Kenny, Thanks again for stopping by earlier and doing a bit of Beta Testing for me - twas much appreciated in getting the Pub up and running! - Stynk

  21. Thanks again for all your hard work Stynky..... The Pub Doors are open again..."Sometimes you want to go, were everybody knows your(pirate)name..."
  22. I have some more info from the fine people of Rock Hall MD. There is going to be pirate cruises aboard Baltimores own Pirate Ship the "Fearless" as well as the 'Lioness" There will be a Pirate Ball Saturday from 8 till Midnight. There is going to a pirate pub crawl too. Don't forget to stop by the Pirate Encampment for Black Powder demos and some sword play. Please check the website for all the details. I hope see you there!!!!!!!! http://www.rockhallpirates.com/
  23. I will be getting the event details shortly. There looks to be a lot going on. I don't want to jump the gun and post stuff yet till it is official. I can say this There is going to be a Pirate Ball Saturday Night from 8 till Midnight with "Pyrates Royale" I hope to have more by the middle of next week.
  24. We can kick around a few ideas face to face at Rock Hall. My friend Blenderwench and My self have done the Baltimore Pirate Invasion for the past 4 years With help from Fells Point as well as Clipper City Brewery. It keeps getting bigger. The hardest part is to find a date that doesn't overlap something else. Capt. Thighbiter has joined us the past 3 years.
  25. There is going to be a small pirate encampment with some Black Powder demos'. 'Pirates For Sail' will be there both days. The Valhalla's Pirates will be doing there fight skits around the encampment as well. I am sure as it gets closer more details will be posted. http://www.piratesforsail.com/ http://www.valhallaspirates.com/
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