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Gute Morgan

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Everything posted by Gute Morgan

  1. What, ya were clapped in irons fer 12 years? Ya couldn't send out some hails from Fairfax? Ye shoulda had the bullocks (figeratively speakin' of course) t' start a bloody pyrate crew. Timin' be everything in life, luv. But now it looks like ye be located in a true pyrate paradise. Send out some hails 'n' get one started down yer way. 'ere's t' ye! Hope ye packed a supply of Pyrates Royale CDs t' take with ye and remind ye of the Northern VA "hell hole." (Shoulda moved out to MD!)
  2. Where ye be located matey? And who be yer crew? We be havin' an organizational, get t' know everyone meetin' at me home on Saturday 9/18 in Glen Burnie, around 2:00. Grillin' out, weather permittin'. Probably run till 7:00 or 8:00 (one gal be workin' MDRF till 7:00, 'n' she wants to pop over afterwards). If ye be able t' make it, yer welcome. Shoot me an email with yer own email address so I can put ye on me email list fer updates. Any o' yer crew who might be interested should contact me as well. Beyond that, most o' us be meetin' up the very next weekend (Saturday 9/25) for Pyrate Weekend at MDRF. Anyone who can carry a tune or play some sort o' period instrument ('n' we be definin' period loosely), we'd like to talk to 'em.
  3. Mad Cheryl (aka Mad Meg), Crispy Willie, and their wee bairn, Skylarking Catfish; SeaLegs Constance 'n' her brood; Black Bart; 'n' meself 'll be there on Saturday 25 September. Hopin' t' ye there!
  4. As for Saturday, aside from about 30 minutes of good hard rain, it was a fine day. The rain be no problem, though, as we hid out in that leaky bucket they call the pirate ship and drooled over all the lovely, lovely toys. They had a rain sale--10% off while it was pouring--'n' I got me a right nice baldric and cutlass. The rain in the morning kept the crowds down--nice for listenin' t' the Corsairs and others. Jack, we be seein' ye at my place on 18 September, I trust? And the weekend after, looks like we'll be headin' out t' Crownsville for their Pyrate Invasion!
  5. Well we'll likely be missin' ye. Our crew's voted t' go Saturday 'n' brave the foul weather.
  6. What? A pirate discouraged by rain? When yer not at sea, yer towin' wee ones, 'n' one o' yer crew can't 'old an umbrella 'cause 'e be usin' a wheelchair, ye tends to 'ave a might diff'rent outlook on precipitation.
  7. Aye, ye lad look'n too happy to be stray'n! Iffen he does, putt'n the lad in stocks so's his ars be show'n for the boot is a might finer idea before ye be doin' more. Personally, I think the earring fer a hook t' drag 'im away with sound right effective. Reminds me o' a young lad I saw at the mall, with an earring and a nose ring and a chain runnin' twixt the two. Now this be a lad what wants t' be avoidin' fightin'. Twer it meself facin' 'im down, I'd not throw a punch--I just be grabbin' the chain and yankin' hard!
  8. Hellfire and damnation! Saturday's lookin' t' be stormin' all day like a turn 'round Cape Horn. Mad Meg, Sealegs, what be the plan now?
  9. Thank ye no, I not be callin' any man nor woman "Love Bunny" while amongst a horde o' pyrates. 'owever, luv, if I catches 'im with a wench or two, proud I'd be to make me shoulder (or anything else) available fer ye. Sauce fer the goose, sauce fer the gander, eh?
  10. Constance, be ye talkin' 'bout PA or MD now? I thought poor Crispy Willie couldna get around so well out at Crownsville owin' t' the rough terrain and his wheelchair.
  11. Aye, a whole crew of Klingons, eh. Anything involving ale, wine or rum plans to be a good outing. What is the event? Ye planning on goin' to MDRF when the pirates invade to have some fun? Just an end o' summer grillin' among those of us who have done Klingon costumin'. If ye've been t' Shore Leave up at Hunt Valley, ye've likely seen us. Hopin' t' make MDRF pirate weekend. Likely that Saturday if I do.
  12. Me be attending an all nighter on the 4th and wont be going home until the wee hours of the 5th, so not that weekend. Be meet'n on Opening Day with me mateys? Have another engagement that weekend. Does involve beer, though, and people who dress up as Klingons when they're not pirates, so it still promises to be an interesting diversion. Labor Day weekend, me ex be takin' me boys t' Ocean City, so I get t' go out 'n' play.
  13. I think the son of a dutchman said he be at pirate weekend at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire this weekend. If he be with some wench, I'll hold 'im whilst you gut 'im. Then we'll talk abou' how t' be mendin' that broken 'eart o' yers.
  14. Anyone plannin' on bein' there Saturday or Sunday o' Labor Day Weekend? (That be 4-5 September)
  15. That'd prob'ly be one 'o th' more "normal" things they be seein' at Denny's. Ye really wanna be makin' their eyeballs widen, ye goes in at 2:00 a.m. with a dozen mates dressed as Klingons. That me mates 'n' meself have done. The scary part was the manager spoke fluent Klingon. But I think we made a few folks swear off intoxicatin' beverages.
  16. Arrrgh, that be IHOP matey! But it be an interestin' pyrate name...Root 'n' Tooty Fresh 'n' Fruity!
  17. Belay fore 'n' aft! We be havin' a thread fer openin' bloody weekend 'n' fer Pirate Invasion weekend, but not fer all the other fine weekends o' MDRF. So here we be. Want to meet up fer other weekends? This here be the spot, mates, 'n' ye can lay t' that! :) We're firin' all guns, 'n' no landlubbin' son of a dutchman be tellin' us otherwise. Now put yer posts 'ere or I'll show ye the color o' yer insides!
  18. I was gonna start one for MDRF in general... Great minds think alike. Or is that feeble minds?
  19. Well ye lubbers be lettin' me know which day fer certain durin' Labor Day weekend (Saturday or Sunday, but not Monday) and what time 'n' I be willin' t' meet ye at the bloody White Hart. We'll share a beer (or 12), swap pyratin' stories, and (if ye be a wench) maybe swap more 'n that! I be havin' the weekend t' meself, but I not be wantin' to come down to Crownsville all alone without no pyratical friends t' be drinkin' with. (sniff, sniff) Nuthin' sadder than a lonesome pyrate drinkin' beer in a pub. And ye better be in pirate clothes! A couple o' us might be able t' come out MD's pirate weekend too. More on that later...
  20. Yer crew gonna be there Labor Day weekend? How 'bout MD's pyrate weekend?
  21. I know on Sunday it is: Crimson Corsair MoonShadow Madam Macaw Pyrate Phil Blender Wench (myself) I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I know for 100% sure. I think the Jury Rig crew, led by Duncan McGuyver will be there both Saturday and Sunday, but not 100% sure. May want to PM him Bloody hell. We're gonna miss ye lubbers all the way 'round. We'll only be there on Saturday. Can't make MD on their openin' weekend either.
  22. So let me get this straight, luv. Did I understand ye t' be sayin' ye'd be givin' out kisses if'n a pyrate buys ye a beer? What'll I get fer two beers?
  23. Here be the 2nd, as promised... Port of Havana (to the tune of Copacobana) © David Keefer His name's Rodrigo He fished the islands He owned a modest fishing ship With a crew of ten-and-six. He fished for snapper And bass and tuna. And all the restaurants and inns, Liked to buy their fish from him. Because his price was fair, Which in this town was rare. He was popular, he was happy, And without a care. At the port of Port of Havana; Where buccaneer gold buys bananas. At the port of Port of Havana; Cutthroats and sailors Drink rum with the whalers In Havana, C-u-b-a. They called him "Muerte:" "The Dark Marauder." He flew a flag with skull and bones From his ship, the Rolling Stone. He plundered merchants And Spanish galleons. Though not as famous as the rest He always thought himself the best. But ships were scarce of late; His hold was low on freight, And when he spotted a fishing vessel, Felt he could not wait. Near the port of Port of Havana; Where you may not live through manyana. Near the port of Of old Havana; Ships who turned chicken Were ripe for the pickin' Near Havana, C-u-b-a. (INTERLUDE MUSICALE! VIVA!) They say that Muerte Attacked Rodrigo While the sun was riding high In the Carribean sky. But he was ready, Was old Rodrigo. The pirates, as they came aboard, Met with nets instead of swords. So Muerte cussed and railed 'Cause the attack had failed, And the crew and the Dark Marauder Would be hung or jailed! Near the port of Port of Havana, Where fishermen ain't Pollyannas. Yeah, the port of Port of Havana. Neptune's domain Can be boon or be bane Near Havana, C-u-b-a.
  24. I've got 2, but I can't take credit for 'em. They be done by a local filkin' group in the Baltimore area called the Boogie Knights. Here be the first one...I'll post the second directly. The Buccaneer Rap © David Keefer Sixteen men on a dead man’s chest Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! You’re a peasant boy, you sit and mope You own no land, so you’ve got no hope Indentured servant, or maybe a slave A life of adventure is what you crave. You know the taxes are coming due And if you can’t pay ’em, that’s the end of you. So escape the chains and the auctioneer, Run away to the sea and be a buccaneer I said, Yo! Yo-ho! You’re a gentleman and your life is fine With a powdered wig and a cute behind All of the ladies dig your style Then one of ’em says she bears your child. Now her Daddy’s rich and yours is too And they both think marriage is best for you But if it’s your freedom that you revere Run away to the sea and be a buccaneer. I said, Yo! Yo-ho! You work in the smithy to earn your pay And you go for a drink at the end of the day Then in come soldiers, guys with swords Drunk as skunks and off their gourds. They pick a fight with you and your friends And three of ’em’s dead before it all ends It was self-defense, that should be clear Run away to the sea and be a buccaneer. I said, Yo! Yo-ho! You feel the people are treated unfair So you speak your mind in the public square You tell the crowd that the best solution Is to take up arms for a revolution. They storm the castle to no avail Then turn on you when the coup has failed You can try it again in a couple of years Run away to the sea and be a buccaneer. I said, Yo! Yo-ho! You’ve seen the king with a number of wenches In beds, on floors, and even park benches And as his guard, your only job Is to see no one disturbs the slob One day you’re sick and the Queen discovers Her roving king and his latest lover For failing to guard his majesty’s rear Run away to the sea and be a buccaneer. I said, Yo! Yo-ho! You chart the heavens and read the stars Observing the sky, the moon, and Mars You write a paper on what you’ve found The sun is the center and the earth goes ’round The church doesn’t care for your rhetoric And they have you arrested as a heretic To be judged by a jury of your peers Run away to the sea and be a buccaneer. I said, Yo! Yo-ho! Yo ho ho, and a bottle of— Rum!
  25. Band o' Pyrates Acts of Pyracy Pyrates of the [insert name of body of water nearest your location here] The Crying Dutchmen Mickey Dolenz Locker Billy's Bones Blind Pew The Admiral's Bimbos (all wench band) Or, just to throw everyone off...Lemon Souffle
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