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Gute Morgan

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Everything posted by Gute Morgan

  1. But are you willing to do the behind the scenes work ahead of time to get info on doing this? Sounds like a great idea. If you need help, or if anyone needs help planning something i can be reached via email at captain@pollydodger.com Aye, I be willin' to hail the proper authorities, but first I be needin' t' know how many bloody pyrates we be expectin'. I don't want t' be callin' theaters 'n' radio stations 'n' then find out only 3 people in tricorn hats are gonna show up. I've attended two similar events in the past, one for the opening of the first POTC movie, one with a bunch of Klingons and Starfleet officers for the opening of a Star Trek movie. Many movie theaters are willing to do this sort of thing, and some will contact the TV and radio stations themselves. Even if the theater isn't willing to work with us, what the hell? We'll all show up in attire, look good, see the movie, go to a pub after, and have a bloody damn good time doin' it!
  2. Aye, raids up 'n' down the Atlantic states! That be proper pyracy!
  3. I be open to any theater agreed upon by vote of the crews interested in gatherin' fer a raid. All proper, pyratical, and democratic-like. I suggested Muvico at Arundel Mills more because it was central to DC and Baltimore and because of its size would be more high profile. Crews 'n' captains what be readin' these posts, in addition to knowin' yer preferred meetin' place, we'll be needin' some counts of how many buccaneers might be attendin' so we can give the theater a heads up and inquire whether any special arrangements be in order.
  4. Cheryl, luv, ye do remember that be Shore Leave weekend, yes? Won't you 'n' Crispy Dick be in Hunt Valley, or are ye mutinying this year?
  5. Like a good pyrate, I've had several ships. I remember me first ship, a lovely vessel she was. The Breaking Wind. And her consort ship, the Flatulant. The world's first gas powered ships, they were. But they were noisy and smelled bad, and to get 'em to go, ye had to pull the captain's finger. Me next ship had problems. The Constipation. Couldn't go. And the ship after that was the Incontinent, and it had the opposite problem...it couldn't control where it was going. From there, I had a long stream of mighty vessels: The Royal Pain The Flying Fig The Crying Dutchman The Raging Queen The Insipid The Angry Boil I'd throw in the Running Sore, but the Pyrates Royale already used that one.
  6. Aye, Crimson Corsair, ye be me kind o' pyrate. Great minds think alike!
  7. Very well, here be me own personal suggestion. Each local captain take the matter before his or her crew fer a vote. Decide whether yer crew be willin' to meet up at Muvico here in Maryland on that Saturday, or there be a different theater we should collectively plunder. If we can get a large enough band together at a single theater, I'll contact the theater management. I can't be promisin', mind ye, but many a theater might be willin' to welcome a band o' cutthroats and buccaneers if we be willin' to hang out part o' the day. If nothin' else, we'll have us a grand time at the movie and go down some tankards of grog at a local pub after.
  8. Aye, well it seems there be interest but no bloody plan! If left to me, I vote for Saturday at Muvico Egyptian. If there be interest, and a large number of pyrates willin' to raid the place, perhaps a hail to the theater might be in order.
  9. After many months at sea, Gute has returned and be wonderin' whether any of the pyrates what sail the waters of the Chesapeake in the Baltimore-Annapolis-DC corridor be plannin' on gatherin' fer openin' weekend of POTC 2. P'rahps in pyratical garb at the Muvico Eqyptian or another high profile location.
  10. Aye, if ye gain access t' th' bloody equipment again, I'd be very interested in a belayin' pin meself. Let me know when and how much so I can dig up me booty and retrieve a doubloon or two.
  11. Ahoy! This pyrate be lookin' fer a couple o' belayin' pins t' complete his costume. (Wench to Cap'n Morgan: Is that a belayin' pin in yer belt, or be ye just glad to see me?) Aye, in any event, any o' you swabs know where a humble pyrate could find 'em in the colonies? I've found websites in the UK 'n' Down Under. Not too many closer t' home. Sure would like t' find 'em near me home port o' Baltimore.
  12. I seriously doubt THAT would be a problem! Hmm. Campin', singin', drinkin', 'n' wenchin' all has a strange appeal.
  13. Count ol' Cap'n Morgan in. Hope the Pyrates Royale be makin' the trip that weekend. Or the Corsairs.
  14. My schedule is open, Gute go ahead and pick us a day shipmate. Saturday of Memorial Day weekend (May 27) is lookin' t' be our date. You sailin' in?
  15. I never seem to get a break when it comes to meetin' up with the Juryrig. My youngest has a birthday party June 11.
  16. If ye can stay fer free with friends or relations in the area, or ye can find ye cheaper lodgin's four knots inland, 'n' ye have some knowledge o' navigatin' the area (or at least can read an infernal chart), bunk where ye can do so 'n' saves yer booty...that be Morgan's wisdom on the matter. :)
  17. Will discuss with others this weekend at Ft. Frederick Market Fair and try to come up with a date. Juryrig's invasion weekend of 6/11 is possible. More info next week.
  18. Does indeed 'peer t' be an invited option. I have seen some pictures on their website of some reenactors in period attire. Me boys 'n' meself, Mad Meg, Crispy Dick, SeaLegs Contance, and their combined broods be in proper nautical attire. The more the merrier, says I!
  19. Well, when're ye goin'? P'rhaps we could all pick a weekend 'n' meet up.
  20. Some dress up. Some wear street clothes.
  21. What be wrong with any o' the old ones? Ye can certainly buy one at Ft. Frederick!
  22. Be in maritime garb's alls I gots t' say on this score. I've got me a new pair o' slops and a checkered sailor's work shirt from the Jas. Townsend & Son website, and I intend to pick up some shoes at Ft. Frederick Market Fair or wear me rope sandals. I intends t' dress fer the occasion, damn yer eyes! Don't want t' see no landlubbin' street clothes on no damnable pyrates! Ye wears street clothes, ye goes 'n' drinks sody pop at the karaoke bar!
  23. Aye, and tis a good thing too or I'd hafta keelhaul the lot o' ye. I wasn't sure if you all would be able to do two weekends in a row (Ft. Frederick Market Fair AND the Maritime Heritage Festival). We should be in garb for both. Arrgh!
  24. Aye, if it not be rainin', p'rhaps we'll run into ye. I'll be wearin' pyrate garb.
  25. http://www.varf.org Anyone going? Anyone been in the past? This appears to be a small one (admission is only $5.00), but having never been before, I'm not sure how small or how worth the trip it actually is. First four weekends are at Lake Anna Winery. Final weekend is in Salem, VA.
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