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crimson corsair

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Everything posted by crimson corsair

  1. I'll will be bringing my wee one in a matching outfit iImay ad on Sunday. But I will be by myself for saturdays goings on.I have to hit the bank before saturday so i can buy abunch of gold dollar coins for me gold peices....I did that last year and it was fun to pay for everything with them.
  2. I liked the pics.and you guys had some fun too.I'm sure there would have been more partys if NTLPD had fallen on a saturday or friday thanks for sharing your pics......
  3. OK heres the scope She is the Corsair Of The St.Malo 17TH or 18TH centary wreck of the coast or Frence...
  4. they just give you a hint of it,its like a 15 sec.commercial....they were showing a cannon a and it forge markings...I going to go to the discovery science channel web site and see if there is any more info....
  5. No,they are going over the site a under water.there were some close pictures of cannons and some what may have been timbers
  6. The discovery science channel is doing a thing on a 300 year old pirate ship on the 24th at 9:00pm EST. I was'nt able to catch all the details,but it looked good This is great for me because the pirate ivasion weekend at the MDRF is the 25th and 26th I may have to break out the old vcRRRRRRRRRRR
  7. UP DATE LAST POST.................. OK 1100 it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>> HEY SCUPPER,i'll take your cell number.there is going to be a bunch of us together so we can take point fer ya...
  8. OK 12:30 it is! I'll be there. I can't wait to meet eveyone. Should we grad a table and though a cloth on it for us,so we have a place to return to thru-out the day.Bring some cheese,grapes,summer sausage,maybe a veggie tray???? I'm sure a can come up we finda pyracy pub table cloth or something.
  9. Great site...I will be visting it again and again..... cool stuff too
  10. Don't forget me!!!!!!!!!!put me down for two buttons please.
  11. If you have small one around the house and they like the "Veggie Tales" look for a song called(i think its)"Pirates that don't do anything"it is very funny and catchy too.
  12. As far as I can recall.....the meetin time and place is at the White Hart at 1:45 p.m. And of cource lets keep an eye out for the lime green arm sashes. I hope the new buttoms will be done it time!!!!!
  13. Im countin the days Capt...we can talk huntin over a few cool ones... I will probly be at the incampment but ifn' the wether is bad than you might have a house full. looking forword to meeting you and Kate!!!!!!!! count me in for pirate weekend saturday
  14. Congrates to both of you!!!!!!!!!! Around for the pop and two rounds for mom,sounds like she could us one.....
  15. DID I SAY THE FIRST PUB......why no its the 2nd pub
  16. YAY!!! I LOVE TO SING!!!!! Even if I am a bit flat There is nothing flat about you. ha ha ha ah ah a
  17. The white Hart is the first pub you come to in revel Grove.It has a green and red roof. Stop in and see quennrouge as you come in at the Kilt shop. She can point the way to the pub.
  18. A hardy happy birthday......ever notice all the late aug.early sept. birthdays......makes you wounder what else is in the Thanksgiving turkey??????????
  19. Happy birthday and my you have many many more.(clanking tankards with blender)drinks on me>>>>>>>
  20. I'm diggin the Logo. I like that alot......kick a_ _!!!!!
  21. Ya think so? Whoo Hoo! I'll have to see if I can scare up some lime green fabric. Nice color, lime green. Hope it won't get confused with all that lime green the serious period reanactors'll be wearin'. The reanactors will be reacting
  22. Hope to see ya Mick,I think Blender is saving her lipstick for you...... dont forget to wear your arm sash(lime green).I keep an eye(patch)out fer ya...
  23. I think the meetin time is at 1:45 at the white hart tavern .Im sure alot of us will be at the gate or on the "grassy nole" right off of the gate in the shady around 9:30,they are opening at 10:00 this year.Blenderwench is good at keep lists.Im sure we are already on it. I can't wait to meet up and kick back afew with the gang!!!
  24. I have a blast too,I'm counting to days till pirate weekend.....A had fun with my little girl Carmen. i should have the pics up soon. It is just going to be daddy on pirate week end.. Yo ho ho and a tankard of Black And Tan , and a nother and a nother.....
  25. So we be setlin on the limegrenn arm sash.... thats ok for me,Is anyone coming on opening day too?????
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