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Gute Morgan

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Everything posted by Gute Morgan

  1. There be a Ramada Inn fer 'bout $70/night. I haven't found anything less expensive.
  2. Pyrates Royale be performin' both days.
  3. http://www.friendsoffortfrederick.org/marketfair.htm Highly recommended for anyone in the area interested in obtaining authentic 18th Century items (clothing, weapons, equipment, supplies, etc) at good prices.
  4. http://www.mdmaritimefestival.org Anyone goin'?
  5. I vote for pyratical wear! I can't do April 23 (Market Fair at Ft. Frederick) or 30 (Maryland Maritime Heritage Festival in Annapolis). Otherwise, I'm free.
  6. I never heard back from anyone on this, so at this point I'm planning instead on attending the one in Annapolis at the Drummer's Lot next Thursday. I'm up for another run at Fell's Point in another month? I believe that be 11/10 for next month.
  7. I received the parade application today. Deadline to apply is October 22. Need to know if enough pyrates are available to march.
  8. I'll go either way, whichever location/date works for the most interested parties.
  9. Given there be so many Juryrig pyrates in Maryland, would any of ye be interested in paradin' out in Pasadena in early November? It be the Pasadena Business Association's Caring and Sharing Harvest Parade. Usually the first Sunday in November. It's a 2-mile parade route. A number of us who have also been Klingons have done this parade in the past. Might be fun to recruit a band of pyrates instead to march and carry Jolly Rogers. Marchers are asked to collect nonperishable food stuffs for local food banks. If there be sufficient interest, I be willin' to contact PBA and obtain their parade entry form for ye. I'd march with ye as well if ye'd be havin' it. I'd like to find some local pyrates to do this, and I figured you'd be just the buccaneers for the job.
  10. I am definitely up for this. Also in Annapolis at the Drummers Lot (basement of the Maryland Inn) on the third Thursday of every month. (Also the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Royal Mile in Wheaton, but that's a bit of a haul, even though it's a great establishment and I have attended that shanty sing before.) They are all done by Ship's Company Chanteymen. A buddy of mine and I are headed to the October sing in Annapolis. Let's organize this thing. Blenderwench, you want to run it up the mast with the Juryrig crew?
  11. Mad Woman Cheryl IS SeaLegs Constance's pirate sis
  12. I heard most buccaneers be sailin' t' yer anch'rage 'n' then retirin' t' the encampment. Meself, I be plannin' on droppin' by yer abode, 'n' ye can lay to that. Need latitude 'n' longitude 'n' a course.
  13. Well hell. Morgan can't get there till noon. Be we regatherin' at some location later in the day?
  14. Okay, now I sees the plans fer the encampment at KOA. Some o' us pyrates live nearby. If there's gonna be any post-faire celebratin', we'd be proud t' brings a cask o' rum (or beer) and join in bein' obnoxious and loud.
  15. 'ello mateys. Just sos I don't 'ave t' go readin' thru 8 bloody pages to this 'ere thread again, someone be a friendly pyrate and run down the plan fer this 'ere slow-witted buccaneer. Be we meetin' at th' White 'art at 1:45 or somethin' like that? And what be the plan fer the encampment afterwards, sez I.
  16. 'e don't know where th' White 'art is? Just listen fer all the bloomin' singin' pyrates, mate! Sooner 'r later, they all comes t' th' White 'art t' 'ear the bleedin' Pyrates Royale!
  17. Not a chance, luv. Unless Constance brings 'er feathers.
  18. That's right! Everyone knows the tunes to all these songs already. And we just work out the harmonies as we go.
  19. But sword fights in the parking lot would kill off the obnoxious drunks. And besides, I'd pay a month's wages t' see that!
  20. I got me a question (actually two) about MDRF no weapons policy. Now I'm figerin' some drunken sod brandished a weapon in the early days out at Revel Grove, and this be cause for MDRF's consternation. But since the same problem be a potential for PARF, I'm wonderin' if anyone knows how PA has handled it and what the background conversations might've been within the MD camp. More'n this, 'owever, I be a might curious 'bout somethin' I noticed last year at pirate invasion weekend, when a number of pyrates who clearly were not employed by MDRF were walkin' 'round with weapons (all suitably holstered and sheated, mind ye). So is the no weapons policy just a wink-n-a-nod thing? Does ye pay off the wenches working the gates? Did these pyrates sneak in under the bleedin' wall? I not be tryin' to incite a bloody insurrection, mind ye... Well, on second thought... No, seriously, I'm just bloody curious, and that be the lay of it.
  21. I'll tell ye why a lime green sash. 'Cause we all be talkin' like friggin' limeys! I ain't a wearin' a lime green sash. It'll clash with me red sash around me waist and me red coat! Let's just set a time t' meet at the White Hart. There be 7 pages to this thread, an' I ain't a readin' every one to see if such a time already be set. If there be, let me know. If not, say high noon?
  22. first of all...you'd have to put me in an iron cage to live in md! (sorry cheryl and flint! *wink) second....i can't tell you how many times i put out post for meetups! i have witnesses too!!!! even flint threw a cookout.....where were you, luv??? as fer missin dc...i just spoke with slash from "hack and slash" and they will be at the central florida pirate festival...i'll get my fill of va then : ) Well it looks like we just weren't on the same pyratical frequencies at the same time. We just recently decided to pull something together. P'raps we'll sail south one day. In the meantime, have a rum drink fer me!
  23. Sorry, luv, it'll 'ave t' be Saturday of Pyrate Invasion Weekend. Already got somethin' planned this weekend.
  24. QueenRogue, we'll be out there on Sat 9/25. Hope to hook up with ye then, if'n not before. Hmm. Pirate party at KOA afterwards. Sounds promisin'. Mad Cheryl & Sealegs, I'll be there around noon. Unavoidable mornin' conflict. We'll all have to establish a meetin' place.
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