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crimson corsair

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Everything posted by crimson corsair

  1. Duncan i liked the pics... Im counting the days too. Are you going to make The DOTC party at BWs'????
  2. Queenrogue mada great pin,looks great the sash idea is good to cause you can see it far away.... How was pinzing(i know i spelled that wrong)???????
  3. Opening day for sure!!!! Do we have any meEting times and place set up yet??? I knwo 1:45 at the White Hart.....How about 11:00 also just in case>>>
  4. Annie Beth Foxx sounds great...or something in the mibble as a nick name like... Annie"loose sails"foxx Annie "iron ancor"beth Annie the water foxx...
  5. crimson and blenderwench, thanks for the complements on the pin, i like how it came out. crimson as for openind day i will be there but i'll be working. nevertheless i will have my pin on. blenderwench is bringing a gang over to see me at work, you should join them. We will bring over a bourding party to keep the party from getting bourd.... How much did the pin cost total????We all could make a replica for future events.
  6. I have a ton of red and white striped cloth left over from my first pair of pants that did'nt work.do you think that would be good for the arm sashes we have in mind,they would really stick out. i can make a few up for Blenderwench and MadomMacall,as well as a few more people that my be joining soon... Whatever we decide,we sould have someone make one up and put the pic in the gallary so the rest of us can make the same.
  7. Queenrogue that pin looks great,i really like the ribbon.are you going to be there on opning day? I finished my pants last night .They will match my daughters dress.Her pic is on the gallary too,she is the wee one standing in front if the Jolly Roggers with a tandard in onre hand and pistol in the other.
  8. I had a BLAST....I got to have a Golden Ale will IndigoJack,Pirate Phil,Cutthroat Kat...and one other Rouge who's name i cant recall......But ifn you see the pictures you will see he kept im self busy at the pub and with the Winches(you have to watch those real quite ones) I hope some of you can make it to MDs opening this weekend. I will be wearing my "PP" proudly
  9. well we be pullin out of MD at about 8:30 for the Faire. I be sportin me "PP" on me balbric.......hope to see all of ya And of course should you see a black jeep cherkee fling the Jolly Rogger you will know its us....
  10. ...and stoppin' at Denny's an' terrorizin' the locals! "WENCH! WENCH! Where be me pancakes?" Thats funny Piratephil...i wouldn't be lookin to piraty askin for a "Root and tuddy fresh and fruity"
  11. Count me in for openin day (saturday) and of cource pirate invation (satutrday) Last year BlenderWench and i were supossed to watch out and not let each other get to drunk.....it didnt work.....Cant wait to do it again.Whatda say Blender!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Me pirate jeep is going to full...Me at the helm,dean as me 1st mate And Blenderwench,Maddommaccow,and anyother cutie on the POOPDECK..and one more in the hold...IM thinking about Puttin me 3'+5' jolly roggers on a pole and Fly our colors on the way up
  13. Yer crew gonna be there Labor Day weekend? How 'bout MD's pyrate weekend? You bet,i working on a driver home from the pirate weekend at MD. If i play my cards wrong i will very drunk and having too much fun...anyone want to join me
  14. How many of you are going to make it to opening day at MDRF? That is Sat.the 28th of Aug.
  15. We are going to be there around 10:30 too. I'll keep an eye (patch) out for you......If you want,we can exchange cell numbers if you want??????? I hope the weather holds out,my Hat didn't like the rainy pirate cruis.Looks like i'm bring up 5 or 6 pirates in the old pirate jeep.I'm countin the days.
  16. My self and a few other maybe making it on sunday.could you inlighten us what shows to catch......we saw the Whalling Banches at the Celtic Fling and man are they good,i didnt see them on the schedule.....
  17. Thanks queenrouge That is a great idea.I have some running to do today. I'll check uot the local craft store for the suPPlys i need...
  18. I just thought the "PP" pins would let other Pyracy Pub people know right away if they are from the site.It is getting hard to find just pins that are just the letter "P" We could come up with some other pin or patch that was easy to pick out but not to common at the same time.......Maybe something like a red peace of material around the leg or arm?????? We still have a week till PA Pirate weekend and two weeks till MDRF...
  19. This is going to be a fun pirate weekend....I,m going to try to find some small metel "P" pins for my Baldrick or my hat This would work well at the PA weekend too. Please pass the idea on. Someone may have have to tools or equipment to make pins or patches to order. I would even put a decale on my pirate jeep,might me another pirate in a parking lot or something. I can tast the ale now MMMMMM
  20. I have an Idea???? Maybe we could put the letters "PP" somewhere on our clothes,nothing to gawdy of cource...I know afew of you but for those of us that have'nt met it might work out good.It ia better than walking up strangers... I would hate to miss someone at the PA faire.When i was there for the Celtic Fling i saw alot of pirates...
  21. Ello kass, wear a pirate,be a trend setter.... I'm note sure yet if me and me mates are going to make the 2nd day of pirate weekend in PA yet,prodly won't know till the weekend of the 14th.but we are all going to make opening of MDRF.when the days get closer we can work on a meeting place...
  22. If ya'l do figure to go on Sunday, I'll move my plans to then....wanna see ya'l both!!! The olny thing a holden me back might be the funds...but being apirate i shouldn't have too much troudle coming up the a few more peices of eight....
  23. Thanks for the offer Capt.Flint!!! I only live 30 to 45 min. away myself. I cant wait to me You and everyone else.....just how do we meet up with some many people if all you now is there name???
  24. Im hopin to be there sunday...and i cant wait
  25. You know i will bw there for openning day and for the pirate weekend. I'm tring to get a crew together for the 2nd day of pirate weekend at the PARF.As Blend wench said my wee Carmens birthday party is on the Saturday the 21st and i cant go to PA the day.She will be 4 and she loves to dress up in her pirate garb and run around the house....ya have ta start them young..... If any on is going on the 22nd of the PA weekend let me know, maybe we can have a beer RRR two crimson corsair
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