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Gute Morgan

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Everything posted by Gute Morgan

  1. Celebrate New Years with Pirates, Cannons, and Fireworks! New Years Eve Pirate Cruise aboard the Clipper City in Baltimore's Inner Harbor. Hosted by Pirates for Sail and the crew of the Drunken Ferret. 9:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m., Sunday December 31. $125 each or $100 each for two or more. Includes: Entertainment by The Brigands (www.thebrigands.com) and Pirates for Sail (www.piratesforsail.com) Beer, wine, rum punch, soda, and light fare :) Covered, heated deck Fireworks in the harbor The Brigands will be bringing their cannons! Pirate garb encouraged. For tickets and more information, go to www.clippercity.com and click on special events.
  2. We had a fine time on our August cruise. And now, an update. Our next pirate party cruise will be on Tuesday September 19, International Talk Like a Pirate Day. For more information, go to www.clippercity.com.
  3. Aye, I'll be there Saturday with the powder monkey and cabin boy in tow. Then their mum 'll take 'em home in the afternoon, 'n' I'll be free to drink me ale 'n' maybe even join the Juryriggers in their encampment that evenin' fer some singin'. Lookin' forward to seein' all of ye.
  4. Ahoy mates! The crew of the Drunken Ferrett be planning four big events aboard the Clipper City in Baltimore's Inner Harbor between now and the end of the year. Thursday August 31, there be a Pirate Cruise 6:30-9:30 pm. Tickets $25 with cash bar or $45 with open bar. Live music. Pirate/nautical attire (or just naughty attire) encouraged. To paraphrase Jack Sparrow, "It's pirate clothes or nothing. And I just happen to have nothing in me cabin..." If Rogue Mermaid shows up in her mermaid outfit, I'll buy her first rum drink. Check www.piratesforsail.com or www.clippercity.com for more information. Saturday Sept 16 (Saturday before Talk Like a Pirate Day), we be havin'...you guessed it...our Talk and Dress Like a Pirate Cruise. Details to come in a couple o' weeks. Keep checkin' the websites and this discussion. Saturday Oct. 28 (Saturday before Halloween), we be havin'...you guessed it...our Pirate Halloween Cruise. Again check the websites and this discussion for more details. Last but not least, we're hostin' a New Years Eve Pirate Cruise featurin' live music by the Brigands from the Isle of Long! Don't worry 'bout the chill in the air 'cause the main deck is covered, the canopy sides come down, there will be heaters on the deck. Come out and ring in the new year with chantey's and pirate music, and watch the New Years Eve fireworks in the Inner Harbor out on the water.
  5. Plenty o' tickets still be available. The cruise is half full, and we've got enough to fill one bus. We'd love to fill a second one! Go to www.piratesforsail.com/WhereWeBeNext.html to purchase! Want to join us for this cruise but can't do the movie too? Call the Clipper City at 410-837-6700 the day of July 8 and inquire about purchasing just a cruise ticket for that evening's cruise. They can tell you what time the ship will leave the Inner Harbor. The ship will then sail to Fells Point to pick up the pirates.
  6. I think thar be a Hampton Inn 'n' another inn right there at Arundel Mills mall where the Muvico theater be. Google "Arundel Mills hotels" 'n' see what pops up.
  7. Give me a shout. We'll have t' do some figgerin' on weekends. I'd also likes t' see when the Juryrig and others be thinkin' o' going to PA.
  8. It's probably closest to Baltimore Washington International, the maybe a 90 minute drive up. Not sure of the distance from Philly. If your going to fly all that way, you should make a week of it and do PA one weekend and MD the next. Both excellent faires. Or come Labor Day weekend and take in both faires the same weekend.
  9. Aye, Cap'n Duncan, there be pints...er points...well, pints too...that I likes 'bout both faires. I've always found the toys...er weapons...of broader appeal, and certainly more affordable at PARF. I do love to browse the goods in the pirate ship. And I likes PA's more common sense approach to weapons, as well as the microphones on stage. (I'm old 'n' hard o' hearin'--too much cannon fire--and I can't hear the bloody Pyrates singin' sometimes at the White Hart.) Still, Revel Grove be in me own backyard, as it were, and there be nothin' like sittin' amongst the Grove's shade trees after months at sea, crawlin' from pub t' pub, guzzlin' cider, 'n' beer, 'n' more cider, with a lusty wench on yer knee...'specially one all dressed in leather 'n' swingin' a cat-o-nines...but I digress. So 'eres a 'ealth t' both bloody faires, damn me eyes.
  10. Aye, but in years past, PA's pyrate weekend 'as always been in August, whilst MD's pyrate weekend 'as always been in late September. Seems like if 'e doesn't want t' divide 'is audience, 'e'd be better off with diff'rent dates. Us brigands who 'ave the good fortune t' live close t' both faires 'ave always gone t' both. I don't think either PA or MD lose much business t' each other. This year, 'owever, folks'll be forced t' choose. Tis a misfortune, 'cause we all love 'em both.
  11. Well, those of us who 'ave th' good fortune t' be located close t' both PARF 'n' MDRF 'ave a choice this year, mates. Both 'ave scheduled their pyrate invasion weekends fer September 23-24. That 'as been the traditional weekend for pyratical activity at MDRF...PARF 'as in recent memory done their pyracy in August. An' don't be givin' me that nonsense 'bout raidin' one on Saturday and th' other on Sunday. Two days in a row 'n' I won't even be allowed t' sleep in the basement or the garage. So what says local crews? Who be goin' where when?
  12. Tis a hell of a thing...PARF has gone and scheduled its pirate weekend for 23 and 24 September...the same bloody weekend as the Maryland Renaissance Festival's pirate weekend! Now what bilge drinkin', barrel buggerin', scupper suckin', land lubbin' swab was in charge of schedulin'? Aye, so now I'll have to figger what bloody weekend to go to PARF, 'cause I gots t' go to pirate weekend at Revel Grove.
  13. Captain Chelle reports there may be some aboard the Polly Dodger who can't sail that evening, so if there be others of the same circumstance, step forward...maybe an alternative can be planned for those hearty souls.
  14. I'd be interested in that. A couple of my crew mates have stated that they wouldnt be interested in cruising, but otherwise they're all ready for rowdyness to ensue. Get me a head count if you can.
  15. I look forward to the possibility o' sailin' aboard the Clipper City with some o' you mangey lubbers. With only 100 cruise tickets, however, 'n' at 45 doubloons a pop, 'tis possible not everyone who wants to see the movie that day will also be able to do the sail. In me own case, if I has me powder monkeys with me, I can't be buyin' three cruise tickets. On the other hand, I might take 'em to see the movie the night before so I can go a-pyratin' on Saturday. That said, if there be a sufficient number of sea rovers, roundsmen, and buccaneers who not be able to go cruisin' that day--whether for cost or shortage of tickets--p'rhaps we might organize an alternative land cruise around Arundel Mills, and a meal and grog at a fine establishment therein. Just a-thinkin' out loud.
  16. For more developments on this here raid, see Capn Mad Molly Mudd's new thread, POTC2 (Raid on Arundel Mills and Sail in Balt.) in Raids. It be me intention, if there be sufficient numbers of pyrates who can make the movie but can't do the sail on the Clipper City, to see about some additional cavorting and roving at Arundel Mills the day of this event. See more in Mad Molly's thread.
  17. Give us some times luv. What time be the meetin' at Arundel Mills? What time be the movie? When does the bus sail fer the Inner Harbor? What time does the Clipper City set sail? So many questions, me head be spinnin'!
  18. And exactly *how* would you do that to a $300 pistol or $600 blunderbuss? Couldn't say. I just be the messenger. Ye'd have t' to explain the problem t' 'em, p'rhaps by holdin' yer $300 pistol to their head until they see their error. These be Arthurian types most o' the time. They be used to swords 'n' flowery language, not black powder.
  19. More on this. The rogue who fired a broadsides 'cross me bow goes by the name o' Jim, and his infernal email address be GawainVII@aol.com. Contact him if'n yer crew be interested in participatin'. Now, t' the articles as quoted by Jim: The faire runs 11am-6pm every Saturday and Sunday in June. Folks be welcome to camp onsite fer lodging, and if yer crew has a period emcampment, he suggests they could set it up in the faire itself. Or seeks yer own lodgins elsewhere, as ye wish. There be no wages paid, but admission to the faire be free for those participatin'. They be lookin' fer folks to add color to the endeavor. Once in the faire, yer time be yer own. Crews may, if they wish, participate in specific events during the day, such as the openin' ceremony, in which the Governor has a pyrate hanged. They prefer edged weapons be blunted. Perhaps ye might talk 'em into accepted sheathed and tied or peace-bonded weapons too. Black powder weapons be allowed as long as they've been modified notÊto fire live rounds. If ye be interested in participatin' in fight sequences, ye need t' be contactin' them about rehearsal schedules. They understand they're up against VARF and the Blackbeard festival in Hampton when it comes to recruitin' pyrates from the waters of the Chesapeake. Ye not have to be committin' to the entire run of the faire. Sounds like one weekend, or even one day be acceptable to them. Perhaps if enough buccaneers from the DC-Baltimore area be interested, a formal raiding party could be formed. They be contactin' groups from NJ, MD, DE, NY, and CT listed on No Quarter Given. And that's all I bloody well know! Anyone interested?
  20. Now we KNOW there'll be singin'!
  21. Thanks for the offer to entertain Capt. If things go well we will be signing shanties and pub songs ourselves. But we would love have you join in the shinanagains anyway. Damn well better be singin', beginnin' the moment I get me first beer!
  22. I received an email from someone with the NJ faire seeking local crews in the region to come up to the faire, get in free, and be part of the background pyrate crowd. Even offered to put folks into battle sequences if they could come up for rehearsals. Anyone else the DC/Baltimore area hear from them? My guess is that they were contacting crews listed on NQG.
  23. That particular Black Pearl is a modern-day racing yacht in the Volvo Ocean Race (www.volvooceanrace.org). Click on "Teams," then "Pirates of the Caribbean." In the U.S., the race stops in at Baltimore the last weekend in April, in Annapolis the first weekend in May, and in NYC in mid-May.
  24. Ahoy, where in Hades will ye swabs be meetin' at the Inner Harber to catch the infernal water taxi to Fells Pint? In front of the Science Center, or the Aquarium, or the Constellation? And what bloody time ye castin' off? I'd much rather sail over with a group o' buccaneers than be the only infernal fool dressed like a pyrate aboard the water taxi. Be a different matter if I could carry a blade or a pistol...the first son of a Dutchman what looked at me with anything less than fear and respect, I'd just threaten to show 'em the color o' their insides. But since the establishments at Fells Pint be takin' a dim view of weapons...
  25. Aye, soon as we hear back from a couple o' local crews and can get a handle on how many might be willin' t' join with us, I'll make a couple of calls and then get details to folks. Right now we seem to be talkin' 'bout Saturday July 8 in the daylight hours. I have suggested Arundel Mills and the Muvico Egyptian theater because of its central location betwixt Washington and Bawlmer, and its size might help draw some media attention. But I'm not wedded to that location. If there were some arrangements with whatever theater we end up at, I imagine we'd need to plan on appearing there a good part of the day, either side of when we see the movie itself. I was hoping for a couple dozen firm commitments. A dozen folks or so seem to expressed interest here. The Juryrig is probably the largest local crew, so hopefully enough of those folks and possibly some other will jump in.
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