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Gute Morgan

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Everything posted by Gute Morgan

  1. Sadly, couldn't make it this year. Was there last year, and fully intend to go next. Maybe by then they'll have released the bloody new CD! Did they say anything about the CD on the cruise? Spoke with Hemloche, their CD wench, in early July at the Shore Leave Star Trek/scifi con in Hunt Valley, and he said the artwork for the cover was in the works and then it would be ready for release.
  2. me thinks this is a right good idea! We'll wait 'til we parley next month and decide on a name for ourselves. Those o' us what been plannin' this band o' pyrates 'ad more 'r less settled on a name fer our motley crew, but bein' pyrates, we be all democratic and such, so we'll let the new recruits 'ave a vote 'fore we finalize the name. Then we be creatin' our own forum. Til then, we'll jus' make a nuisance o' ourselves in everybody else's bloody forum.
  3. Oops. Sorry. too much rum. Only thar on Saturday.
  4. Gettin' mighty bloody dizzy bouncin' back-n-forth twixt this forum and the JuryRig's tryin' to figger out where and when the bloody hell us Buccaneers, Brigands, & Cutthroats be meetin' in PA on Saturday of pyrate weekend. I figger on arrivin' wi' me pair of strappin' lads, one o' Jordan's friends, and his dad 'round 10:00. We be gettin' our bloody tickets there. We'll look fer ye 'round the bloody pirate ship 'round 10:30 or me name ain't Gute Morgan. Like as not I'll have that infernal contraption called a cell phone wi' me, 'n' we'll be in touch wi' Black Bart t' keep ye lubbers informed. We be right nefarious 21st century buccaneers, 'n' ye can lay t' that. P'raps, we be needin' to start our own forum for our own bloody crew.
  5. Sorry, luv, we'll only be thar on Sunday. But then I'm not suppos' t' be postin' meetin' place here, now, am I? I been a baaaad boy. Which one a you wenches gonna spank me now?
  6. Havin' not been t' the PA Renfaire, I not be knowin' where the bloody pirate ship is. Is it inside the gate? I'm sure we can find it. Assumin' PA opens at 10, and allowin' time to get our bloody tickets (like a lunkheaded lubber, I was waitin' t' the last minute to get me tickets online, in case of rain, and assumin' they had a will call window--but, NOOOO, they have t' mail ye yer bleedin' tickets, so it be too damn late to get me tickets online), p'raps we should meet at the pirate ship at 10:30? If'n any o' yuse Juryrig folks are gonna be at PA on 21 August, give us a time and we'd be proud t' meet up with ye!
  7. But we poor pyrates will 'ave spent all our shot 'n' powder, not t' mention all our booty. If'n ye plan on bein' at PA pyrate weekend on Saturday 21 Aug, we'll need t' identify a place t' meet.
  8. That be unlikely, mate, as we be usin' all our powder and shot at PA Renfaire pirate weekend 21 August. Many of us have done MDRF many years in a row but not PA, so we've decided to sail north this time around.
  9. Perhaps we be needin' to call a parley between our two crews, bein' that we're cruisin' the same waters.
  10. Aye, as a recently dubbed honorary member of the Jury Rig (Baltimore-ish area), welcome! Alas, I cannot sing any better than a howling cat by the light o' the full moon, but would love to hear your group and maybe have an outing with both crews once yours is up an runnin. Aye, I believes yer cap'n has given me a hail. We certainly be open to consortin' with another pyrate crew. Not all 'o our own crew be singers/musicians. Some o' the scurvy dogs be around for what they calls ambience (mighty fancy word fer a humble pyrate) or to works up the crowd. I'm not sure if we'll be makin' MDRF pyrate weekend this year. We be headin' north to the PA Renfair pirate weekend August 21. We has a few rogues who also be somethin' called Klingons who have shown up at Revel Grove before; they might come out some time in October to frighten the bloody Pyrates Royale. In any event, has yer cap'n hail again 'n we'll parley.
  11. I be with a new crew o' pyrates formin' in the Baltimore-Washington locale. We be under full sail, firin' all guns, and flyin' the black flag. Pyrate clothes and reenactin' be fine endeavors, and that be fer certain, but we be primarily interested in singin'! And we be lookin' for like-minded brigands--voices 'n' instruments alike--to join our jolly band o' buccaneers. If ye be in the area, give us a hail.
  12. Ahoy to all ye shanty lovers! I be with a new crew o' pyrates formin' in the Baltimore-Washington locale. We be under full sail, firin' all guns, and flyin' the black flag. Pyrate clothes and reenactin' be fine endeavors, and that be fer certain, but we be primarily interested in singin'! And we be lookin' for like-minded brigands--voices 'n' instruments alike--to join our jolly band o' buccaneers. If ye be in the area, give us a hail.
  13. 18th Century attire or 21st? That's a possibility. May I ask within my crew?
  14. Good to trade rums with ye! I'm with a newly formed/forming crew in the Baltimore area. We've got an interest in reenactment (although right now I think our outfits are probably more those of the stereotypical pirate than they are historically accurate) but we're also interested in doin' some singin'. We're lookin' to recruit some additional voices and instruments.
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