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crimson corsair

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Everything posted by crimson corsair

  1. I had a BLAST>>>>>> It was nice to put faces to the people who post here. The Blackbeard Crew makes this so fun and I'm looking forward to next year. Here are some pictures I got from Saturbay and Sunday. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/kenthepirate...hUBA_EBhR8.2yJS Thanks again guys for letting me take part in this years event... Crimson
  2. There were a few tall ships in for the event.. "The Virginia", "The Pride Of Baltimore II" and the Volvo Race Boats I didn't get a chance to see the whole fight scene..I was the 2nd person to get" knocked on the head" so I had to play dead and hope that none of the other people preforming fell on me...two of the other guys where kinda big and I am not. Someone videotaped it and said the whole scene was about 3 minutes. The "Pirate hero" Jack look alike is a maritime weapons expert and also trains in maritime fighting techniques. John is being modest. Not only did he have a blunderbuss on his lap but he also had 3 pistols in his belt. I will be sure to post more pictures as they get sent to me. Crimson http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/kenthepirate...hk4m1EBMOWynXK0
  3. Sorry you cant' make it Hawkyns. I was hopin ta see ya this year...
  4. I will be there on Sunday. I'm going to get my shoes...any advice on this before I drop the cash????
  5. There is a Special tonight about a battle...I didn't see if it was the battle at Trafalgar or not. Is it The Deep See Detective Series... It is on at 10:00 pm EST.
  6. The website has been up-dated so please check it out.... For the locals in the Baltimore are you may want to tune into 98Rock for the evenning show Few pirates and myself will be on the air to talk about the event and some pirate history aswell. www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com See ya Saturday...........
  7. We listen up you Lubbers. Our numders are still grown..... This year we have 1st,2nd,and 3rd place prices this your for the bootie game.The rule to the game will be in your goodie bags. Blenderwench and Myself payed a visit to FELLS PINT last night and all is good as matter of fact we know of afew bar tenders that will be it there see goin clothes the night of the invasion. And we made sure that they are well stocked with Sider for the sider drinkers aswell. We hate ya beat a dead sea hourse but...remember No weapons of any kind. No drinking outside the bars and pubs And the new rule... you must HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again See you scurvy dogs on Sturday Crimson
  8. Capt. you are going to have ta hit the phone book or the net in search of an inn or something.I dont' know of any off hand. that are is a bit priciy when it comes to the hotels..... I do wish you luck on your search for an inn. There are alot of chain motels just outside the city,That is where I would start. Crimson
  9. You are more than welcome... be sure to bring a camera too. These bars get very smokey so you may want to bring some Visine aslo...
  10. If you pull the right strings maybe we can have one of those pre release partys.....The kind that we would see the movie the night before opning night......I would bet a radio station would eat this up,and have the pull to get it aranged!!!!!
  11. That sounds fun!!!! Maybe we can make a lap around the mall before the movie.
  12. The website is www.baltimorepirateinvasion.com or www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com There are pictures from last years invasion as well as details to this years invasion. As last year this does not cost anything to join in....I do hope to get the bars and pubs to drop there cover charges to us in the invasion like last year When i Said "register" all you do is sign a guess book and you get a Goody bag with stuff and a Baltimore Pirate Invasion Botton that lets the bars now you are on the ivasion and that gets you deals on the Clippy City beverage line of beers. There are only going to be 200 bags.... This is a Gard encouraged event.....(please no weapons) I will be posting more details as the date gets closer .... Last year was a blast.... A numder of Pyracy Pirates made it out....
  13. We do hope your staionwagon can make to Baltimore. The bars and pubs are looking forword to use being there.... The reason we chose Fells Point is due to its rich privateering history. Fells Point was know as the Pirates Den to the British Navy around the time of the war of 1812. Many of the Clippers' that the British Navy hated where built right here in Fells Point. And this year the Baltimore Harbor will be celebrating its 300th anniversary...
  14. Thanks for the offer to entertain Capt. If things go well we will be signing shanties and pub songs ourselves. But we would love have you join in the shinanagains anyway. This years invasion is really starting to shape up.... We have pirates coming in from PA. Ohio,and VA Beach. There looks to be about a dozen taverns on-board with us to plunder this year. Right know we are looking at about 150 pirates on the loose in Fells Point. I hope you and your Brigandscan make it down for a night of fun. You can check-out some pictures from last years invasion and get some more info at www.baltimorepyrateinvasion.com Talk to ya latter Crimson Corsair
  15. That was very fun.......was tha a Cutlass they were driving????
  16. It is that time again to put the word out. The 2nd annual Baltimore Pirate Invasion of fells Point will be on the 25th of March. We had A great time last year and we can't wait to do it again. More details will be posted as to the times and pubs that are on this year invasion. But one thing is for sure,there is fun to be had and freinds to made just like last year. Help us make this years Baltiomore Pirate ivasion one to remember!!
  17. Count me in for sure Do you think it is going to be rated "RRRRRR"???
  18. As it turns out I too will be going on the 23rd... where are you going to be at what time so we can meet up?????
  19. See the Middle Ages come to life at the annual Medieval Faire, Saturday, October 8 and Sunday, October 9, 2005 from 11 am - 4 pm on the grounds of Marietta House Museum in Glenn Dale, Maryland. Admission is $5/adults, $2/ages 4-18, free/ages 3 and under. Meet Saxons, Normans, Vikings and re-enactors from other living history camps from the 11th - 15th centuries. Enjoy music, crafts, demonstrations, games and entertainment. Battle reenactments will be held throughout the day. Period merchants and artisans will be on site. This is family fun for all ages. No pets please. Marietta House Museum is located at 5626 Bell Station Road, Glenn Dale, Maryland off of Route 193 and just north of Route 450/Annapolis Road. Take Capital Beltway/I-495/I-95 exit 20A 4 miles east to Route 193 West. Bell Station Road is the first left off Route 193. For more information please call 301- 464-5291 or TTY 301-699-2544 or visit our website at www.pgparks.com. The Department of Parks and Recreation encourages and supports the participation of individuals with disabilities. Please contact the facility at least two weeks in advance of the program start date to request an accommodation (i.e. sign language interpreter, support staff, etc.).
  20. I don't know yet......I let you know around friday or saturday!!!
  21. I am going on the 16th....but heck,we are going to be going in the same car so we can meet up at my house and we can take the pirate jeep>>>>>>>>>>>
  22. That is the one I have.It looks the most period out of all the ones they have. I'm not heavy into the reinacting yet so that lets me have some play in the colors and materials I use. I haven't made the breeches yet because all I have is thight hight bucket boots and that would look kinda silly.... I make my shirts for a shirt I bought at faire some years ago and it is period.But I am going to sit in on the period shirt class I PLUNBER that is forming......
  23. No it's not....no one has leather blackjacks hanging from their belts along with 3 pounds of swag and bangles. I see no 4' rapiers....no black leather bodices....no thigh-high bucket boots...CLEARLY This is not a Ren Faire! :) LOL LOL That cracks me up....sounds like me at faire minus the bodice.... about the hat.....It appears to me that "Devo" had hats like that..
  24. Very nice coat capt'n..... Im going to look for the coat a Jas townsend right now...
  25. I just looked at the pic picture I posted......honest...thats my belaying pin....
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