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crimson corsair

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Everything posted by crimson corsair

  1. The Pirate Jeep is packed. The rum is in my sea chest. Now all I need to do is take out a small loan to pay for the gas from Baltimore to Hampton and back . $4.00 a gallon...and they call us Pirates.. I will keep my eyes open for everyones "P" Pyracy button. I am in the encampment area and I wll be in my period kit so I would have a button. Stop by and say hi to us in the encampment..
  2. Gunner ,you didn't tell me you had the double barreled flint locks with you... I still wouldn't have passed up the brass barreled Blunderbuss I bought from you. John,it was nice talking to you. I can't believe I walked out of there and still had money in my pocket. If anyone here hasn't been to Ft. Fred. it is like being a "kid in a candy store." only a WHOLE lot more expensive. I think I have a good kit know, until next year rolls around again. There is still one day left and the thunder storms we were supossed to have next materialized.
  3. I think I had the most fun this year than in years past. Thanks to all of those who came out to enjoy the day. And the night. And a big thanks to all the Pirates and Privateers from far and near for a great show. If anyone has a picture of me climing through the window of Slainte Pub with a pirate flag in my hand please send them to me.The Door guy out from didn't like it but the people in the bar got a kick out of it. HUZZAH!!!!
  4. As of 8:41pm Eastern time "partly Cloudy" and 80 F. I can almost smell the spent blackpowder...
  5. Well no matter what the weather wants to do I plan to have a good time rain or shine. Besides, it won't be raining in the bars after 6:00 the only thing flowing will be the drinks.
  6. And to think I was going to look in to getting a hotel. I would much rather stay in an encampment than a hotel....Save me gold for more better things like beer and rum. I will contact them about puttin me on the ships list for the camp. How you been Hawkyns?? I had a good time with you and the others at MDRF Pirate camp this year
  7. That be all the hard work of me partner "The Blender Wench".
  8. The schedule for the days events is up!!!!!! If there are anymore additions I will be sure to post them. http://www.fellspointdevelopment.com/privateerday.html
  9. The Baltimore Pyrate Invasion website is FINALLY updated! www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com Please refer back to it often, as it is only a month away and there are new developments that will be happening and added to the site throughout the next month. Please check out the events during Privateer Day - some neat stuff, especially at 4:30~ More to be announced in near future. Don't forget to pre-register!! Details can be found under Pyrate Invasion. This will get you a souvenier pin as well as a map of taverns. Scope out the Pub discounts - a lot of new things being offered, including food discounts and cider! This area will be updated as more info is made available. These discounts are only available to those who have registered.
  10. I have an up-date It looks like the "Pride Of Baltimore II" will be joining our list of ships this year. http://www.pride2.org/NewPrideSite/index.html
  11. On line Registration is up. Check it out. You don't have to wait in line. Just Register here and on the 19th of April just wall up sign in and you are off to plunder.. http://www.fellspointdevelopment.com/priva...7662913#anchor3 As more information becomes available I will post it. Crimson
  12. Will do Steve. If you don't mind pictures of nothen but Rogue Mermaid!!!! Ye only need one eye ta take pictures... But ye need 2 ta look at her..... LOL LOL Just let me know what you most want to cover and I will do me best
  13. We have an update: Vessles The Lioness, http://www.youthservicesagency.org/tallship.htm will offer free tours on board all day Pirate Quest http://www.piratequest.us/ will offer free tours on board all day plus a special musical set by Pirates Royale. Schooner Woodwind http://www.schoonerwoodwind.com/ will offer sailing cruises at 12, 2, 4 and 6pm, tickets are $30 per person. Black Eyed Susan http://www.theblack-eyedsusan.com/ will be hosting a “A Wedding of Pirates” cruise from 12-2 and 2:30-4:30 pm. $50 per adult, $30 per child under 12. Don’t miss the battle at sea for Fells Point in the late afternoon!
  14. About the hotels The Yakees are in town that weekend and the hotels in the area are a 2 night minimum. This would be a great time to find somepeople to go in on a room with.
  15. OK here we go... The reason we don't want weapons there is NOT because of people here. If this was Blackbeard, PARF,VARF or any other fair that has a gate or entrance or exit that can be monitored and with security, then we would allow it. This is a small area of Baltimore City with tons of pubs and bars for blocks. It isn't us that have a problem with them. I agree it just "ain't" right of a pirate worth his salt to be seen with out his cutlass and pistol. It is the people who show up in thrift store last minute costumes and flea market sword in his waist band. They are the ones that scare the @#$% out of us. If you have been doing this for a while and show up with steel then why not (some 20 something year old punk instant ass just add rum) show up with a cheap flea market sword with a live blade not be allowed? It will just take on incident to make the city call this off. Trust me you don't want to be in a bar with a sword hanging off your side bumping and banging into things....it's just not practical.
  16. Ahoy you bloody lot. Hoist the Jolly Rogers to the top of the main mast to spread the word about the 4th Annual Baltimore Pirate Invasion and Privateer Day. This years Invasion will be Saturday the 19th of April 1808. It looks to be a full day of pillaging in the streets and a night of plundering to local public houses. Again this year just as in years past we be telling you scurvy Bilge Rats to leave your pistols and sword at home. NO WEAPONS! The rumors on the air at this time say there will be some tall ships in harbor for you to enjoy as well. There will be Vendors and some shanty singers singing in the square and a costume contest again this year so be sure to wear your best going-a-shore rig this year. As more information comes in we will be sure to keep you wenches and pirates up to date. Till then, Fair winds, Blender Wench and Crimson Corsair. http://www.fellspointdevelopment.com/
  17. You guys will have to stop by the pirate encampment. I think this will be our 4th year doing the encampment at KOA.
  18. There is only a few days before TLAPD. The Pyrates Royale has just released there new CD, Black Jack. They are celebrating 21 years this year so lets help them. It will be a lot of fun!! http://www.pyrates.com/
  19. The "Corsairs" Will be there this year. They took a year off so that is why they weren't there last year. The JuryRig is doing a Pub Crawl on Saturday But the Stuff Madam Macaw is talking about I think is open to all. I'm look forward to seeing you again Rogue!!!!!!!!
  20. THE PASSED TWO !!!!!!!!!!! This was the 3rd year.... Rogue Mermaid has joined us the past two and it is always a pleasure to she her each year..
  21. It looks as there will be a "Talk Like a Pirate Day" cruise in the inner Harbor on the 19th of Sept with special guesses. As John said there will be a lot of fantasy pirate stuff and The MDRF. PARF has its Pirate Weekend the weekend before MDRF opens. I think that is the 2nd weekend in Aug. Be sure to check back here from time to time for stuff happening around the area. Crimson
  22. I will try to post them again. Thanks for letting me know!!!
  23. I would like to thank the Blackbeard crew for all of their hard work in putting this together and also letting me take part. The worst part is having to pack up and leave and to wait another year to do it again. I have a few pictures and I will post more as my freinds send them to me. Crimson http://new.photos.yahoo.com/kenthepirate20...460762403783995
  24. As the Pictures start rolling in I will post them. I got about 5 pictures before my camera went mutiny on me!!!! But here is what Ive found so fare . http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal...local-headlines http://www.fellspoint.us/photos/privateerday07.html
  25. Looks Like the rain blow out and we are going to have a fine day... See you guys in Fells Point. Crimson
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